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Giuliani Lashes Out: You’re Next If Left Not Stopped

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Rudy Giuliani has formed a legal defense fund to finance his legal battles and he tells Newsmax that it’s important to help fight back in the left’s war on conservatives.

“I think as President Trump pointed out some time ago, you’re going to be next, and I was next and now there are about 80 other people after me,” Giuliani told Newsmax’s “Eric Bolling The Balance” Thursday night.

Giuliani is one of the 19 co-defendants, including President Trump, facing charges in Georgia as part of the sweeping racketeering indictment unveiled last month by Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis.

“If you are of a conservative mindset, the chances of your being prosecuted in [Joe] Biden’s America are enormously high,” Giuliani told Bolling.

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More Info: To support Rudy Giuliani Legal Fund go to

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