To our generous community,
Your contributions have been a lifeline, raising $162k for families in Sderot amid this war. However, the crisis isn’t over. Hundreds of families are still in urgent need of your help.
Basic necessities are still out of reach for many. These families, now refugees in their own land, have nothing. No food, no blankets, no essentials. They are depending on us for their next meal, for warmth, for a semblance of normalcy.
We must continue to act—every donation helps feed a child, warm a family, provide comfort to those who have lost everything.
Please, give what you can today. Your support is crucial.
Thank you, and may we all merit to see peace restored swiftly.
R’ Binyamin Finkel Shlitta
R’ Reuven Elbaz Shliltta
R’ Naftoli Nussbaum Shlitta