Dear Reader,
A new AI indicator just released news about a massive event that’s only 3 months away…
It’s called “The Singularity,” and researchers used to think we had 15 years to prepare…
But according to this wildly accurate indicator— we could have just 3 months left.
ChatGPT speculates that when the Singularity goes live, it could push a huge portion of the S&P 500 into bankruptcy:
That’s why I’m urging you to liquidate your stock in 30-year-old companies that are no longer safe…
And diversify by investing in a little-known industry that’s required to grow at the same pace as AI.
I’m not talking about a risky new technology. This industry is one of the safest growth sectors on the NASDAQ for over 10 years running…
And when the Singularity hits in as little as 3 months, this sector is required to match its tremendous growth.
My team found one company in particular we estimate could grow 12,400% by 2030…
That’s enough power to turn a $5,000 investment into over $620,000 — well over half a million dollars.
But those kinds of gains are only possible by taking action now, before the Singularity launches.
Review this new AI Indicator for yourself by clicking below:
Shah Gilani
Chief Investment Strategist, Manward Press
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