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This is according to The Journal of Physical Science.
So, when we sit or stand, it’s good to keep our head and neck in a good position.
But sometimes, especially when we use a phone or tablet, we might lean our head forward. That’s called “forward head posture.”
It changes the shape of our lungs that can make breathing a bit tricky and even make our neck or back feel tired. Surprisingly, more than 60% of people get told they have forward head posture by the time they’re 35!
If you ever feel tight muscles, sore spots (especially around your upper shoulder, between your shoulder blades, and your neck), a stiff neck, or headaches from your neck, you may have forward head posture.
But no worries…
Here’s a gentle solution that can help…
In just 15 minutes each day, you can bring your body back into alignment, breathe better, and have pain-free neck and back.
>>>Start your better head posture with this easy and gentle routine now!
Best Wishes,
Mike & Rick of SFND