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Everything is worse than you think

Dear Reader,

Ever heard the term “putting lipstick on a pig”?

It’s exactly what most investors and analysts are doing today with the U.S. economy – and it’s going to end very badly.

While the optimists are salivating over the possible effects of possible interest rate cuts… and talking of a “new bull market”… this is the reality:

  • The housing market is way worse than you think. Adjusted for population, total home sales stand at the lowest level since 1981.
  • Big corporate bankruptcies more than doubled last year, even without a recession.

It’s the biggest story – by far – that no one’s talking about and it’s about to get much worse.

Companies you know WILL go bankrupt this year. Many more will see their profits wiped out by interest costs – and the stocks will tank.

(Luckily, there’s ONE strategy that stands to benefit– big time – and it doesn’t involve shorting… options… or anything difficult or confusing. It’s my No. 1 recommendation, by far, for the next few years.)

  • A rigorous analysis from Advisor Perspectives concluded thatstocks are overvalued by between 80% and 140% across the entire S&P 500 – and our own research completely agrees.

In other words: The dangerous fallout of the Fed’s insane series of rate hikes is only just starting to hit the economy today.

And it’s a lagging effect – meaning that even if the Fed drastically cut rates TODAY, it wouldn’t stop this.

Stocks could easily fall by 50% within the next two years.

Just like in 2008, it will happen slowly at first… and then all at once.

Everyone will say “no one could have seen it coming.”

But that simply isn’t true.

That’s why I’m issuing the most important warning of my lifetime today:

Don’t drink the Kool-Aid about a new bull market. Don’t put lipstick on a pig. And be very, very careful with stocks over the next two years.

Most are headed south.

And there’s a MUCH better place for your investing money today.

One that few people know about, with all kinds of ludicrous advantages compared to stocks – including big-time legal protections.

It’s easily the biggest and most important recommendation I’ve ever made to the public in my career.

And I’ve waited upwards of 20 years for this exact moment to share it in full.

That’s why I’ve authorized a rare and exceptional re-release of the full details – including a one-time invitation I think EVERY reader needs to see.


Joel Litman
Chief Investment Strategist, Altimetry

P.S. Over the long term, there are much better days coming for the U.S. economy.

In a couple years, I expect we’ll see the buying opportunity of a lifetime in stocks.

When it comes, we’ll be ready.

But it’s not today.

Things are going to get worse – much worse – before they get better.

This is the strategy you need for the chance to collect steady income and capital gains through the coming storm – with very little worry.

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