Peter A. Hovis

Last Week This Morning: Supreme Court protects voting rights



Good morning, Rj! Happy Sunday! ☀️




Supreme Court protects voting rights. On Thursday, the Supreme Court ruled to uphold Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, tossing out racist and discriminatory congressional maps in Alabama. This is a huge win for voting rights activists who have been battling decades worth of efforts to undermine the VRA and our right to vote. All over the country, anti-voter legislation is being pushed in state legislatures – it’s time for Congress to take action to protect our right to vote and pass the Freedom to Vote Act, the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, and the Judiciary Act.


Veto update. Gov. Hobbs is back at it with the veto pen. Last week, she vetoed SB1413, State Sen. Justine Wadsack’s cruel bill that would have charged- unhoused people living in encampments with criminal trespassing. She also vetoed SB1040, State Sen. John Kavanagh’s hateful anti-LGBTQ+ bill that targeted transgender students and teachers by prohibiting them from accessing public school restrooms; and SB1696, a “thinly-veiled” book ban bill that would have made it a felony for educators to recommend many books without written parental permission. Hobbs has vetoed over 100 bills this session, setting a state record as extremists in the legislative majority have largely refused to hear legislation that actually addresses the needs of Arizonans.

Biden takes action to protect AZ’s public lands. President Biden has awarded over $15 million to Arizona to help protect and preserve its public lands. $9.59 million will go to the Sky Islands, which includes Chiricahua National Monument, and $5.59 million will go to the Yanawant landscape, which is an area North of the Grand Canyon. The funding will go towards reducing wildfire risk, updating infrastructure, addressing drought, and wildlife and habitat protection.



Electric utility companies took advantage of the debt ceiling crisis. And so did Kyrsten Sinema. Watch this TikTokexplaining how Sinema cashed in with utility companies before helping negotiate a deal that gave cover to the fossil fuel industry.



Banned Book Swap and Brunch. Join our partners, Fuerte Arts Movement and Instituto, for a community book exchange and brunch, to learn about the history of banned books and current legislation on banned books across the country.


Protect the Grand Canyon. Sign the petition to designate the Grand Canyon as a national monument, protecting it against ongoing uranium mining threats. Clean drinking water and Indigenous communities’ access to the land must be protected.

Join the Arizona Voting Rights Coalition on Tuesday, June 13 at 12pm for an event bringing awareness to the voting rights related bills from the 2023 Arizona State Legislative session and to stress the need for inclusive, equitable, and accessible democratic policies and practices. RSVP here.



Thanks for reading Last Week, This Morning!

Abigail with Progress Arizona




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