Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Goathouse Gallery and Refuge

Dear people,

I hate to use words and phrases that have been used like an old pair of jeans…. But I don’t know how else to say it… we, the cats and us, the custodians, are here because of your care and generosity for more than 20 years… Throughout the years has become more and more difficult, probably for you too, everything cost more, many of the food and medications, the Veterinary care has doubled within the last 2 years and donations have slowed down to a point that we don’t really know if we can keep the Refuge going. Is it the summer? People on vacation? Is the collective unconscious telling to everybody that we are in very unclear and unsustainable grounds? I don’t know but it is scary. I look into the sweet, intense eyes of all our kitties and I see questions…. They are becoming more and more attached, needy… and I don’t have answers and I am afraid to communicate my fears.

If any of you have ideas/answers, please, help me understand…. And, possibly help us to keep fighting for these creatures…. They need us, you, to survive… We never finished the Starlight/extra/internet, we never receive enough money to do it, but our store is up on our website, not perfect yet, but getting there… we, soon will have many new Cat Mugs, some precious honey pots, clay cat stains for cold beer, new T shirts…. A shop worth visiting…. In 2 weeks we can move more old/unadoptable kitties to the new rooms at the Sanctuary, if we can pay, regularly the good people who work here… and feed the cats… It feels woeful to be helpless… to be hopeless…. Can you help us???

I am selling my home in Italy, to bring in money for the Sanctuary, hoping that will give us time to reach more stable grounds. I am not going to be able to go back anymore, but I can dream about all the wonderful things of my Country:

There is nothing sweeter than take a nap in a cool place that smells and sounds like hot summer outside, especially in Tuscany…The big fields of sunflowers have such a special perfume….the raganelle,” src=”blob:″ alt=”image001.png” class=”Apple-web-attachment Singleton” style=”width: 0.6979in; height: 1.052in; opacity: 1;”> little green frogs, sing loud their love song on top of the watermelon leaf’s….

Let me know if you want a 1000 YO, beautiful home in Tuscany… taxes are low, health care is free and good….kids still play all around the village without fear.

Take care all, I do love all of you, you have been my companions for many years!



Siglinda Scarpa

Goathouse Gallery and Refuge

379 Goathouse Rd.

Pittsboro, NC 27312


We are their Refuge; You are their future…

Include Goathouse  in your estate planning.

“In any cat who dies there dies with him, his first snow and kiss and fight … Not a cat dies but worlds die in them.”

“The animals of the world exist for their own reasons. They were not made for humans any more than black people were made for whites or women for men.”

– Alice Walker

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