Dear Fellow Investor,
In 2002, the former Director of the Defense Intelligence Agency, admitted that the U.S. military recovered a “crashed UFO”…
…that an unnamed defense contractor retrieved this “alien hardware” to reverse-engineer it…
And the whole operation was run by a secret “cabal” within the government.
But it looks like we didn’t have the technology to build it yet.
In May of 2020, the Pentagon brought a team of 38 scientiststogether to try again.
At Sandia Labs – the same place where Robert Oppenheimerled the Manhattan Project to build the atom bomb.
Their goal was to see if we now had the technology to build this new “UFO Weapon.”
They succeeded.
CBS News reports: “Its an entirely new type of weapon.”
The New York Times reports: “No existing defense can stop it.”
The Pentagon said building it is: “Our #1 priority.”
The U.S. Army said: “We’re going to build a lot of them very quickly.”
CNBC reports: “It’s going to open up a massive market for the defense industry.”
These huge military contracts could spark 1,000% gains of the small firm that won the contract to build them.
Get the name of the small defense contractor here >>>
“The Buck Stops Here,”