Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Trump Slams ‘Liddle’ Mike Pence; China EVs Raise Spy Fears; Massive Missile Strikes in Ukraine

Breaking News from
Trump: ‘Liddle Mike Pence’ Has Turned to Dark Side

Special: Perry Johnson on Verge of Making First Debate

UK Fears China Will Use EVs to Spy on Citizens

Russia Launches Massive Wave of Missile and Drone Attacks on Ukraine



GOP presidential candidate and outsider businessman Perry Johnson has announced he is on the verge of making the RNC debate stage following his shocking second place finish in the Turning Point Action Straw Poll.

Johnson announced his campaign reached 30k donors and is on pace to reach the 40k necessary donors well before the August deadline.

<< Be part of the movement and chip in $1 to see Perry on stage! >>

He has also hit 1% in THREE national polls, despite many mainstream media outlets ignoring his outsider candidacy.

Johnson has proposed bold ideas to shake up the entrenched establishment in Washington D.C.

Two-Cents Plan to Save America which cuts two cents of every dollar in federal discretionary spending to balance the federal budget and decrease inflation
Shutting down the Department of Education
Dismantling the corrupt FBI

His reality show “Perry Johnson in Primetime | Backstage Pass,” which airs on NEWSMAX Sunday nights, has documented Perry’s surge and gives viewers a behind-the-scenes look at what it’s like to run for President.

Backstage Pass Schedule on NEWSMAX
August 6th: 7:30 PM ET
August 13th: 9:00 PM ET
August 20th: 9:00 PM ET

This week, conservative patriot John Rich, of the country duo Big and Rich, sits down with Perry to talk about their FREE upcoming concert in Des Moines, IA for Perry’s donors. Anyone who has donated to Perry’s campaign is eligible to attend!

You can watch all episodes by going to

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