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Meanwhile American Is Falling Apart

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How the War Has Already Reached American Soil

There might not be soldiers on the ground yet, but the war against the U.S. has already started. On college campuses, in major cities, and even in the workplace.

Biden is posturing, trying to look strong by sending hundreds of billions of taxpayer cash that we don’t have to spend.

It is important to support our allies for the purpose of possibly needing their help down the road, but this should be within reason when it comes to cash.

Let’s ask a question…

What Are They Doing With All That Money?

The money isn’t being used to pay off the enemies.

And we are already providing ammo, planes, jets, bombs, tanks, armored vehicles, etc.

Not to mention we aren’t the only country providing financial aid.

So where is all this money going?

Biden is simply handing our hard-earned cash over to other countries without any tracking or accountability.

They ask for more and he gives it to them.

Meanwhile American Is Falling Apart

  • Our cities are being overrun by illegal immigrants.
  • Stores are closing across America to avoid mob robbery.
  • Police have been defunded nationwide.
  • Inflation is through the roof (no matter what some politicians might say).
  • Interest rates keep going up.
  • Costs of goods and services for the consumer keep rising to the point where Americans are struggling, and there is no end in sight.
  • Heinous forms of hate speech are being permitted on college campuses without repercussion.

Yet there has not been one plan of action to help us, here at home.

When do we, the American people, get our aid from the government?

The answer is we won’t…

That is why it has never been more important than now to take your future into your own hands.

You can’t afford to be one of the sheep and hope things will get better.

It is time to break free…

And what is the first critical thing to protect? Your Money.

You must recognize the war on your money has already begun.

Protecting your finances must be the first action, because without it you are dead.

Our money is being attacked on many different levels, so you will need to take a different approach to ensure protecting your money.

We recommend you start with understanding the devaluation of the dollar.

Great Devaluation BookAdam Baratta’s latest book, The Great Devaluation, outlines exactly where the U.S. is heading.

Our nation’s economic survival depends on understanding what’s happening and knowing how to navigate these treacherous waters. With Baratta’s book, you can protect yourself.

This book is an incredible read with mind-blowing predictions and actionable advice.

Don’t waste another second as we watch these atrocities unfold on the news. Get Your FREE Copy HERE!

Dive into Baratta’s revelations and arm yourself with what you need to secure your financial future from ruin.

Waiting things out is no longer an option.

Make no mistake, this country is on the brink of collapse.

Prepare yourself for the challenges ahead NOW… Get Your FREE Copy HERE!


Jeff Relic
Financial Publisher, Newsmax

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