Peter A. Hovis

Last Week This Morning: Election Day Recap



Good morning, Rj! Happy Sunday! ☀️





Election Day Recap ⚡️ 

  • Voters overwhelmingly supported public schools in the vast majority of districts with bonds and override elections. Thanks to these voters, tens of thousands of Arizona students will benefit from critical funding that is desperately needed since state lawmakers have repeatedly refused to invest adequately in public education. Unfortunately, in some districts, deceptive “no” campaigns spread misinformation and lies, manipulating some voters out of supporting local K-12 schools and threatening the academic and social services our public schools provide for Arizona kids.
  • Tucson voters re-elected Mayor Regina Romero! Don’t miss this op-ed from our partners at LUCHA, highlighting the impact of people-powered governance + how Romero has championed community-centered solutions to the problems Tucsonans face, like the climate crisis and the affordable housing crisis.
  • Ohio voters passed Issue 1, guaranteeing abortion access as a constitutional right! Voters are taking protections for abortion access into their own hands, rejecting bans by anti-abortion extremists all over the country. Arizonans have a lot of work to do to get the Arizona for Abortion Access petition on the ballot. Still, Ohio’s results are good news for abortion advocates in our state! Sign up for a training to help collect signatures so we can pass similar abortion access protections in Arizona.

Other Arizona wins: Gov. Hobbs is taking action to expand voter registration access and improve our election systems. This $2.3M investment will make it easier for all of us to make our voices heard in the decisions that affect our livelihoods!




“We’ve become a party of losers”. Watch this takefrom local political strategist Tony Cani, on why conservative candidates have been losing elections since 2017 (hint: it rhymes with Ronald Mump).




LD9 and LD13 Town Hall. Join our partners at Opportunity Arizona next Saturday, November 18th, at 3pm for a town hall with state lawmakers Lorena Austin, Seth Blattman, and Jennifer Pawlik. RSVP here.

Attend CAIR-Arizona’s annual banquet. Hear from U.S. Rep. Rashida Tlaib and other local Muslim community advocates next Saturday, November 18th, at 5pm. Purchase tickets here.


Thanks for reading Last Week, This Morning! ☕️

Abigail with Progress Arizona




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