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60% of Those Aged 45+ Struggle With This (many don’t even know it)

Do you sometimes struggle with any or all of the following:
  • You feel low on energy and like you are “dragging”
  • You feel like your brain is “foggy”
  • You feel you are hungry more than you should be
  • You feel you are easily irritated or more “moody” than you want to be

If YES, there are five key nutrients you need to be aware of and will want to make certain you’re consuming properly.

To understand WHY these 5 nutrients can make all the difference for you, though – especially if you’ve tried other approaches for the energy, brain fog, and other issues and it feels like “nothing really helps” — it’s first essential to know…




52.9 MILLION adults over 45 years of age in the U.S. may struggle with blood sugar issues – that is, they have poor “glycemic command.”

In other words, over 60% of American adults 45 and up are metabolically unfit… and many don’t even know it!

This means that, on a daily basis, they struggle with the ability to properly metabolize carbohydrates, which is how the body breaks down carbs to produce the right amount of sugar it needs.

This poor glycemic command can have very noticeable and detrimental effects on how you look, feel, think and act – including in terms of your energy, brain clarity, appetite issues, and irritability.


And the problem only seems to get worse over time, as the prevalence is greater with increasing age, with 80% of adults over the age of 65 being in a similar boat.


No matter your age, it is vital that you maintain healthy blood sugar levels, in other words, and so a little more explanation on why is important…




Your blood sugar levels are basically the amount of the sugar called “glucose” in your blood.


This glucose is your body’s primary source of energy. This includes being the key source of “fuel” for your brain and your central nervous system!


Glucose is absorbed by cells throughout your body and combined with oxygen inside your mitochondria – the “power plant” inside your cells – to create “ATP.”


And ATP is what powers your cells and promotes your body’s cell growth.


Now, when you consume carbs, glucose enters your blood and the hormone called “insulin” is released to help your cells absorb the glucose they need.

However, here’s the PROBLEM…

When too many carbs and sugars are consumed – which is, unfortunately, quite commonplace with today’s Standard American Diet (SAD) – your body can become less sensitive to the hormone insulin…

…Even more so if you also don’t get enough exercise, have excess levels of stress, and/or you have less-than-stellar sleep habits!

This means not enough of the blood sugar, glucose, is absorbed and it instead remains in your blood stream.


In other words, your blood sugar is too high.

This can lead to a wide variety of issues and, again, among the most common are feeling low on energy… brain fog… feeling “out of control” hunger… and feeling irritable or too “moody.”


That’s why it’s so important to take smart steps to maintain healthy blood sugar levels, such as reducing processed foods and sweetened foods, getting plenty of exercise and proper sleep, and consuming high-quality and effective forms of the right nutrients.


Research shows that consuming the five nutrients below can be quite helpful in supporting balanced blood sugar levels – and all the benefits that come with it, including in terms of energy, brain clarity, healthy appetite management, and more.

An important caveat, however…

You MUST pay very close attention to ensure you’re consuming clean and premium-quality versions of each of these ingredients.

(Because if you consume low-grade versions of the ingredients, of course, you risk not experiencing many or any of the benefits!)

With that noted, here are the “big five” healthy blood sugar support ingredients to make certain you’re getting daily:



Chromium may be the “superstar” among the five star ingredients and is an essential mineral that enhances the action of insulin in the body. More specifically, it influences the efficient transport of the blood sugar, glucose, into the body’s cells.


And the premier form of chromium picolinate you’ll want to take that is shown to have better absorption is the patented form called “Chromax®.”


Chromax is a clinically substantiated ingredient that may even assist with weight loss while helping maintain lean muscle mass.


And yes, Chromax has been shown to promote metabolic wellness by supporting healthy glucose metabolism and insulin sensitivity.


In one bioavailability study, for example, Chromax chromium picolinate showed 15X higher absorption than other forms of chromium, including 2X better bioavailability than two other popular chromium nicotinate complexes.


In brief, Chromax has been shown through clinical research to promote metabolic health in a number of ways including helping insulin function better and improving blood sugar metabolism… and even helping reduce carbohydrate cravings!




Berberine is a powerful plant-derived compound that has been used in Asia for hundreds of years to support healthy blood sugar levels.

And research has shown that supplementation with berberine supports healthy glucose metabolism, and it may do so by activating an enzyme called AMPK, which supports the transport of glucose into cells to be used for energy.


For example, one randomized controlled trial provides poignant evidence of berberine’s potential to help with carbohydrate metabolism. In the study, researchers found that participants who supplemented with berberine daily for 3 months experienced significant decreases in fasting and post-meal blood glucose as well as HbA1c and other biomarkers of metabolic wellness.



Cinnamon has been used as a healing spice for thousands of years, including in Ancient Egypt where it was regarded as a gift fit for kings.

And multiple studies show cinnamon can, indeed, be beneficial for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels!


A recent systematic review and meta-analysis, for example, found that as little as 120mg per day of cinnamon may be useful for helping maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Unlike the other glucose disposal agents mentioned above, cinnamon may affect the activity of certain carbohydrate-digesting enzymes, in turn assisting with healthy insulin function and blood glucose metabolism.


Benfotiamine is a fat-soluble version of vitamin B1 that supports healthy glucose metabolism.

It may even help maintain healthy advanced glycation end (AGE) product activity! AGEs are potentially harmful compounds formed when proteins or fats combine with sugar in the blood and have been associated with early aging and various health issues, so healthy activity on this front is important!

Naringin is a citrus bioflavonoid (i.e., polyphenol) with well-established antioxidant properties. And yes, research shows this bioflavoid may also assist with healthy glucose metabolism and insulin function.





As you can likely tell, it can be quite challenging to get these five nutrients from your diet alone.

That’s why choosing a clean, top-quality supplement that provides them really is so “mission-critical” today!

However, before you choose a blood sugar support supplement it is vitally important to BE CAUTIOUS of those that…



Please never merely believe claims made on the front of supplement labels. Instead, turn any blood sugar support supplement around and look closely at the ingredient label. If you don’t see the blood sugar support ingredients covered above – especially the Chromax and the berberine – please think twice about using that product!



Even if a supplement lists the five ingredients above, there are different forms of these ingredients and you need to make sure they include high-quality and effective forms!

For example, when it comes to the “superstar” ingredient – chromium – as you learned above, you want to be certain it specifically contains the patented, clinically demonstrated and higher absorbing Chromax form.


A common practice with some supplement providers is to “fairy dust” – providing the right ingredients, but in insignificant amounts that won’t really help you!


Why would they do this? In some cases, unfortunately, it may be to trick you – you may know the ingredient is effective for blood sugar support, but they’re hoping you don’t know how much you should take daily.


Here at BioTRUST, we take great pride in providing not only clean, high-quality ingredients but providing key ingredients in effective amounts so they deliver on their promise!




Introducing BioTRUST’s IC-5… a premier-quality formula for supporting healthy blood sugar metabolism!

IC-5 is easily one of our most “raved about” products because, YES, it provides you all 5 blood sugar support ingredients — in their premium forms and amounts!

Each dose includes:

  • 200 mg of Chromax® , the patented and premium form of chromium picolinate that is shown to have superior absorption so you get the full benefit!
  • 500 mg of Berberine
  • 100 mg of Cinnamon Bark Extract
  • 80 mg of Benfotiamine (vitamin B1)
  • 50 mg of Naringen

Again, these are all premium forms of these outstanding blood sugar support ingredients with key ingredients provided in effective amounts — so you can trust you’ll enjoy the benefits!

Furthermore, BioTRUST’s IC-5 is manufactured in a GMP-certified facility and YES, it undergoes independent 3rd-party party testing to ensure purity, potency, and safety.


Best of all, IC-5 is so simple to use! Just take 2 easy-to-swallow capsules twice daily and feel good that you are taking a big step to support healthy blood sugar metabolism!




“IC-5 has been a tremendous help in helping maintain healthy blood sugar & in assisting in controlling cravings & weight loss. I recommend Biotrust! Great products. Great customer service! Easy returns.”

 – Margie B. Verified Customer


“I have struggled with carb management for a very long time, IC-5 has tremendously changed that for the better. The results speak for themselves as my weight management has become better and my muscle development is the best it’s ever been. Thank you BioTrust for this amazing product!!!”

 – Chris T. Verified Customer


“Knowing I can occasionally have my favorite foods is mind blowing!”

 – Cheri J. Verified Customer


“Love it, I feel comfortable having a little carbs while being on keto. Thanks”

 – Deverly F. Verified Customer


“This is the highest quality berberine supplement out there, don’t bother with cheaper alternatives as they won’t have the same effect. Highly recommended.”

 – Claire R. Verified Customer





Maintaining your healthy blood sugar levels is mission-critical to maintain your productivity, your quality of life, and your overall health now and as you get older…

And taking action to do so is especially important right now if you do sometimes feel low on energy… like your brain is “foggy”… like you are hungry more than you should be… and/or you are easily irritated and more “moody” than you want to be.


You now understand why BioTRUST’s much “raved-about” IC-5 is unique and truly so crucial in this day and age to support your healthy blood sugar levels.


And right now, you’re getting IC-5 for up to 43% off, plus you’re getting FREE U.S. shipping and a FREE new eBook, 12 Carbs for a Flat Belly.

This is a must-read showcasing the best type of carbohydrate foods to look your amazing best and simultaneously help with improving your energy, brain clarity, appetite management, mood, skin and more. (The perfect companion report to your IC-5!)


Finally, of course, your IC-5 comes with our naturally honest 60-day total-satisfaction guarantee. If you aren’t satisfied anytime in the next 2 months, just send it back to us — even if the bottles are empty — for a fast and friendly refund of the full purchase price.


The bottom line is that 5 specific nutrients can make a powerful difference in your energy, clarity, appetite, mood, and overall in supporting healthy blood sugar levels, and IC-5 provides you these nutrients in their premium forms and effective amounts, so…

==> Get IC-5 for up to 43% OFF with FREE Shipping and Your FREE eBook






Welcome to BioTrust, we’re on a mission to empower you to live a more vibrant, healthier life by providing clean, honest, science-backed products, valuable education and endless inspiration.. When BioTrust was established in 2011, we wanted to make our community an inclusive group of health-conscious individuals that can come to reach their nutritional goals – Achieving Quality, Compassion, and Wellness!

When it comes to nutritional products we know you have a lot of choices. That’s why we aim to set BioTRUST apart. We’re excited to be a part of your journey towards living a vibrant, healthier life. We particularly appreciate it when you, and our customers, provide feedback via testimonials, reviews, and comments left on our site or social media accounts. That feedback is important to us because we can use it to make your next experience at BioTrust even better than the last!

Since we put so much effort into the relationship with you, we hope that any investment in us is exactly the way you hoped it would be. We’re here to support you and can’t wait to see you thrive!

We Value Quality & Trust


At BioTRUST, we’ve always been about more than just products; we’re about trust, integrity, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. In an industry where many take shortcuts, we’ve chosen a different path. We’ve invested an immense amount of time, effort, and financial resources into our 7-Stage Research and Testing Process. This isn’t just a procedure; it’s our promise to you. Our journey begins with a team of world-class formulators who dive deep into scientific research to identify the finest ingredients. We don’t just sprinkle in ingredients for the sake of marketing; we ensure that every ingredient is used in effective amounts, delivering the results you expect.

Our commitment doesn’t stop there.. Every ingredient undergoes rigorous testing for potency and purity, ensuring that what you see on the label is what you get in the bottle. Our manufacturing facilities are a testament to our dedication, adhering strictly to Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP). But we don’t just trust our processes; we validate them. After our products are crafted, we engage elite third-party labs to double-check our work, ensuring purity, potency, and accuracy. This is our pledge to you. We’re not just providing supplements; we’re building a relationship based on trust, transparency, and a shared vision of a healthier future. We’re here for you, every step of the way, and we’re thrilled to be a part of your journey to optimal health.

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