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This Week With Gosar

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This Week with Gosar

November 5, 2023

Gosar Gets Major Legislative Victories for Arizona—Three Amendments Sent to the Senate

This week, the House of Representatives passed the seventh of the twelve annual appropriations bills, including H.R. 4821, legislation funding the Department of the Interior, Environment, and Related Agencies Appropriations Act for Fiscal Year 2024.

I am pleased that three amendments I offered were included in this legislation that passed the House and are critical to Arizona.   For example, one of my amendments prohibits the EPA from lowering the particulate matter (PM) standard to a level Maricopa County, Yuma County, Mohave County, Yavapai County and other counties in Arizona could never meet.  Let me explain this:  PM or particulate matter are largely dust particles in the air.   Since most of Arizona is desert, there is a lot of dust.  We cannot do anything about that.  But the federal EPA implemented a rule that requires the counties in Arizona to have a PM standard that is lower than the ambient dust in our air.   In other words, most Arizona counties could never meet the federal standard.  Places like Hawaii or Alaska, which have very little dust or desert, have no problem.   But we do.  The result for Arizona is massive fines and penalties for “violating” the PM standard.   Which means higher property taxes for you to pay these fines.  This is obviously ridiculous and absurd, but so is the Biden regime that imposed this.  This reckless rule needs to be eliminated and common sense restored, and my amendment is the first step.   


Another prohibits the Biden regime from implementing, administering, or enforcing the recent land grab via the Grand Canyon National Monument designation and corresponding mineral withdrawal of almost a million acres. The federal government already controls far too much land in Arizona and this restriction is unacceptable.  Nobody voted for this land grab.  Not one member of Congress.  Not one member of the Arizona legislature.  It was done by Mr. Biden with a pen and paper.  He did it to shut down uranium mining, uranium needed by our energy industry, our medical industry and our military.  This illegal land grab needs to be undone. The antiquities act in no way authorizes millions of acres to be taken away by one person.  


The third prohibits funds for the National Park Service to place any limitation on the number of air tours at national parks.  National Parks like the Grand Canyon can be difficult to access for many and air tours provide excellent opportunities for everyone to experience the beauty of the Grand Canyon and other National Parks. Radical leftists have been attempting to shut down the air tour industry and this amendment will stop the park service from hurting Americans and hurting tourism.

Overall, this legislation also prevents the Biden regime from implementing several onerous regulations on public land uses, including those abounding in Arizona, that should remain available for hunting, fishing, mineral production and oil and gas leasing.

You can read more about my amendments and this legislation by clicking here.

More Evidence of Corruption by the Biden Crime Syndicate

A few weeks ago, I shared irrefutable evidence detailing a $200,000 money laundering scheme benefitting Joe Biden.  If you missed it, here is a link to get you quickly up to speed. 

Well, there’s more, and I promised there would be

This week, the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability on which I serve uncovered another $40,000 payment to Joe Biden, this time involving the Chinese communist government. 

Here’s how the money was laundered this time: text messages from Hunter Biden obtained by the Oversight Committee show Hunter leveraging his father’s name by messaging a Chinese company saying “I am sitting here with my father and we would like to understand why the commitment has not been fulfilled.”  Eight days later, bank records obtained by the House Oversight Committee confirm that the Chinese company wired $5 million to a shell company owned by Hunter Biden.  That same day, $400,000 was wired to another Hunter Biden-owned shell company.  Six days later, Hunter Biden then further divided the money up and sent $150,000 to Joe Biden’s brother and sister-in-law, James and Sara Biden.  Sara Biden then sent $40,000 (or exactly 10%) to Joe Biden.  Multiple emails from Hunter Biden obtained by the Oversight Committee show that 10% was earmarked for the “Big Guy.”   

Remember in 2020 Joe Biden lying to the American people that “not a penny” had been taken from foreign governments?  I do.  It was a lie, and we have the evidence to prove it. 

Gosar Votes to Support Israel’s Security

This week I voted in favor of H.R. 6126, the Israel Security Supplemental Appropriations Act, legislation providing $14.3 billion in weapons and equipment to Israel for much-needed military assistance. I stand firmly with Israel to ensure our ally in the Middle East has the necessary support to fight back and defend itself from the terrorists who attacked on October 7, killing 1,400 Israelis and 30 American citizens. This legislation provides urgently needed support to Israel while helping to ensure the safe return of American citizens.  Sadly, nearly every House democrat voted to support Hamas terrorists and against sending aid to Israel.

Click here to read my full statement.

Gosar Joins Efforts to Emphasize Risks Associated with Abortion Pills

This week I joined several of my pro-life colleagues by adding my name to an amicus brief in support of the Alliance for Hippocratic Medicine vs. the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.  The Alliance is challenging the FDA’s reckless approval of chemical abortion drugs and subsequent removal of safeguards.  The FDA never studied the safety of the drugs and ignored the substantial evidence that chemical abortion drugs cause serious medical complications. In doing so, the FDA failed to abide by its own legal obligations to protect the health, safety and welfare of girls and women.  I am proud to add my name to the legal efforts challenging the FDA’s approval of abortion pills.

Gosar Recognized for 100% Pro-family Voting Record

This week I was proud to be recognized as one of only 15 Members of the House who scored a 100% Pro-family voting record by the American Family Project based on a wide variety of family and pro-life issues taken up by the House of Representatives in the first six months of the 118th Congress including:

·     The Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act

·     Parents Bill of Rights Act

·     Protection of Women and Girls in Sports Act

·     A Resolution Denouncing Socialism

You might be interested in knowing that our new Speaker of the House, Rep. Mike Johnson, also scored 100%.

You can see how my vote compares to others Member of Congress by clicking on this Congressional Family Sentiment Scorecard. 

Leftists Try Again to Restrict Gun Rights

With all that took place this week in Congress, I don’t blame you if you missed the left’s latest attack on your 2A rights.  That’s why subscribing to the Gosar Newsletter is so important: it’s informative and has all the breaking news! 

Here’s what took place:  Progressive Massachusetts Senator Elizabeth Warren (who still falsely claims she is Native American) along with liberal California Congressman Robert Garcia introduced the AMMO Act this week to restrict your gun rights.  If passed, the AMMO Act will prohibit purchases of more than 1,000 rounds of any caliber within a five-day period, as well as require all vendors to obtain a federal license to sell ammunition, and it will require all vendors to report ammunition sales to the ATF.  In other words, more gun registry lists being created and collected by the Biden regime to keep track of how many times and what type ammo you purchase. 

The Founding Fathers ensured gun ownership in the Bill of Rights, making the right to defend one’s freedom from oppressive government uniquely American. The Constitution states, “…the right of the people to keep and bear arms, shall not be infringed.”

Unconstitutional policies and executive orders pursued by the Biden administration have worked to strip Americans of their Constitutional rights and unjustly targeted law-abiding citizens.  Criminals intent on committing crime will pursue guns through illicit means, and therefore attacking legal ownership is not only bad policy but unconstitutional.  In light of these threats, the Second Amendment is there to ensure law-abiding citizens have the ability to defend themselves and their property, and I will always vote to protect this right.

Read more about the left’s latest gun grab efforts here.

It’s Mail Time!

I receive thousands of letters each week and I appreciate hearing from everyone.  Here are a sample of some of the letters I received this week:

Karen L. from Florence shared her view about the Interior funding bill:

Bravo!!!  All commonsense bills and good for Arizona. 

Congratulations!!!  Thank you for acting as a true Republican should.

Thank you, Karen.  It’s what I do.   And I couldn’t do it without your support.  

Sandra W. from Dewey, AZ shares:

You are doing a great job!!
You will be blessed with God’s favor for your support of Israel

Sandra—I appreciate that.  The Bible repeatedly admonishes Christians and Jews to protect Israel (Gen 12:3, Joel 3:2, 14, Rom 15:27, John 4:22, Psalm 122:6). I would do so anyway for many reasons, including the need to restore a Jewish homeland, much needed after the Holocaust, and because it is a bastion of freedom in a part of the world where that is rare.  

Adi E. from Glendale writes:

I ask you to urge college and university leaders to speak out against antisemitism on campuses across the country. In the aftermath of the terrorist attack by Hamas against Israel, we are witnessing a rapid rise of antisemitic incidents, including hate speech and intimidation, on college and university campuses across the United States. This situation is furthering an atmosphere of fear and insecurity for Jewish students and faculty.

Adi, I agree.  The amount of antisemitism at ASU, for example, is shocking. Mr. Crow has allowed the perpetuation of antisemitism to fester for years, and that needs to come to an end.   U of A has done so as well.  I wrote a letter to U of A about its antisemitism problem in 2019.  

Universities that allow antisemitism should not get federal or state funds. 

Frank Z. from Prescott, AZ often writes hate-filled letters to me.  This week he screams:

Hey MORON, What about Ukraine? The increase in IRS agents has already increased Federal income.  Does this Idiot know anything? Unbelievable! Between this Jerk and the ignorant Kari Lake, they will destroy beautiful Arizona.

Hey Frank—disagreeing with me is quite fine, but the name calling demonstrates your lack of intelligence.  I do not support the Nazi regime in Ukraine.  I never have and I never will.  Not one red cent of our money should go to that authoritarian dictatorship.  That money should be used to defend our border, which has been invaded by nine million illegal aliens in two and half years.  Also, show respect to Kari.   She could easily be our next senator and help us restore America to its former glory, God willing.  

PS. Only a moron would support the IRS.  You are one in a million, Frank. 

Tweet of the Week:

Photo of the Week:

Karen Reedstrom from Cottonwood, AZ shot this very cool photo of a crow against the moon from her backyard early in the morning.  Kinda spooky, Karen!  Thanks for sharing.

Do you have photography skills?  Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?”   If so, send your best shots of our great state along with a brief description to to include your name and where you live.  We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!

Gosar in the News and Other Must-Read Stories:

12 News: Federal officials say plan for water cuts from Arizona, western states is enough to protect Colorado River

Front Page Magazine: Multiple Biden Calamities Make 9/11 Commission Report ‘Required Reading’

Red State: House and Senate Democrats Are Coming After Your Ammunition Now

The Hill: Judge orders federal agents to stop cutting razor wire at border with Mexico

New York Post: One word explains the ugly of hypocrisy of Hamas apologists: antisemitism

New York Post: Faced with rise in Jewish hate, Kamala Harris tackles made-up ‘Islamphobia’

The Post Millenial: BREAKING: Judge OVERTURNS Bridgeport, CT mayoral primary election after Democrat clerk busted for ballot stuffing

Washington Examiner: Will the ‘Squad’ ever be held accountable for their constant spread of misinformation?

Washington Examiner: Biden received $40,000 from family after Chinese payments

New York Post: Anti-Israel activists tearing down Hamas hostage posters is ‘antisemitism at its deepest level,’ NYC leaders say

Warning!!  The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence.  If you are a reporter, it probably means you are in over your head already.  We link to interesting stories.  We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff.  We don’t vouch for every publication or every author.  If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views.  While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter.  We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic. 


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