The groundbreaking 1952 television documentary “Victory at Sea” is not just the greatest made on WWII, it is one of the greatest documentaries EVER.
The 26-part series culled from over 60 million feet of film footage shot by the U.S., British, German and Japanese navies during World War II.
It was and still is unprecedented to feature footage from all different counterparts.
This is THE version to own. Don’t be fooled with lower price, lower quality versions. This is the best version available.
All original 26 Episodes Digitally Restored and Re-mastered on two (2) DVDs, plus RARE footage from: * Iwo Jima * Okinawa * Guadalcanal * Mediterranean
Plus you get a bonus third DVD with 6 Programs:
America’s Wars, Revolutionary War, The Civil War, World War I, WWII: The True Glory, The Korean War: The First Forty Days in Korea, The Vietnam War: Vietnam! Vietnam!