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Brophy Leadership Transition: A Message from President Bob Ryan



“Today our prime educational objective must be to form men-and-women-for-others; men and women who will live not for themselves but for God and his Christ; men and women who cannot even conceive of love of God which does not include love for the least of their neighbors; men and women completely convinced that love of God which does not issue in justice for others is a farce.”
                 ~ Fr. Pedro Arrupe, S.J. – 28th Superior General of the Society of Jesus (1965-1983)
June 30, 2023
Dear Brophy Community,
Twenty-three years ago, when I stepped onto this campus for the first time, I sensed there was something special about this institution. I had known from afar that the school was held in high regard, the facilities were impressive, and the students were talented; however, it didn’t take me long that first year to realize the key ingredient to Brophy’s “secret sauce” — our Jesuit mission. Ever since, I’ve been inspired by all the ways this sacred mission is embraced and made manifest here at Brophy. Every institution has a mission but our mission of forming men for others is not just fodder for business cards or bumper stickers. It is the glue that binds us together and animates who we are and all that we do as a school community. To be entrusted today with the stewardship of this mission as Brophy’s president is truly an honor and a privilege.
I am fortunate to not only have had the opportunity to work directly with Brophy’s two previous presidents — Adria Renke and Fr. Edward Reese — but to now have the stalwart leadership of Jim Bopp in the principal’s office. Jim, a former Jesuit seminarian, first came to Brophy in 2005 and, in addition to teaching, has served as dean, as an assistant principal and, this last year, he worked with me as vice principal. From fall 2016 through spring 2022, he served as principal at Creighton Prep, a Jesuit high school in Omaha, Nebraska, and had a transformative impact on that school community. Jim is highly regarded throughout the Jesuit network as an innovative and impactful leader and we are the envy of schools across the country to have him as our principal.
In addition to working with Jim, I look forward to working closely with vice president of mission and identity, Fr. Bill Muller, S.J. and vice president of finance and operations, Jill Zimmerman, as we chart a course that is both faithful to our Jesuit charism and prudent to our finances. Additionally, my work with the entire President’s Office team will guide our advancement efforts as we begin this new leadership chapter.
I again want to thank Adria for her service as president and celebrate her successful completion of the $50 million Generations Endowment Campaign. Adria’s impact on Brophy has been immeasurable and, personally, I am deeply grateful for the partnership we’ve shared. She will surely be missed on campus each day but her tireless energy, genuine love for our students, and her abiding faith in God will continue to inspire all of us.
Earlier this summer, I spoke to a group of incoming freshmen.  They asked me, “What does a school president do?” My first answer was that I would let them know later this fall. I then asked them to identify some brands they associate with and they quickly rattled off some I expected and others that reminded me of my age. We talked about the nature of brands and what differentiates successful from unsuccessful ones. An astute bunch, they quickly began to see where I was leading them: my job is to steward our “brand” — our Jesuit mission. I then impressed upon them the important role they play in ensuring that our brand continues to have integrity.
Not one week later, I went back to those students to tell them about a phone call I received from a woman with no ties to Brophy who had been eating at a local restaurant. She called to tell me how impressed she was with a group of young people sitting a few tables away, wearing Brophy football t-shirts. “You should be very proud of your students,” she said.
As I humbly assume this mantle of leadership and the stewardship of our Jesuit mission, I am indeed proud of our students, who they are when they are on our campus and the men for others they become as alumni. I’m grateful to our dedicated faculty and staff and to our supportive parents and benefactors, all of whom make this project of Jesuit education possible. With great excitement and anticipation, I look forward to all that we will accomplish together as a Brophy community.

Bob Ryan


4701 North Central Avenue, Phoenix, Arizona 85012

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