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This Year with Congressman Gosar

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This Year with Gosar

December 31, 2023

2023: the Year in Review

Happy New Year! It’s Been a Heck of a Year!  Closing Time…

This is my last newsletter of 2023. I share below some highlights, and a couple lowlights, from the year.  

In summary, my legislation ending the COVID-19 national emergency was clearly the highlight of the year and was the single most important legislation that became law in 2023.  Our border remains open with record levels of illegal aliens invading our country.  By the time you are reading this more than 10 million illegal aliens will have crossed into the United States in just three years.  The weaponization of the federal government, in particular by the Department of Justice and the FBI, continued targeting political foes, highlighted by the never-ending persecution of Donald Trump. 

Crime remains rampant and is destroying our cities.  The flow of fentanyl into our country continues to destroy families, thanks to Biden’s open border policies.  Bidenflation continued to outpace real wages, gasoline prices remain high, and multiple interest rate increases killed the housing market in many parts of the country.  The war in Ukraine wages on as Congress and Joe Biden continued dumping billions of dollars propping up the proxy war.  Mounting evidence proves that Joe Biden was directly involved in his family’s corruption scheme even while Hunter Biden ignored a legally issued subpoena.  Israel was attacked while antisemitic universities and democrat members of Congress supported terrorists. 

The new year kicked off the 118th session of Congress and it was historic.  For the first time since the Civil War, it took 15 ballots to elect the next Speaker of the United States House of Representatives.  The battle for the Speakership was not limited to who would be Speaker, rather, it was about the rules that govern Congress.  For the last century, these rules have been written in a manner that eliminates most members of Congress from having any meaningful input in the process.  Only the Speaker could decide what bills would be voted on, or who could propose a bill or amendment, or if whether there would be any debate.   It turned Congress into a charade and there was a revolt.  I, along with 19 colleagues were tired of the status quo. 

We were tired of being given 4,000 plus page spending bills and then told we needed to vote for it with only mere hours before the vote lest something bad occur.  So, after securing key promises making historic changes allowing more participation, an agreement to complete all 12 budgets before August, more transparency and a better process, we agreed to elect Kevin McCarthy as our Speaker.  One promise in this agreement included the nuclear option:  a motion to vacate the chair made in order with just one member. As you will see below, this option was exercised in an historic first.

Notably, the Republicans started off 2023 with a slim four-vote majority. We are soon to be a two-vote majority in 2024 after expelling George Santos.

Despite efforts by House democrats to silence me, I returned to the House Natural Resources Committee and the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability.  On a related note, I was named Chairman of Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations.  Arizona’s Ninth Congressional District is rich in natural resources, and I spent much of 2023 undertaking the important work of the Natural Resources Committee relating to American energy production, mineral lands and mining, fisheries and wildlife, public lands, western drought, wildfires, water, desalination, irrigation and reclamation.  Much of my work on the House Oversight and Accountability Committee involved restoring government accountability that included investigating Joe Biden’s involvement with the ongoing corruption and influence peddling relating to members of the Biden family. 

In an historic first, I held the first Natural Resources oversight hearing on mining in space.  While that may sound like science fiction, I assure you it is not. The Chinese are way ahead of us in getting ready to explore the moon for minerals.

Following the election of Speaker McCarthy, Congress quickly went to work and voted to rescind Biden’s 87,000 IRS troops.  The newly sworn in Republican majority reversed the failed policies enacted by Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi and the woke democrats beginning with passing legislation rescinding Joe Biden’s plan to unleash a legion of 87,000 new IRS agents to harass, insult, threaten and audit families and small businesses.  We don’t need more IRS agents pestering our citizens, instead we need 87,000 more Border Patrol Agents fighting the invasion along our southern border.  Unfortunately, the democrats in the Senate blocked this legislation and the IRS is preparing to harass law abiding citizens with renewed vigor.

In the beginning of the year, I introduced a resolution to terminate Joe Biden’s COVID-19 national emergency powers.  On March 13, 2020, President Trump rightfully declared a national emergency concerning COVID-19. Emergency powers were created to give the executive branch flexibility to respond to a range of crises facing the United States. Under the COVID-19 national emergency declaration, more than 120 emergency statutory powers continue to be available to Mr. Biden, including the power to draft Americans without consent, raising Dr. Fauci’s salary, barricading the United States Capital, and placing the Public Health Service under military control.  Biden even abused the national emergency powers to “justify” his bogus student loan forgiveness scheme claiming the pandemic created a hardship making it difficult to repay college loans.  Congress is required by law to review termination of national emergencies every six months but failed to vote on terminating the COVID national emergency declaration.  Despite admitting the pandemic was over, Joe Biden extended the COVID-19 national emergency through February 2023, forcing Americans to live under extreme measures that deprive us of our freedoms. 

I said enough was enough.  There was no ongoing COVID-19 emergency to justify the continuation of the national emergency declaration.  The House would go on to pass my plan to end Covid National Emergency in bipartisan fashion.  Soon thereafter, my bill was taken up in the Senate where it also passed with overwhelming and bi-partisan support.  Joe Biden would sign into law my legislation that terminates the COVID-19 national emergency declaration thus ending the extreme executive branch powers that were unnecessary and abused by the Biden administration.  America’s national nightmare was finally over!

Speaking of COVID-19, I also cosponsored H.R. 1011, the Audit and Return it Act.  This legislation requires the Director of the Office of Management and Budget to conduct an audit of any unobligated coronavirus-related funding and to rescind any unobligated amounts for the sole purpose of reducing the deficit.  Billions of taxpayer dollars remain unspent.  This money needs to be returned to the Treasury and used to drive down the deficit, which now exceeds $33 trillion dollars.

This year,  I cosponsored H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act,legislation repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO). Nearly 1.4 million Arizonans receive Social Security benefits, including over 106,000 individuals in my district.   

Sadly, many of my constituents, including fire fighters, police officers and teachers, have seen their benefits cut because of four-decade old federal laws eating into their Social Security entitlements they paid into. This legislation would finally repeal WEP and the GPO which have unfairly penalized thousands of Arizonans who worked tirelessly their entire lives.

In the spring, I joined House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and several colleagues at a field hearing on the border crisis in my district of Yuma.  We also visited the Yuma Regional Medical Center which has spent more than $26 million in uncompensated health care to illegal immigrants, nearly bankrupting the hospital.  My colleagues and I heard from several local witnesses describing the devastating impact the invasion is having on our besieged community.  Although all democrats from the Judiciary Committee were invited to attend this important hearing, it was unfortunate that not even one participated, confirming yearlong that securing our southern border was never a priority for democrats. 

With no end in sight to the fentanyl crisis, I reintroduced H.R. 1212, the Death Penalty for Dealing Fentanyl Act, legislation that would punish a defendant with the death penalty or life in prison if convicted of selling or distributing fentanyl that resulted in death.  According to the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, 196 Americans are dying each day from fentanyl, and more than 2,000 pounds of the deadly drug pour across our open southern border every month. Meanwhile, another year passed and Joe Biden did nothing to close the border or penalize the drug cartels and others known to be trafficking deadly drugs.  We must get tough on those criminals that are contributing to this drug crisis.  My legislation would punish anyone who knowingly traffics fentanyl with the death penalty or life in prison.

I also joined my Republican colleagues in Congress and passed the HALT Fentanyl Act.  This bill will authorize the Drug Enforcement Administration to permanently classify fentanyl-related substances as a Schedule I narcotic, which provides law enforcement agencies the authority they need to help put an end to the drug trafficking that has turned every American city into a border city. Joe Biden has done absolutely nothing to close the border or penalize the drug cartels and others known to be trafficking deadly drugs. From the border, inflation, crime, and the debt ceiling, Mr. Biden and democrats in Congress have failed to do their jobs. While they blunder our nation into crisis after crisis, House Republicans are determined got tough on those criminals that are contributing to this drug crisis.

Earlier in the year, I opened my new district office in Goodyear and hosted an open house that drew a full crowd!  So many people came out that we decided to host an hour-long impromptu town hall meeting.   As a reminder, if you need help with a federal agency or wish to share your views or concerns about a federal policy, please stop by my district office located at 1300 South Litchfield Road, Suite 115-H in Goodyear!

Do you need help with a federal agency?  If so, you’re not alone.  In 2023, my office helped over 1,100 constituent resolve issues they or their loved ones were experiencing with the federal government.  For example, a veteran needed help obtaining a visa for his wife that had been delayed for more than three years by the Department of State.  After intervening, my talented staff was able to resolve this case for the veteran and his wife was finally able to obtain her green card.  Another veteran suffering from cancer caused by burn pits had been denied compensation from the Veterans Administration for over five years.  With the help of my office, the veteran was awarded the back pay he rightfully deserved.  

These cases highlight just a few of the many examples of how my office was able to assist constituents in 2023. If you need help with a federal agency, please do not hesitate to visit my office in Goodyear or call 623-707-0530. We would be delighted to assist!

In the Spring, I also hosted a water roundtable discussion with experts, local leaders and elected officials in Goodyear on water, desalination and the future of Arizona.  We had a full room of constituents interested in participating in the discussion.  The time has now come to build more water infrastructure.  

We are looking at desalination plants, pumping stations and pipelines to bring new water to Arizona.  We are also looking at small modular nuclear reactors to provide reliable and green energy.  Arizonans can all agree that water should be easily accessible while balancing the importance of conservation and responsible use to protect our most precious resource for ourselves and our future generations.  I firmly believe that together, the government and the private sector can and should work to find the solutions that advance policies that help Arizonans and all Americans to better access our water. 

I had the honor to participate in the Lake Havasu City Memorial Bridge Bricklaying ceremony in the Spring. The ceremony honored those who protect and secure our freedoms including firefighters, First Responders, Navajo Code Talkers, Healthcare heroes, Blue and Gold Star Families and of course our veterans and servicemembers. I’m grateful to everyone who took part by donating a brick on the beautiful bridgewater channel to honor our loved ones. 

House Republicans passed the Parents Bill of Rights Act, legislation giving parents more say and insight about what is being taught to their children in public schools.  Every parent has a right to make decisions for their children. Unfortunately, many public-school districts today have been ignoring the wishes of parents while the powerful, woke Teachers’ Union, working in concert with the Department of Justice, tries to criminalize free speech and put parents in jail.  I believe that parents should be able to know what their children are learning, how their tax dollars are being spent and whether their children are safe in school.

In a clear and brazen political persecution, President Trump was indicted by a George Soros-funded Manhattan Attorney General making it abundantly clear all year long that the Biden regime is most afraid of President Donald J. Trump.  Period. 

But it didn’t stop there.  Later in the year, Joe Biden’s Department of Justice also indicted President Trump.  Throughout the year, we watched the ruling party weaponize our legal system to eliminate its political enemies.  We settled into third-world political status. 

This year, I reintroduced H.R. 1751, the Downwinders Parity Act of 2023, legislation providing partial restitution to victims who now have cancer and other serious medical issues as a result of being exposed to nuclear fallout and radiation during government testing.  Since first being elected to Congress, I have worked tirelessly to fix the error that excluded Downwinders from Mohave and Clark Counties from filing claims with the Department of Justice.  

This year the downwinders compensation bill got close to passing. But Senate democrats removed funding for the U.S. victims of radiation exposure in America in order to send money to Ukrainians for their salaries and pensions. This is the epitome of America Last and it is revolting.  

Also this year, House Republicans passed the Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act,legislation prohibiting biological males from competing in female athletic programs.  Progressives like to celebrate transgender athletes despite the fact that actual biological women no longer have a fair space to compete.  I will be candid: male athletes should not be competing in women’s athletics.  It is completely unfair to the women who have spent years of hard work and determination to be asked to compete with an athlete born as male.  I was proud to vote in favor of this bill.  

For another year – the third in a row, Americans have seen the crisis that the Biden regime’s open border polices have had on communities in Arizona and throughout the country.  In response, I cosponsored H.R. 2737, the Stop the Invasion Act.  This legislation directs the President to suspend the entry of aliens who are in the United States without being admitted or paroled or don’t possess relevant travel paperwork from entering the United States if the average number of illegal alien apprehensions by CBP exceeds 30,000 over the most recent 12-month period.  Joe Biden has welcomed at least 10 million lawbreakers into our country since he took office.

Republicans in Congress also voted for H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, legislation to keep America safe by securing our border.  Because of Joe Biden’s disastrous open border policies, millions of illegal aliens are literally rushing across our border, destroying communities, overwhelming our hospitals and costing American taxpayers nearly $200 billion dollars.  Biden has created the worst border crisis in our lifetime.  With this vote, Republicans did what Joe Biden refused all year long to do: secure the border, stop the lawlessness and make America safe.  This bill was also rejected by Senate democrats and our border remains open, dangerous and constitutes an imminent threat of harm to America. 

Earlier this year, I had some special visitors in our Nation’s Capital.  It was a thrill to meet with students representing Lake Havasu High School and Lake Havasu City.  I always appreciate spending time with the future leaders of our country!

With the COVID-19 emergency finally over, I demanded a full accounting of taxpayer dollars spent on COVID-19.  By law, Joe Biden is supposed to provide members of congress a full reporting of every dollar spent on the COVID-19 pandemic.  But he hasn’t.  Ever.  For the entire year, the Biden administration has missed every deadline and has failed to report the expenditures of even one dime.  In response,earlier this year I sent a bicameral letter to Joe Biden and Treasury Secretary Yellen, requesting an expenditure report related to the COVID-19 National Emergency Declaration, as required by law.

I went a step further.  Kansas Senator Marshall and I introduced the National Emergency Expenditure Reporting Transparency Act, bicameral legislation requiring agencies to post detailed spending reports relating to national emergencies.  Transparency and open governance serve as the foundation upon which Americans trust their federal government.  The Biden administration cannot choose to ignore laws for political expediency and that’s why we need the stricter guardrails contained in the National Emergency Expenditure Reporting Transparency Act.

Also this year, Congress overwhelmingly passed a resolutionacknowledging the importance of the U.S.-Israeli relationship.  

This resolution stated that it “encourages the United States and Israel to continue to deepen and expand its bilateral cooperation across the full spectrum of economic, security and civilian issues”; and “encourages the expansion and strengthening of the Abraham Accords to urge other nations to normalize relations with Israel and ensure that existing agreements reap tangible security and economic benefits for all the citizens of those countries and all peoples in the region” among other issues.  While the resolution passed almost unanimously, 18 democrats, including many known antisemites like Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib, voted against this simple resolution.

I also cosponsored H.R. 987, a bill to acknowledge former Israeli Prime Minister Golda Meir.  She worked closely with President Nixon and others to strengthen the partnership between the United States and Israel.  

Another Congressional recognition I was pleased to support was H.R. 537, the Forgotten Heroes of the Holocaust,  which acknowledges diplomats who worked tirelessly to process passports and visas to help Jewish families leave Europe during the Holocaust.   


This past Summer, I had the honor to be invited to Hungary and to meet with Prime Minister Viktor Orbán. 

The story of the Hungarian resurgence, its prosperity and its calmness while being surrounded by chaos, is an inspiration to the world.  Prime Minister Orbán took a country left in ruins by the socialists—a result repeated around the world by all socialist governments—and set about rebuilding his nation from the ground up by focusing on families, border security and building its own economy.   And it worked beyond all expectations.  

Throughout the year, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on which I serve, provided evidence exposing a detailed scheme in which Joe Biden and several members of the Biden family set up shell companies and received over $40 million dollars from foreign governments while Biden was Vice President of the United States.  The bottom line is despite Biden’s repeated and continuing denials, bank records show that Biden and his family took in millions of dollars from foreign companies and governments, including China and Romania.  If you’re wondering why over $100 billion of your tax money has been sent to Ukraine it is because Ukraine has been paying the Biden family bribes.  There is no other way to slice it.  The full report detailing Biden’s influence peddling and business scheme can be found here.

Always a special privilege, I had the honor to announce the winners of Arizona’s Ninth Congressional District Art Competition. 

This annual contest, first started in 1982 and with over 650,000 participants since, recognizes the best art of the year from high school students.  Kylie Blu Santiago, this year’s winning artist, was invited to attend the annual awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. and the artwork has been displayed on the wall in the walkway from the Cannon House Office Building to the United States Capitol.

This Summer, I introduced H.R. 3492,  the Gun-owner Registration Information Protection Act (GRIP Act), legislation that prohibit states, localities, or any other organization from using federal funding to maintain gun registries.  In recent years, many states have passed a variety of gun laws, including requiring law-abiding gun owners to register their handguns with state police.  Concerningly, newspapers and websites have then published these databases showing where licensed gun owners and permit holders live.  This bill ensures federal funds do not contribute to state recordkeeping that could continue to allow this kind of breach of privacy.

Importantly, Special Counsel John Durham released his report this year looking into misconduct related to the Russia/Trump hoax and concluded that the FBI had no evidence that President Trump or anyone affiliated with President Trump colluded with Russia. 

It was all completely made up.  Durham found that the FBI went against its own rules and failed to maintain strict fidelity to the law. As a result of election interference by Hilary Clinton and her campaign, Donald Trump was relentlessly investigated for four years. The FBI was weaponized against Donald Trump.  There was no justification for the FBI to launch this phony probe.  I joined many of my colleagues in voting to reform the fBI and reduce its funding.  That effort failed, however, as all the democrats and many ill-advised Republicans voted to increase FBI funding even knowing how corrupt it is. 

I joined my Republican colleagues in voting in favor of H.J. Res. 45,legislation terminating Joe Biden’s illegal and unconstitutional effort to use federal tax payer money to give to students who refuse to pay their student loans.  

During the summer, I was called back to Washington, D.C. to vote onH.R. 3746, the Fiscal Responsibility Act, legislation to increase the debt ceiling by $4 trillion until January 1, 2025.  Joe Biden has wasted more than $14 trillion in new taxpayer dollars in his three years in office.  As a result, the United States is currently over $33 trillion dollar in debt because of Joe Biden’s reckless runaway spending. 

I could not in good conscious vote to increase the debt ceiling by another $4 trillion without reining in spending.  Continually raising the debt ceiling without addressing government spending is the reason for today’s historically high inflation and anemic economy.  Families and small businesses in my district are suffering.  Congress must address long-term fiscal imbalances by drastically reducing unnecessary and wasteful spending and enact policies that promote growth while tackling our out-of-control debt.

This past Summer I also voted to nullify a new rule issued by Joe Biden’s Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives banning legally purchased and ATF-approved stabilizing pistol braces.  This rule, which went into effect June 1, is patently unconstitutional – the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed. 

Out of necessity, I joined Republicans to pass H.R.1640, the Save Our Gas Stoves Act and H.R.1615, the Gas Stove Protection and Freedom Act. Together, these two bills prevent radical environmentalist bureaucrats from imposing restrictive rules making gas stoves, ovens, and ranges unavailable to Americans.  Gas appliances are preferred by 40% of Americans and cost ten to thirty percent less to operate than those powered electricity.  Natural gas is a safe, reliable and affordable energy source for millions of Americans and more than 4.1 million jobs are connected to the natural gas industry.  Forcing Americans to switch to more expensive electric stoves is straight up foolish and tyrannical.

In response to his never-ending lies to the American people and abusing his position on the House Intelligence Committee to spread false accusations and fraudulently accuse President Trump of colluding with Russia, I joined my colleagues in voting to censure California Representative Adam Schiff.

Representative Schiff’s hatred for President Trump is far greater than his love for America.  He abused his position on the House Intelligence Committee to lie in his blind pursuit of President Trump.  Our nation cannot allow an individual of such low character to go unchecked.

This year, the Supreme Court ruled that it is unconstitutional for colleges and universities to discriminate against Asian and White students in their admissions process.  Incorrectly called “affirmative action,” the Court was correcting a gross abuse of the Constitution created by the same court in 1978.  

Also this Summer, I sent a letter to the United States Department of Transportation demanding answers and documentation about reports of California dumping its hazardous waste in Arizona’s La Paz and Yuma Counties.  As I noted at the time: it is bad enough that Californians move to Arizona and bring their toxic liberal politics.  We don’t need their toxic waste. 

You may remember that the White House had to be evacuated this Summer because of a suspicious white powder that turned out to be cocaine. 

If you have ever been on a White House tour, or visited as a guest, you know that there are several levels of security you have to pass through to get into the White House.  There are also security cameras everywhere.  Whoever brought the drugs in likely works there or lives there.  Yet, to no one’s surprise, Secret Service made no arrests…

One of the best aspects of being your Representative in Congress is that I get to travel throughout the district to meet with constituents.  Earlier this year, I was fortunate to join Gila County Supervisor Woody Cline and visited the Pleasant Valley Veterans Retreat’s open house.  The Retreat takes a natural human-centered approach to helping veterans and their families heal through exposure to the outdoors and connectedness to programs and community.  The retreat is a blessing to our nation’s veterans and is a source of pride for Gila County.  I was honored to have been able to stop by and thank the courageous men and women who have served our nation.

In July, I joined Members of Congress and Senators from both sides of the aisle welcomed Israeli President Herzog to Congress.  During his address, President Herzog affirmed and reinforced the alliance between the United States and Israel.  This relationship has transcended political affiliations and has remained a pillar of U.S. – Israeli foreign policy and diplomacy. 

Sadly, because of hateful, antisemitic remarks by Representative Jayapal just days before Israeli President Herzog was to address a Joint Meeting of Congress, the House of Representatives was forced to pause from ordinary business to vote expressing the sense of Congress supporting the State of Israel. 

Rep. Jayapal engaged in hateful speech, labelling the entire nation of Israel as “racist” because of her strong hatred and antipathy towards the Jewish people. There is zero room in our society for these vile, hateful and bigoted comments in the Halls of Congress. I will never shy away from my long-standing support for Israel.

As the Chairman of the House Natural Resources Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations, I hosted several Members of Congress for a site visit and a field hearing in Goodyear in July to discuss the importance of accessing American critical minerals to secure supply chains and ensure national security.  The United States has an alarming reliance on foreign nations to meet our demand for minerals.  Yet, the Biden administration is hellbent on stopping mining in this country, including Arizona.  The field hearing exposed the irrationality of the Biden administration and highlighted the access to minerals we have here in America, particularly in the Southwest, if only our federal bureaucracy could get out of the way. 

I’m happy to report that my amendment aimed to relieve traffic congestion in Buckeye, Arizona was included in the annual Federal Aviation Reauthorization legislation!  The amendment releases the FAA’s deed restriction on property known as the Buckeye 940 in what was formerly an auxiliary field for Luke Air Force Base and used in World War II to house military planes be included in the pending FAA bill.  The 940 acres of encumbered land is located in Buckeye, which is the fastest growing city in the United States. 

Because of its rapid growth, Buckeye desperately needs transportation corridors to effectively move people and provide critical development to service the needs of its growing population.  The Arizona State Land Department, the current owner of the land, hoped to grant an easement to help relieve traffic congestion, however, the property carried a deed restriction preventing the land to be used for anything other than airport purposes.  Without a legislative fix, the deed transfer simply could not happen.  This amendment was a big WIN for residents of Buckeye!

In August, I hosted an important roundtable discussion concerning Social Security in Lake Havasu City.  I wholeheartedly believe that Social Security is a sacred trust.  It is one of the most important programs in the United States, providing a safety net for millions of Americans.  I have been, and will continue, to fight for more and better Social Security benefits for my constituents.  I don’t pretend to have a monopoly on all the best ideas to do this.  That’s why I hosted this important roundtable: to hear ideas and solutions that I can take back to Washington, D.C.  Congress can and should work together to ensure people receiving social security receive their full benefit. 

Also in August, Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability implicating the Joe Biden in his son’s pay-to-play scandals by participating in more than 20 calls with his son.  Gosar Newsletter readers will recall in 2020 Joe Biden claiming he had “never spoken” to Hunter about his foreign business dealings.  

One day later, President Trump was indicted yet again by Department of Justice and Attorney General Merrick Garland. The attacks against President Trump were clearly coordinated and unfair.  The Department of Justice, run by Merrick Garland, is an absolute disgrace.  Their message is clear: if your last name is Trump or if you fight for an American First agenda, then you are the enemy.  As a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, I have never seen such a flagrant disregard for justice by the Department of Justice. 

In August, Joe Biden asked Congress for another $24 billion to fight the proxy war in Ukraine.   I made my position clear all year: the United States has no interest being in Ukraine.  Our southern border is undefended and wide open.  

10 million illegal aliens have crossed into the U.S. unhindered and over 200,000 Americans have died of fentanyl poisoning since Biden took office.  Every dollar we have should be spent securing our own border and securing Social Security. 

In late Summer, Joe Biden managed to find time to break away from vacationing at his beach mansion in Delaware to wander his way to Arizona, not to visit the border disaster he created, but to announce he intends to lock up one million acres of public land and permanently prohibit mining of the richest and highest-grade uranium in the United States from deposits that are far outside the Grand Canyon National Park. 

Designating existing public lands as a national monument in northern Arizona is flat out wrong and irresponsible.  The move represented Biden’s latest massive land grab effort and will have a devastating impact on public access and use of federal lands.  The designation and corresponding uranium withdrawal increases America’s reliance on foreign adversaries for minerals, threatening America’s energy, economic, and national security for generations to come.

In late August, I introduced two amendments to H.R. 4365, the Department of Defense Appropriations Act of 2024.  First, I introduced amendment number 10 to reduce the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative by $300,000,000 and simultaneously increase the pay for enlisted service members by $300,000,000.  The United States has already wasted $100 billion fighting a proxy war in Ukraine.  Rather than sending another dime to Ukraine, my amendment strips out $300 million dollars for Ukrainian soldiers stashed in the annual defense funding bill and instead increases the pay of our brave service members right here in the United States by $300 million.  I also introduced amendment number 12, reducing the salary of General Mark Milley to $1.  Milley is the worst general ever and turned our military into a global laughingstock. 

Always working to protect Social Security benefits, in September I cosponsored H.R. 5342, The Equal Treatment for Public Servants Act.  This important legislation replaces the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) with a new formula which reflects the proportion of the retiree’s career in positions that contribute to Social Security.  It also provides a rebate to retirees currently impacted by WEP, and establishes a grandfathering period where future retirees would receive either the new formula or current-law WEP.

Also in September, I joined Representative Eli Crane at a meeting with members from the Yavapai Cattle Growers Association and the Arizona Cattle Growers Association to discuss grazing and other important issues.  We were joined by officials from the United States Forest Service.  

How the government manages this federal land is vitally important to all of us.  The multiple-use of these public lands is a fundamental aspect of our local economy and respects the diversity of interests in our communities.  These public lands need to be available for the public, including our cattle growers. 

This year I also proudly cosponsored the Justice for Angel Families Act, legislation amending the Crime Victims Fund (CVF) to expand funds to angel families.  Angel families are the immediate relatives of victims of homicide by an illegal immigrant.  Because of Joe Biden’s deadly open border policies, countless families have been ruined by the savage deaths of their loved ones caused by the millions of illegal aliens being welcomed into our country.  Expanding the Crime Victims Fund to include angel families will help support those whose lives have been forever destroyed by lawbreakers crossing our border.

In late September, I participated on a House Natural Resources Committee oversight and investigations tour of the Gateway National Recreation Area and related sites in New York City, NY related to the ongoing immigration crisis resulting from Joe Biden’s failed open border policies.  Rather than prosecute these illegal aliens and deport them, sanctuary cities like New York are partnering with the Biden administration to encamp thousands of illegal aliens at National Park properties.  These federal properties exist for the public as recreational areas for hiking, camping and fishing not to serve as a four-star hotel for lawbreakers to live for free on the taxpayers’ dime.

In October, the House Oversight and Accountability Committee on which I serve started the preliminary formal investigation into the corruption and bribery of the Biden family.  

The evidence uncovered shows a complex web of shell companies, payments to many Biden family members, and as much as $20 million in bribes.  Evidence also established that Joe Biden directly participated in the scandal and personally benefitted from bribe money.

All year, I opposed all efforts to fund the war in Ukraine.  And let me tell you, Congress and the Biden Administration repeatedly wasted taxpayer dollars on this war.  In October, I voted against H.R. 5692, the Ukraine Security Assistance and Oversight Supplemental Appropriations Act,legislation appropriating $300 million for the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative.

In the Fall, my amazing staff had the opportunity to attend the Lake Meade National Recreation Area fireboat dedication honoring Ranger Jim Fleetwood. In 1977, Ranger Fleetwood had just completed his regular duty shift in the Mohave District of the Lake Mead National Recreation Area when his patrol car was struck head on, killing him at the young age of 43 years old.  He served our National Parks with great compassion. A true patriot and hero, Ranger Fleetwood was also an Army veteran of the Korean War. The fireboat recognition provides an enduring memory of the service, courage and sacrifice Ranger Fleetwood made to our community and our country.

In October, Congressman Kevin McCarthy was forced to vacate his position as Speaker of the House.  At the time, I said that it was not the time to have a Speaker’s battle. With an economy melting down, a federal budget that had not passed, and two major global wars you don’t change your horse midstream.   

Nevertheless, Speaker McCarthy was removed, and after a healthy albeit prolonged debate, the House of Representatives chose Congressman Mike Johnson of Louisiana to lead our country as the next Speaker of the House. As I predicted, after we removed Kevin McCarthy, we got very little done the remainder of the year and the new Speaker was immediately forced to cut deals with the democrats to pass budget continuations and other “must pass” legislation. The timing was wrong, and the American people paid the price. 

In October, I hosted my annual Academy Day to help interested students determine if an Academy or similar education path is something they would want to pursue.

Over the years, this forum has become a valuable tool for interested students and their families to learn about service academies and other similar educational opportunities, and a useful first step in the process of obtaining a nomination to a service academy. I am incredibly proud of the fantastic representation from our district at our prestigious military academies.

In response to the devastating terrorist attacks in October, the House passed a resolution standing with Israel.  The House overwhelmingly showed solidarity with Israel as it defends itself against the barbaric war launched by Hamas.  Yet once again, nine ardent antisemitic democrats, all far-leftists, voted to support terrorism and to support Hamas.  

In conjunction with this resolution, I voted in favor of H.R. 6126, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, legislation providing $14.3 billion in weapons and equipment to Israel for much-needed military assistance. I stand firmly with Israel to ensure our ally in the Middle East has the necessary support to fight back and defend itself from the terrorists who attacked.  Embarrassingly, every House democrat voted to support Hamas terrorists and against sending aid to Israel.

In mid-November, approximately two dozen democrats joined nearly all Republicans in voting to censure democrat Representative Rashida Tlaib for her antisemitic remarks and sympathizing with terrorist organizations.  I strongly condemn Representative Tlaib’s unbridled, hateful and antisemitic remarks yet hers, and sadly many on the left, are all too common since the horrific October attacks by Hamas against Israel.

Also in November, the House of Representatives passed H.R. 4821, legislation funding the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2024 and included three of my amendments to critical to Arizona.  One of my amendments prohibited the EPA from lowering the particulate matter (PM) standard to a level Maricopa County, Yuma County, Mohave County, Yavapai County and other counties in Arizona could never meet.  Another prohibited the Biden regime from implementing, administering, or enforcing the recent land grab via the Grand Canyon National Monument designation and corresponding mineral withdrawal of almost a million acres. The third prohibited funds for the National Park Service to place any limitation on the number of air tours at national parks.  You can read more about my amendments by clicking here.

In response to the Biden regime’s decision to impose a record-setting $37 million fine on Grand Canyon University located in Phoenix, Arizona I sent a two letters (here and here) to the Department of Education raising serious concerns.  GCU is being targeted for its religious views and for being the largest Christian university in the country.  The Department of Education should recognize GCU’s lawful nonprofit status and end the targeted actions against the university.

In November, Speaker Johnson released the footage from January 6, 2021.  Nearly 40,000 hours of film can be viewed by clicking here.  It’s very evident from the footage why former Speaker Pelosi and the sham J6 Committee suppressed the footage.  Doing so would have blown a hole through their bogus narrative that a violent insurrection had occurred. 

Also in November, I voted against a two-pronged continuing resolution to fund the government through early February.  Failing to include any spending cuts and continuing to fund the entire Biden-Pelosi woke agenda that is destroying our country, driving our nation’s debt dangerously closer to $34 trillion and crushing American families with historically high inflation is not something I could support. 

Not included in the continuing resolution were any meaningful measures to secure the southern border to stop the surge of illegal aliens and deadly flow of fentanyl. The cycle of temporary funding deals that fail to rein in spending, reverse the Biden-Pelosi agenda or address the invasion along the southern border must end.  Rather than continuously kicking the can down the road, Congress must put the needs of Americans first. 

Veteran issues are among my highest priorities as your representative.  In Congress, I serve on the Military Veterans Caucus, the Rural Veterans Caucus, and the Veterans Jobs Caucus, which allow me to advocate for veterans and advance legislation promoting the well-being of veterans.  The Phoenix VA has failed to provide acceptable care for our veterans and upon further investigation, I have noticed some alarming deficiencies in the care provided.  Aside from egregiously long wait times for appointments and consultations, there is a lack of continuity regarding doctor and patient relationships, with veterans seeing a new doctor nearly every visit. I took action by sending this letterto the Phoenix VA outlining my grievances with their treatment of veterans and requesting information regarding areas I believe they need to significantly improve.

In late November, I cosponsored the Safeguarding Honest Speech Act, legislation blocking the Biden regimes woke “preferred pronoun” mandate.   Rather than furthering a division amongst the American people, the federal government has far greater problems to address than mandating using preferred pronouns as condition of employment. 

In December, members of my amazing staff had the pleasure to meet with Brigadier General Jason Rueschhoff and his team at Luke Air Force Base to receive a briefing on efforts to maintain a strong military, as well as the efforts to inform members of the community of the importance of having this military base in the West Valley. 

Also in December, the House of Representatives voted to expel New York Congressman George Santos from Congress by a three-to-one margin.  I voted against his removal. Mr. Santos was found by the House Ethics Committee to have violated certain House rules. As I noted at the time, Congressman Santos never had his day in court on any issue.  He was presumed innocent.  If ethics violations are enough to remove a member, then there are over a dozen members that should be removed now. 

As 2023 wound down, the Custom and Border Patrol’s (CBP) decided to close the Lukeville Port of Entry (POE) with little public notice.  

In response, I sent a letter to CBP Commissioner Troy Miller and Chief Patrol Agent John Modlin of the Tucson CBP Field Office demanding answers to the imprudent closure impacting more than 3,100 people who move through Lukeville POE every day.

Once again, I joined a majority of members of Congress in voting to censure New York democrat Congressman Jamaal Bowman for intentionally pulling a fire alarm during official House of Representatives proceedings to delay a vote on funding the government. 

It is a crime to falsely pull a fire alarm and Congressman Bowman has been charged and convicted of doing so.  He should be expelled and would have been if his last name was Santos.

In late December, the House of Representatives passed the annual defense bill, or National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA).  The $886 billion legislation funds many aspects of our national defense.  Unfortunately, some members of congress saddled it with countless unrelated provisions that I could not support and therefore I voted against it.  For example, the bill that passed includes money to pay for surgical mutilation for transgenders and hormones, it pays for sexualized drag shows on military vessels and bases, it pays for abortions, and keeps illegal and unconstitutional affirmative action and DEI military programs fully funded.    It also included millions for funding climate hoax programs. This bill included the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act, or FISA.  I’m absolutely outraged it reauthorizes FISA without any reforms or safeguards to protect citizens from abuse by the intelligence agencies.  The NDAA also now prohibits future Presidents from withdrawing from NATO without Senate approval.   You know who wants to withdraw from NATO?  Donald Trump, that’s who.  And for good reason.  NATO was a cold war construct that is no longer relevant and has not been relevant for 30 years.  But it costs us billions every year and it is a foreign entanglement that risks drawing us in to wars and conflict we have no business being in—like Ukraine. Regrettably, 147 of my Republican colleagues joined 163 democrats to push this disastrous legislation across the finish line.

The political stunt of the year goes to Hunter Biden.  Hunter was to appear before the House Oversight Committee in December after being legally issued a subpoena to answers questions about his father’s association with his corrupt business practices.

Instead, Hunter appeared onCapitol Hill not to answer questions before Congress but to stage a press conference while clutching his pearls on anyone daring to question his shady business dealings.  As I noted last months, the rule of law applies to everyone.  No one is above the law, including the president or the president’s son.  Hunter Biden willfully ignoring a subpoena is nothing short of obstruction of justice and he will no doubt be held in contempt of Congress in 2024.

In the waning days of 2023, I joined all my Republican colleagues in the House of Representatives in voting to continue the ongoing investigations as part of the existing inquiry into whether sufficient grounds exist for the House of Representatives to exercise its Constitutional power to impeach Joseph Biden.  

In previous newsletters (here and here), I have outlined the growing mountain of evidence linking Joe Biden to public corruption schemes, involving tens of millions of dollars funneled to the Biden family by corrupt regimes overseas, including China and Ukraine.  Impeachment of Biden is something I completely support.  Public corruption cannot be tolerated. 

The last bill I introduced in 2023 was H.Res. 934, a bipartisan resolution expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that regular journalistic activities are protected under the First Amendment and that the United States ought to drop all charges and attempts to extradite Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks. 

Assange has been unfairly imprisoned for his disclosure of Afghanistan war records which promoted public transparency by exposing the hiring of child prostitutes by Defense Department contractors, friendly fire incidents, civilian killings, and more.  The case of Julian Assange has brought to light the importance of protecting journalistic activities and the potential consequences of restricting them.  If the U.S. government succeeds in prosecuting Assange for publishing information, it sets a dangerous precedent that could be used to silence other journalists and publishers in the future.

Days before Christmas, the Colorado State Supreme Court ruled in a 4-3 decision that President Trump is a traitor and cannot even be on the ballot in Colorado.  I am absolutely appalled by this ruling fit only for a third world despotic sham-state.  No matter how much the left doesn’t like Trump, he is the leading oppositional candidate to the current administration.  To ban him from even being on the ballot is to overthrow democracy.  

Update: At the end of December, a rabid democrat appointed as the Secretary of State banned President Trump from the ballot in Maine. This attack on democracy continues by fascists across the country and must be remedied by the United States Supreme Court.


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Or do you know liberals that would be enlightened by reading it?  If so, let them know that they too can receive the latest legislative updates and news by signing up for my weekly e-newsletter by clicking here.  

Finally, let me close be saying that I am honored to have represented the great people of Arizona’s Ninth Congressional District in the United States House of Representatives.  Rest assured that in 2024, I will continue to visit and stop by as often as I can, and I will always be available to help with issues, talk, and work for all Arizonans.  Thank you so much for your unwavering support!  It’s been the honor of my lifetime representing you in congress.

$33 trillion: the national debt and climbing.

$1.7 trillion: the FY2023 deficit added to the national debt.

$113 billion: taxpayer money wasted on the proxy war in Ukraine.

10 million: the number of illegal aliens who have entered our country since Biden took office.

1.7 million: the number of “gotaways” the CPB estimated escaped in 2023.

$1.3 million: the amount paid to Hunter Biden for his “artwork.”

124,395: the number of subscribers to the Gosar Newsletter.

112,000: the number of deaths from drug overdoses, led by fentanyl, in 2023.

67,936: the number of constituent letters received by Congressman Gosar in 2023.

64,499: the number of responses sent to constituents by Congressman Gosar in 2023.

22,206: the number of miles driven by Congressman Gosar while traveling in the district in 2023.

8,729: the number of residents from Surprise, AZ who wrote Congressman Gosar in 2023, making it the number one community to write their congressman.

2,073: the number of letters received by Congressman Gosar in support of Israel in 2023, making it the number one concern constituents wrote about.

1,153: the number of constituent cases closed by Congressman Gosar in 2023.

724: the number of votes cast by Congressman Gosar in 2023.

417: the number of days Biden has spent on vacation since he took office, or 39% of his presidency. 

293: the number of terrorists on the terrorist watch list that crossed the southern border since Biden took office.

100: the perfect rating received by Congressman Gosar from the American Family Project, Gun Owners of America, the National Rifle Association, the National Shooting Sports Foundation, Susan B. Anthony Pro Life America, Club for Growth, the American Conservative Union, the Federation for American Immigration Reform, Numbers USA, Students for Life Action, the National Right to Life, the Catholic Vote, Concerned Women for America, the Conservative Review, the Family Research Council, Heritage Action, Americans for Prosperity and the Eagle Forum.

91: the number of Capitol tours given to constituents by Congressman Gosar’s staff in 2023.

27: the number of flag requests Congressman Gosar received in 2023.

25: the number of tons of deadly fentanyl that came across the southern border since Biden took office.

22: the number of bills signed into law in 2023.

13: the number of gold bars found stashed in democrat New Jersey Senator Menendez’ home.

8. the number of Republicans who joined all democrats to vote against impeaching DHS Secretary Mayorkas for his decision to allow 10 million illegal aliens into our country.

6: the number of ambassadors Congressman Gosar met with in 2023.

3%: the percentage of journalists who identify as Republicans in 2023.

2: the number of genders

1: the number of times Biden visited the southern border in 2023.

1: the number of conservative policy victories in 2023: Congressman Gosar’s legislation ending the COVID-19 national emergency declaration.

0: the number of plans Biden has to end the invasion along the southern border.

$0: the actual value of Hunter Biden’s “artwork.”

And finally, the tweet of the year with over 458,000 views:

That’s a wrap!  I look forward to 2024. 

Happy New Year!


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