As wonderful as that news is, we must be honest with you and say that we are struggling in a different way right now. While we often fundraise for our cats’ specific needs, we find it much more challenging to bring up raising funds to keep our hardworking employees at the Refuge. It makes sense that it’s more difficult to fundraise for our workers than our cats, of course: you are here, much like we all are, to help our kitties out and make their lives as full as possible!
But without our workers, that is nearly impossible. We try to keep ourselves lean and have only five employees who come in each morning at 7 AM and stay until 4 PM taking care of our cats: feeding them, cleaning up after them, administering their medication, transporting them to and from the vet, and much more. They do this seven days a week! Beyond that, they do it for far less than they could earn in the private sector because they love what we do at Goathouse.
As mentioned above, we have 5 employees who take care of our animals. We have around 150 cats. That means each worker is responsible for roughly 30 cats. If we lose even a single employee, the attention our cats receive unfortunately gets spread thinner. As much as we adore our volunteers and would love to have more come by to help, our employees are what allow us to function day-to-day and take care of our cats.
We have experience with how challenging it can be to find and retain good employees, but have finally managed to find stability. That stability, however, is threatened when we may not be able to afford to keep everyone.
Summers are always a bit harder on us, but this summer is particularly challenging. We are doing our absolute best to ensure our cats receive the attention, love, and care they deserve. Please, please, please help us maintain a high quality-of-life for our cats by giving whatever you can.Any amount, whether $5 or $5,000, can help ensure that we can remain open and can take care of all our animals. If we lose more workers, that may not continue to be feasible, so please, give generously if possible. We thank you so much for your support.