Peter A. Hovis

iPhone survives 16,000 foot fall in better shape than the plane

Remember the Alaska Airlines flight 1282 that made headlines recently? That’s the one where, in a rather dramatic twist, a door plug blew off mid-flight, resulting in an explosive decompression event.

Thankfully, no one was hurt, but the incident sure raised some eyebrows. Well, amidst this high-altitude drama, two iPhones decided to take an unplanned exit, embarking on a 16,000-foot free fall to the ground below — and lived to tell the tale.

You can’t buy marketing this good.

Apple might as well be smiling from ear to ear, as their iPhones turn into the stuff of legends, surviving conditions that would have spelled doom for lesser gadgets. This is the sort of real-life durability test that tech executives can only dream of.

Now, Apple is known for putting its iPhones through the wringer with all sorts of tests. But we’re willing to bet that even their rigorous standards didn’t include a 16,000-foot freefall scenario. This impromptu skydive, without a parachute, is a testament not just to sheer luck, but also to the robust engineering that goes into these devices.

It’s as if Apple’s testing labs decided to take their ‘drop test’ to an extreme, real-world trial.

While the flight’s mishap was concerning, the iPhones’ fearless plunge has stolen at least part of the spotlight. One, found by a game developer along the side of the road, was still in airplane mode, half-charged, and clinging to a torn charging cable — but still completely functional!

Talk about a rough landing!

So, while Alaska Airlines and Boeing are probably more concerned about the missing door plug (which they did find later, by the way), these iPhones were busy proving their mettle. Dropping from the sky and landing without a scratch? That’s some serious resilience.

In the grand scheme of things, this story is more than just a testament to durable tech. It’s a reminder that sometimes, the most rigorous tests come from the most unexpected scenarios.

And for those of us holding onto our iPhones, it’s a reassurance that these devices are tougher than we might think. After all, if they can survive a skydive without a parachute, what’s a drop from the coffee table?
It’s just another reason why I’m so bullish on Apple that I recently invested six figures of my own, personal cash. See more about my recent trade here.

— Graham Lindman

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