Gosar Hosts Packed Social Security Roundtable in Lake Havasu City
Earlier this week, I hosted an important roundtable discussion concerning Social Security in Lake Havasu City. I wholeheartedly believe that Social Security is a sacred trust. It is one of the most important programs in the United States, providing a safety net for millions of Americans.
But for years and with increasing frequency, many on the Left have repeatedly accused Republicans of wanting to reduce Social Security benefits. Let me set the record straight: I do NOT support cutting Social Security. On the contrary, I have repeatedly fought to increase Social Security benefits.
For example, I introduced the No Tax on Social Security Act, which would exclude Social Security benefits from being counted as annual gross income, thus exempting it from federal income taxation. I also support legislation that would eliminate any penalties for seniors who choose to continue to work. I have proposed legislation to eliminate the Optional Practice Training Program, which allows foreigners to work in America and claim Social Security without having to pay into it. I also co-sponsored legislation repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO which have unfairly penalized thousands of Arizonans who worked tirelessly their entire lives.
The real risk to your social security benefits is the reckless spending by democrats—and some Republicans to be honest. Many in Congress are addicted to spending. $1.7 trillion for COVID bailouts. $8 trillion on Iraq and Afghanistan endless wars. Virtually overnight my colleagues voted to give $200 billion to Ukraine. These same members refuse to put money in the Social Security trust account. They refuse to vote on my bill to eliminate taxes on Social Security benefits.
My priorities remain fixed on you: Americans. Ukraine is not our problem. On April 22, 2022, Biden said that your tax dollars would pay social security to Ukrainians: “It’s going to allow pensions and social support to be paid to the Ukrainian people, so they have something – something in their pocket.”
If only Biden cared about our own people half as much. I care, and I won’t stop until we get Social Security secured and benefits increased.
I do, however, support CUTS to foreign aid, unauthorized programs, Big Tech subsidies, senseless foreign wars, bloated bureaucracies, and rescinding unobligated COVID-19 funding and transferring it ALL to the Social Security trust fund so my constituents get their money back.
The bottom line is this: I have been, and will continue, to fight for more and better Social Security benefits for my constituents. I don’t pretend to have a monopoly on all the best ideas to do this. That’s why I hosted this important roundtable. To hear ideas and solutions that I can take back to Washington, D.C. Congress can and should work together to ensure people receiving social security receive their full benefit. Thank you to all the panelists who participated and everyone who attended this roundtable! A special thanks to Jack Burns from the Social Security office and Senator Borrelli for helping out.
Gosar Recognized for Long History of Pro-Israel Legislation
Recently, Mr. Bobby Rechnitz wrote in the Jewish Press about the solid and stable bipartisan support in Congress for Israel and the Jewish people. At a time when democrats are calling the entire Jewish state of Israel “racists” because they defend their borders the way a normal country should, or attend “art” exhibits that depict the killing of Israelis, the fact that most in congress reject this antisemitism is refreshing. Mr. Rechnitz wrote the following about my work, which is appreciated and correct:
“Representative Paul Gosar (R – AZ) is also a tried and trusted friend of Israel for over a decade. He has frequently stood by Israel and describes the U.S. – Israel relationship as transcending “political affiliations and has remained a pillar of U.S. – Israeli foreign policy and diplomacy.”
Congressman Gosar has sponsored dozens of resolutions strengthening Israel, like The Stand With Israel Act of 2014, H.R. 1337, which would have cut all aid to the Palestinian Authority because of its terrorist attacks on Israel. He passed multiple amendments to the National Defense Authorization Act in support of Israel’s inherent right to self-defense against regional aggression and co-sponsored a bill (H.Res.246) that opposes the Global Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions (or BDS) Movement.
Few Congressmen are as clear, articulate and consistent on their track records towards the Jewish State.”
I remain proud to support our allies and Israel has earned our support.
U.S. Credit Rating Slashed Due to Incompetence by Biden Administration
This week,Fitch Rating lowered the United States of America’s Long-Term Foreign-Currency Issuer Default Rating from AAA to AA+. The lowering of the credit rating is the direct consequence of the incompetence of the Biden administration and occurs three months after Mr. Biden signed a deal to raise the debt limit.
The downgrade will increase the cost of borrowing, contribute to the ever-growing deficit and make it more attractive for borrowers to borrow money from other countries.
It was Joe Biden’s Treasury Secretary Janet Yellin who famously declared that “I think I was wrong then about the path that inflation would take.” Seemingly, everybody else understood that when you spend and borrow massive amounts of money, inflation will inevitably result. That is Economics 101. As long as Biden and the democrats continue on their quest to spend more and more money, this economy killing inflation will continue. The massive Biden caused inflation is hurting all Americans.
Read my full statement regarding this disconcerting downgrade here.
Trump Political Persecution Continues
President Trump was once again indicted by the Biden Regime’s Department of Justice this week. Coincidentally, or more like intentionally, President Trump was indicted the following day after Hunter Biden’s business partner, Devon Archer, testified before the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability implicating the Big Guy in his son’s pay-to-play scandals by participating in more than 20 calls with his son. Gosar Newsletter readers will recall in 2020 Joe Biden claiming he had “never spoken” to Hunter about his foreign business dealings.
I firmly support Donald Trump. The attacks against him are coordinated and unfair. The Department of Justice, run by Merrick Garland, is an absolute disgrace. Their message is clear: if your last name is Trump or if you fight for an American first agenda, then you are the enemy. As a member of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability, I have never seen such a flagrant disregard for justice by the Department of Justice.
Our institutions of justice ignore, and even obstruct, the wrongdoings of the president’s son in his legal troubles, while simultaneously indicting President Trump. This two-tiered standard of justice is nothing short of corruption and is exactly why I came to D.C. to drain the swamp.
The latest indictment of President Trump attempting to criminalize his efforts to address voter fraud are a joke. The First Amendment names the freedom of speech as one of the most basic rights entrusted to us by our God. And, yes, even presidents have it. President Trump had every right to question voter irregularities, and he only challenged election results through legal means, no matter what the ravings of left-wing authoritarians might suggest.
Freedom of speech even gives us the right to be wrong. Just assume for a moment there was no evidence of any election irregularities. Zero. Nada. Freedom of speech gives us the right to say we believe there were irregularities. Indeed, Hillary Clinton has spent six years giving speeches claiming her 2016 election was stolen by Russians or aliens or goblins. And no one indicted her in spite of the fact there is no evidence of any of this. I am not advocating she be criminally charged for her obsessive lies. I am saying Jack Smith has engaged in political persecution against Trump that even third world autocrats condemn.
The George Soros-funded left has gone after conservative leaders globally. President Trump is just the latest. Italian Prime Minister Berlusconi was targeted by left-wing Milan prosecutors who were pursuing a vendetta against him. Conservative Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu has been prosecuted by far left prosecutors. Pakistan Prime Minister Khan is likewise being persecuted by leftists. This is the way of marxists and we cannot tolerate this injustice in our country. Know that I will continue to defend our beloved former President from the corrupt and power-thirsty elites.
Meanwhile, Corruption in D.C.: Biden Regime Took Bribes from Ukraine
It is now apparent that Ukraine paid millions of dollars in bribes to Joe Biden and his son, Hunter. There are whistleblowers, bank records, phone calls and eye-witness testimony.
It should be clear to everyone that the $200 billion promised to Ukraine by the Big Guy is the quo part of the bribery quid pro quo. We are on the brink of WW3 because the Biden regime has been bribed and is paying its ransom with our money and military, while indicting its political enemies.
President Trump once made a call to the President of Ukraine to find out why its own corruption into the Bidens was halted. In response, the democrats impeached him because Trump was on to something. They were well aware of the corruption and attacked President Trump for pointing it out.
What to do now? The sad reality is Biden has a corrupt prosecutor and a corrupt judge attacking President Trump. They want to jail him for his opinions and speech. The America you and I grew up in has been usurped by illegitimate political hacks who abuse the legal system, abuse congressional rules and abuse the public.
In Congress, we can defund corrupt prosecutors using the Holman Rule. We could cut the FBI and DOJ to the bone financially. We could impeach Biden. My preference is to do all three.
Will my colleagues agree? Will Republicans in my conference take these measures? At the time of this writing, I am not optimistic. These moves take strength and conviction. Traits that do not prevail in Washington, D.C.
Gosar Forms Bi-Partisan Congressional Interstate 11 Caucus
This week, Representative Titus and I formed the Congressional I-11 Caucus for the 118th Congress. The I-11 Caucus will consist of Members of Congress dedicated to issues related to the planning and implementation of the Interstate 11 transit conduit and help educate other Members of Congress on the importance of I-11. The U.S. southwestern region continues to be one of the fastest growing areas in the entire country. However, this rapid growth requires an updated infrastructure system to accommodate the increasing volume of transportation. For these reasons, I continue to lead the charge on I-11.
What Role Does Faith in God Play in Reducing Drug Addiction?
Earlier this week, I sent a special newsletter regarding the role God can play in reducing drug addiction. In response, I received many letters (see below) from constituents so I thought I would repost it again here in its entirety in case you missed it:
At a recent House Committee on Oversight and Accountability hearing examining the Office of National Drug Control Policy’s to combat the overdose crisis, I made the comment that the Biden regime’s proposed drug control plan to deal with the fentanyl crisis lack any moral imperative. I noted the absence of any reference to faith-based healing.
As reported by the left wing main street media: “Gosar argued that “Biden’s National Drug Control Strategy is 150 pages. The words ‘God’ and ‘faith’ are not mentioned one time. People need a purpose to be happy.” He also insinuated that there might be a link between increased government assistance, a lack of faith in God, and a rise in drug overdoses.”
A democrat representative took my comments to task as the headline shrieked: “Jamie Raskin Slams GOP Lawmaker’s ‘Preposterous’ Suggestion To Add ‘God And Faith’ In National Drug Control Strategy.”
There was nothing “preposterous” about my suggestion. In fact, the most successful drug treatment programs use faith as their guidepost. Most people are well aware of Alcoholics Anonymous and its 12-step program. It is famous because it is known as the most successful program that has helped millions beat their addiction to alcohol. It’s secret to success is not so secret: it has every addict admit they are powerless without God in their life. Let’s look at the 12 steps:
We admitted we were powerless over alcohol — that our lives had become unmanageable.
Came to believe that a Power greater than ourselves could restore us to sanity.
Made a decision to turn our will and our lives over to the care of God as we understood Him.
Made a searching and fearless moral inventory of ourselves.
Admitted to God, to ourselves, and to another human being the exact nature of our wrongs.
Were entirely ready to have God remove all these defects of character.
Humbly asked Him to remove our shortcomings.
Made a list of all persons we had harmed, and became willing to make amends to them all.
Made direct amends to such people wherever possible, except when to do so would injure them or others.
Continued to take personal inventory and when we were wrong promptly admitted it.
Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.
Having had a spiritual awakening as the result of these Steps, we tried to carry this message to alcoholics, and to practice these principles in all our affairs.
In looking at this foundational ethos, 80% invokes faith and God.
Again, I ask you, who is being “preposterous?” Me, and my suggestion that an effective addiction program uses faith at its core, or my colleague who mocks the most successful addiction program in our nation’s history?
There is a spiritual reawakening in America. Not everyone in Congress recognizes it, but many do. Please read this very well-written article by Pastor Andrew Isker.
It’s Mail Time!
I received nearly 6,000 thousand letters last month and I appreciate hearing from everyone. A lot of you wrote expressing your views on the role faith plays with true drug rehabilitation. Here’s a small sample of the letters I received on that topic:
Nancy D. from Prescott shares:
I appreciate your speaking up for making God part of rehab!
Nancy: God is a part of everyone’s well-being. Many people are searching to fill an emptiness with drugs, promiscuity and addiction. There is a hole inside all of us. It is the size and shape of God. If we fill that hole in our souls with God, we will not need to fill it with drugs, alcohol and deviant sex.
The concept of the God shaped hole has biblical origins, but even secular psychologists agree that alcohol, drug and sex addictions are a person’s self-destructive means to fill an emptiness.
Over 350 years ago, philosopher Blaise Pascal published the book Pensées, as a defense of Christianity. He wrote:
“What else does this craving, and this helplessness, proclaim but that there was once in man a true happiness, of which all that now remains is the empty print and trace? This he tries in vain to fill with everything around him, seeking in things that are not there the help he cannot find in those that are, though none can help, since this infinite abyss can be filled only with an infinite and immutable object; in other words by God himself.”
– Blaise Pascal, Pensées VII(425)
Richard K. from Prescott wrote:
Just a quick word of encouragement: thanks for your desire to add that “God and Faith” language to the recent Bill. They JUST aren’t listening and they have their own agenda. Keep fighting even when it seems fruitless – it keeps the pressure on the Left and it helps us all in the big picture.
Thank you, Richard. I will do just that and I appreciate your encouragement.
Peter C. from Goodyear sent this note:
Thank you, Congressman Gosar for sending me your comments on the recent drug addiction situation. I am very pleased to read your position on the country’s drug problems. I agree that the biggest issue in our country today is a majority of the left is ignoring God and not including God’s love for all of us. Unfortunately, right from wrong is not being taught let alone that we all will face the final day of judgement. It is our faith in our heavenly Father that will sustain us. Please continue with your belief and actions. We need more strong individuals like you in Congress.
Thank you, Peter. We were a better country when we put God in the public square. Beginning in the early 1960’s godless communists brought lawsuits before leftist judges who began a slow but sustained attack on spirituality and God in our public lives. Crosses in parks, the Ten Commandments in schools, prayers before school, games and meetings, and other acknowledgment of God were slowly stripped from our society. The evidence is clear that our society has not improved since then. We have millions of lost souls because of the court’s activist rejection of everything holy and good.
Kristi S. from Prescott by way of Tennessee shares:
I lived in the Prescott, AZ area for approximately10 years and recently have relocated to Tennessee. I still receive your newsletters as you are such a light amidst the darkness in Washington, DC!!
I just finished your midweek newsletter titled “What Role Does Faith in God Play in Reducing Drug Addiction?” Once again, your faith-based common sense is spot on! The decline in America has been a slow drip ever since God has been removed from schools, courtrooms, marriages, etc.
I just want you to know how refreshing your views are! I want to thank you for your service to this country!
Kristi—we think alike on this. Look at my prior response above. We miss you in Arizona but I’m sure Tennessee has welcomed a wonderful God-loving woman like you.
Paul M., a disabled Marine veteran from Yuma, wrote in to express the following:
Dear Dr. Gosar, I just received your E-mail about “Joe’s” drug control policy. I’m a disabled Marine Vietnam veteran, I also served as a 30-year police officer in the San Diego area, before my wife Pat and myself escaped to beautiful, free, Yuma, AZ.
I just wanted you to know that this old, broken Marine prays for you daily, and myself and my wife are with you 110%. I thank you for your service to our great United States of America, I know you must get very frustrated with the idiots you have to deal with.
Sir, there’s an old Marine saying that got me through tough times like this, “Semper Gumby” always flexible, and the old Marine saying “Improvise, overcome, and adapt.” Hope it helps. God bless you sir, Semper Fi.
Paul—thank you for all you have done for our country. Yuma is a hidden treasure in the desert where freedom still rings. I appreciate the Marine wisdom. Flexibility and improvisation describe war—and politics. Thank you for your prayers and your service.
Meanwhile, Stan S. from Bullhead City doesn’t believe there is room for God in reducing drug addiction and writes:
Keep your God out of US [sic] State [sic] government bills and initiatives. I am referencing Biden’s efforts to address our drug crisis. You are trying to use religion to weaponize the government.
Stan – I will do my best to bring God into every facet of American life. Individually and collectively we are a better nation under God, indivisible. Our Founders knew this. Our history shows it. In God we trust should be printed not just on cash, but on every government document and building. We must remind ourselves where our priories are morally.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Daniel Hagen from Payson shares this cool photo of an eagle taking off. He snapped this picture while paddle boarding. Amazing photo, Daniel. Thanks for passing it along!
Now, who is next!? Do you have photography skills? Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Anthony.foti@mail.house.gov. Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!
Warning!! The Gosar Weekly Newsletter is meant for discerning readers with above average intelligence. If you are a reporter, it probably means you are in over your head already. We link to interesting stories. We get stories a couple different ways: Google alerts, a third-party aggregator and sometimes readers send stuff. We don’t vouch for every publication or every author. If we link to a story, it is because of that story. The views expressed in any of the publications do not represent any promotion, endorsement or reflection of Congressman Gosar’s views. While we try our best, we cannot guarantee every news organization spouting hatred, animosity or divisiveness will be filtered from appearing in the Gosar Weekly Newsletter. We will endeavor to prevent that from happening by never linking to Fake News organizations including CNN, MSNBC, CNBC, Rolling Stone, the Arizona Republic, the Arizona Mirror, Media Matters or the New Republic.