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Pope Francis Names New Cardinals; Yellen: Some ‘Progress’ With China; Protests Grow in Israel

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Pope Francis Announces New Cardinals

Alert: Social Justice Warriors Aim to Destroy Jesus

Yellen Sees Some ‘Progress’ in Rocky US-China Ties

Protests Grow as Israel’s Judicial Reform Edges Ahead

Under Siege

One of America’s most-trusted pastors reveals how the woke left has tricked Christians into defying God’s word.

Make no mistake. Their target is Jesus, and their diabolical plan is to subvert Christianity and lead Christians astray . . . pervert Bible teachings and twist them to fit their sick agenda.

They’re known by different names — the Christian left, progressives, and woke Christianity — but don’t be fooled.

Innocent Christians are being duped into deliberately ignoring the Bible. As the progressive left twists the word of God, they brainwash people into believing their perverted woke interpretation — all in the name of “social justice.”

Parading around as fake Christians, these devils in disguise are luring faithful believers into abandoning traditional interpretations of the Bible in matters of gender, marriage, racial equality, and more.

What’s worse . . .

Scripture Is Their Weapon

They’re dangerous, and there’s no end to how far woke liberals will go to destroy Christianity. But now a respected man of the cloth dares to stand in their way . . .

Lucas Miles is one of America’s most-trusted pastors — and he’s not afraid to take on controversial Christian topics. In his shocking NEW book, Woke Jesus: The False Messiah Destroying Christianity, Pastor Miles exposes the radical left’s destructive anti-Christian crusade and their mission to hijack Jesus.

Through this exclusive offer, you can get his blockbuster NEW release — a $24.99 value — absolutely FREE by clicking here.

Every Christian in America 
Must Read This Bombshell Book . . .

Woke Jesus rips the veil of secrecy and deception off to reveal how, in heinous hands, the sacred word of God is being twisted . . . replaced with a warped, sinful fabrication built on cancel culture, virtue signaling, and hedonism.

Under the guise of “social justice,” woke warriors brainwash legions of faithful people — including clergy and ministers — into believing their perverted interpretation of the Bible.

Friend, we’ve fallen as a Christian nation, and if you’re still skeptical look at what Pastor Miles reveals in Woke Jesus . . .

A national Gallup poll found only 24% of Americans now believe Scripture is “the actual word of God, and is to be taken literally, word for word.”

This is a record low based on 40 years of polling research!

Even more unnerving?

According to the same poll, the largest subset of Christians believe the Bible is “inspired by God but shouldn’t all be taken literally.”

Are you quaking in your boots yet? Because if not, you should be. This downgraded view of the Bible reveals how progressive Christianity has gained a powerful foothold over the last decade.

If You’re Not Worried, You Should Be.
Twisted Scripture Is a Cancer on Christianity . . .

Woke Jesus exposes how this demented and diminished view of Scripture is leading to a distrust in God.

Seeds of mistrust are being planted everywhere. Very faithful followers of God are asking, “Did God really say that? Did He really mean it?”

Not only is Scripture being perverted but church doctrines are being dismantled and moral boundaries moved.

One woke Kentucky public policy official twisted the pro-life position to sway people to submit to draconian COVID-19 measures. “Staying at home is the only pro-life position” and it says you love your neighbor, reports the official.

Don’t agree? Then you’re labeled an extremist.

These looney leftists twist the Gospel, so Christians see obedience to Romans 13 as synonymous with willingly submitting to government overreach.

As Pastor Miles reveals in Woke Jesus, this is spiritual abuse — using Scripture to manipulate the masses to passively submit to edicts issued by corrupt officials.

Think about it . . .

A wife would never be encouraged to submit to an abusive husband as part of her “obedience to the Lord.” Their logic is twisted, and their narrative is false.

Friend, this is just one of countless examples of the religious brainwashing of Christian America. Everything you need to know is spelled out in shocking detail in Woke Jesus.

We Live Surrounded by a Fabricated New Morality . . . and It’s Dangerous.

This sick scenario is built around being “PC,” celebrating cancel culture, encouraging hedonistic values, obsession with public health, allegiance to the leftist state, universalism, and virtue signaling.

And this systemic shift of the church toward wokeness is a gradual evolution that went quietly unnoticed: elevating Jesus’ humanity over his divinity so people accept their woke, sin-ridden Gospel.

Woke Jesus rips the veil of deception off this demon to reveal . . .

No Institution and No Christian or Jew Is Safe From the Anti-God Mob.

Inside Woke Jesus, Lucas takes a close look at today’s Christian universities and institutions and what he’s discovered will shock you to the core.

And it’s not just Harvard that has undergone a secret secularization — it’s most of the Christian universities in America. Yale, Princeton, Notre Dame, and the University of Michigan have all fallen into the trap.

In a shocking development, these revered Christian institutions have caved to the woke left. See it right here in your FREE copy of the book.

Page after page in this blockbuster book gives you chapter and verse on what’s going on . . .

Public Health Isn’t Safe From Their Deadly Clutches Either

God-hating left-wingers weaponized COVID-19 to get what they want, including everyone vaccinated . . . churches locked down tight . . . pastors preaching compliance to the state, not God’s will . . . a war between the vaccinated and the unvaccinated, and more.

Christian America Is in Serious Danger of Losing Its Morals and Values Due to the Left’s Twisted Scripture . . .

No longer will you find the woke left rebuking Scripture — they embrace it for their perverted gain. Woke Jesus cites example after example of how the woke movement takes Scripture and twists its meaning . . . how they use social justice to dupe the faithful into believing ideas that oppose the kingdom of God.

You have to read your FREE book, Woke Jesus, to believe it — total insanity.

Yet innocent Christians and faithful clergy everywhere are buying this propaganda hook, line, and sinker.

Woke Jesus will open your eyes to many more truths that are eluding even the most devout Christians, including:

Under the left’s heinous hands, the sacred word of God is being replaced with a warped, sinful fabrication. Nothing is sacred — even the COVID-19 public health crisis was used to brainwash Christians.

Woke Jesus . . .

Evil is all around us — the woke left are nothing more than wolves in sheep’s clothing, parading around pretending to be Christian, luring even the most devout Christians into their trap.

Read Woke Jesus so you can spot Lucifer’s army and resist their efforts to destroy God’s word and instead grow in the truth.Click Here Now to Claim Your
FREE Copy of Woke Jesus

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