Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Sunday Times reveals that COVID-19 developed by military at Wuhan lab

But let’s sum up: the evidence that COVID was engineered in Wuhan with funds from the United States and the Chinese military is overwhelming. The US has known this for years, and there is plenty of documentation to build a clear line from the discovery of bat coronaviruses in a mine–viruses that were similar to SARS, but didn’t infect humans. A furin cleavage site was inserted, and then a program to mutate the virus into a deadly form.

All were done in a lab with biosafety level 2. The State Department investigators sent to determine what happened were stonewalled by China, but developed a chain of evidence that pretty conclusively demonstrates that this was done. There is no animal reservoir for the virus as it exists now, despite lots of smoke and mirrors suggesting otherwise.

One last thing: there is an additional reason to cover this up in addition to bureaucratic ass-covering. If, in 2020, it had come out that China engineered the virus as it was causing panic, what do you think would have been the fallout?

It wouldn’t have been pretty for anybody concerned. Fauci would be toast, but so would US-China relations. And what do you think the chances are that anybody at State or the DoD would have told Trump, whom the bureaucrats hated with a passion?


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