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Annual Review of T1D Clinical Trials

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Annual Review of T1D Clinical Trials  

August 17, 2023

Since 2012, the JDCA has performed a thorough, annual analysis of all type 1 diabetes research projects currently active in human trials and registered with the US FDA. This report provides an overview of all current 628 T1D trials. Each trial is evaluated and categorized based on the research area of focus, status, and estimated completion date. Particular focus is placed on projects that aim to deliver a Practical Cure for T1D.

This review provides a snapshot of the T1D research currently in development, as today’s human trials represent the future of T1D treatment and progress toward a cure. All data below are based on JDCA’s analysis of the FDA’s clinical trial database conducted in July of this year. See Appendix for the list of definitions used to characterize trials.

Our main finding is that of the 628 human trials, only 13 (2%) are actively working to deliver a Practical Cure for T1D. The following chart shows the relative portion of trials by research objective.

Key Summary Points:

  • 628 T1D research projects are currently in human trials.
  • 13 current human trials aim to be a Practical Cure for T1D (2% of all trials).
  • 30% of all trials address disease management, a -23% change from the year prior.
  • 18% of all trials address glycemic control.
  • +90% increase in the number of T1D trials over the past 10 years (see chart 1).
  • 21 trials address immune system modification (a 163% increase from 2022).
  • 34 trials address mental health (a 162% increase from 2022).

Appendix: JDCA Research Category Definitions

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