Who do you turn to in your moment of crisis?
For thousands of Jewish men, women, and children shattered by the criminal justice system, as well as members of the U.S. Military, the Aleph Institute is the emergency contact they rely on.
Whoever they are. Whenever they call. Whatever they need. Aleph is there—offering empathy, understanding, and aid.
One mother called us in tears because she used to send her son in prison $25 a week to buy necessities such as toothpaste and toilet paper, but now she can’t afford to.
A man in solitary confinement asked us how he could sit shiva for his mother and if Aleph could arrange for someone to say Kaddish during the year.
A soldier on a remote military base reached out to see if Aleph could send him supplies for a Chanukah being celebrated alone in Kuwait.
Our team works tirelessly to meet the relentless requests for help, providing advocacy, financial aid, spiritual support, and a host of lifesaving services to thousands of people.
But Aleph cannot meet the ongoing need for our services without your support. Our budget has doubled in the last five years, and we simply can’t keep up. Yet, to have to turn even a single soul away due to lack of funds is devastating.
Thanks to generous matchers, now is your chance to make DOUBLE the impact on lonely individuals who have nowhere else to turn. For those in isolation and those without a voice, YOU can be the key to unlocking their hope.
Please give so that Aleph can continue to provide help, hope, and healing to those who need it most.
We can’t do it without you.