Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Holiday Greetings from The Goathouse

Dear Peter,

Perhaps there have always been deeply troubled times somewhere in the world. These days these troubles seem to loom large; some are particularly frightful and sorrowful.

With this letter, we want to ask you to focus also on that which is good and kind, and on places, actions and hearts that are blessed.

At this time of year, when the natural world grows darker, people respond by lighting up the world with hope and generosity of spirit. Hope and giving are vibrant in all seasons, but never more evident than when they shine through in the deepest of winter which is fast approaching.

The Goathouse exists as a place where the Gift of Peace resounds. There, felines of all kinds abide peacefully, sheltered from the terrors and abandonment many have endured.

Oven Mitts and Jorge are two such Tails of Survival:

Oven Mitts was found abandoned in the street. She looked like a terrible little fright. She was ill, suffering, and angry. When she came to the Goathouse she was not eating. She felt that she had to defend herself against people. The Veterinarian started her on steroids. Now she eats, not everything, but enough to give her more energy. Now she is getting used to me petting and talking to her.

She knows that I love her! Last night, when I went to say good night, she laid her head on my hand and stayed there for the longest time while I was telling her that she could have a good life, come to sleep with Grandma, going out in the sun in the garden…. She kept staring at me with her eyes blinking… for the first time she was happy!. What a special, intelligent, sensitive little creature she is! She needs an Ultrasound… we need some people to sponsor her so she can have the care she needs….Please, help Mitts to have happy, healthy years…. She is a little jewel of this world….

Aunt Pearl is a super sweet calico girl who arrived at the Goathouse in the summer of 2011 at just under 2 years old, with her BFF Mama Peggy and Peggy’s five kittens, and Aunt Pearl did a great job helping Peggy care for the kittens. We knew Aunt Pearl would make a wonderful house cat and very special friend but she kept getting overlooked for kittens and more outgoing cats. Finally, after 4,519 days, her person came in the door and chose Aunt Pearl! YES, she was adopted! 12 years and 4 months in the making!

Her new mom writes: Aunt Pearl is doing great! She spent most of the first day under the bed, which I expected. Mostly, she spends her day napping and getting her head scratched, and she seems pretty happy with the arrangement. I love having her here, and I am excited to continue getting to know her!”

To all Goathouse supporters – THANK YOU! YOU made this happy ending possible by helping the Goathouse all these years to be able to give Aunt Pearl and kitties like her a safe and loving place to live her life until her new family finally came through the door.

Meet Jorge aka George No Pants! Jorge arrived at the Goathouse after a hurricane situation, and when he first arrived, the poor guy was very thin and had almost no hair on the bottom half of his body… Pants or no pants, he has a huge personality and loves to talk to people and play. When you try to walk by him without petting him, he’ll be sure to let you know that that is absolutely unacceptable behavior.

He is very sweet though, and loves to have his belly rubbed. Jorge has been returned by three different adopters, and in all three instances, he was very vocal and seemed anxious in their homes. Even though adopters did everything they could, Jorge prefers to be at the refuge, so he will live the rest of his life at the Goathouse.

This Gift of Peace is a glowing example of that which is good, kind, caring and compassionate in the world; and it comes from you, our donors. We simply would not exist if it were not for your caring and generosity. We always think back with the greatest gratitude for all that each of our donors has done for the refuge through these many years. We would not have saved and found forever homes for more than 4,000 kittens and cats; and we would not today have with us approximately 100 cats that are too old, or too scared, or too disabled to easily adopt out (some of these cats may well be able to be adopted by very adept and resourceful adopters who are willing to attend to their special needs), together with approximately 120 wonderfully adoptable cats for which we are working very hard to find homes. The mission of the Goathouse is indeed the Heart of Home. We work either to help our cats find their forever human, or to give them a caring happy home, if for some reason, they cannot find another home.

At this time of year, we know you are deluged with appeals for end-of-year funding, and we are writing to add one more appeal to the stack you may be accumulating. These are uncertain economic times. Donations to charitable organizations are down and many animal care organizations have closed or are struggling.

The Goathouse aims to be a caring family of last resort and we will need to continue to reach out to you, our friends and wider family to make this possible. Please, continue to support this Gift of Peace and striving for the Heart of Home.

The Goathouse has a noble calling and each of you receiving this appeal is the sanctuary’s future. By far the largest part of the Goathouse’s funding is from individual donors, and the refuge is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization, so gifts are tax deductible. Please reach deeply into your heart and support the refuge this holiday season. Your participation is critical. Please know that any support will be appreciated greatly.

Thank you, thank you, thank you in advance for your participation and generosity in this end of year appeal! We truly could not exist if it were not for your support. We count on each of you.

With warm best wishes to each of you for this Holiday season and a grand New Year to you and for the cats in the Goathouse Refuge and Sanctuary that are in your and our care!

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Thank you for helping us help the cats at the Refuge!

We are their Refuge  • You are their Future

Include Goathouse in your estate planning

Goathouse Refuge:  680 Alton Alston Road, Pittsboro, NC 27312 • 919-542-6815 •

Have you read “Behind the Scene”? It has some great stories about kitties and other animals saved by our refuge! Check it out by clicking on the link above.

Plan on visiting the Refuge? Please consider making a donation of one or some of the items on the list of daily-needed items:

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