Site icon Peter A. Hovis

3 Days, 250+ Miles To Go

Dear Peter Hovis:

Our annual escort, which includes our trucks filled with veterans’ wreaths, entered New Jersey on its 750-mile+ journey to Arlington National Cemetery. As we pass through dozens more communities over the next three days, thousands of Americans will line our streets in one of our nation’s most beautiful expressions of respect and remembrance for our heroes.

As the escort progresses south, thousands more will sponsor veterans’ wreaths in their expression of thanks for those who sacrificed for our country. If you are able, please click on one of the links below to sponsor wreaths:

Sponsor at Arlington
New order directly to Arlington

Sponsor Where Most Needed
New order to cemeteries in need across the country

Sponsor with e-Card
Order as a gift for a friend or loved one

With your help, as well as the help from all of those following the progress of our escort down the Eastern seaboard, our volunteers will place a veterans’ wreath on every market at Arlington National Cemetery this coming Saturday. We hope you will join us!

(Click Search Locations to volunteer at a location near you.).

Thank you so much for supporting our mission, and we wish you the warmest and happiest of holiday seasons.

Wreaths Across America

To follow the escort live, tune in to Wreaths Across America Radio all week long!


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