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Your impact will go the extra mile

You can make a difference in the fight for justice.


Hate and extremism are deeply rooted in our nation’s history, having targeted Black and Brown people, LGBTQ+ folks, Muslim communities, Jewish communities and immigrants for centuries. In recent years, hate crimes have been on the rise. Last year saw the highest number of reported incidents since the FBI began to report hate crimes in 1991.These statistics are the result of the hard right’s influence and agenda fueled by bigotry.

At the SPLC, we are prepared for the fights ahead in the search for justice. For over half a century, we’ve worked to dismantle white supremacy and bigotry in the Deep South. But right now, we are still bearing witness to more sophisticated tactics designed to create and reinforce division in our country.

Your help is critical for us to continue our work. Now, more than ever, we must not succumb to the deeply rooted hate that divides our communities.

And thanks to a generous group of supporters, every donation made will be matched up to $1 million. Don’t miss the opportunity to double your impact today.

Double your impact

This year alone, state legislatures filed 520 anti-LGBTQ+ bills —220 of which were meant to erase trans people. It doesn’t stop there. Almost 60% of all hate crimes in 2022 were motivated by race or ethnicity, and over half of the survivors were Black. Additionally, far-right extremists are working overtime to shield our children from the truth of our country’s history, setting the stage for indoctrination via misinformation and conspiracy theories rooted in hate.

We are equipped with policy experts, a talented legal team, educators and organizers who are dedicated to countering bigotry and upholding equity and justice in the Deep South — all thanks to supporters like you.

But we still need your help. We cannot take on these battles alone. The SPLC relies on the donations of supporters like you who boost our ability to tackle hate and extremists that continue to jeopardize our communities — and with and with violence at a 30-year high, we must act now.

Can we count on you to give a special gift today? Every donation will be matched, dollar per dollar, up to $1 million, which will double your impact.

Double your impact

Thank you for your commitment to bring justice and equity to our community.

In solidarity,

The Southern Poverty Law Center


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Southern Poverty Law Center
400 Washington Avenue
Montgomery, AL 36104
334.956.8200 //
Copyright 2023

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