Peter A. Hovis

Last Week This Morning: Sinema votes to block student loan cancellation



Good morning, Rj! Happy Sunday! ☀️




ESA vouchers expected to cost $900M in 2024. The Arizona Department of Education is estimating that the out of control ESA voucher program will cost taxpayers $900M in 2024, nearly twice the amount allotted in the state budget. The program is draining funds from public schools to subsidize private and religious schools, in many cases going to families that could already afford to send their kids to private schools. Meanwhile, Arizona public schools continue to remain seriously underfunded, despite the fact that 90% of Arizona parents entrust their children to attend public schools.


Sinema voted to block student loan debt relief. If there’s one thing we can count on Senator Kyrsten Sinema for, it’s to side with corporate industries and billionaires rather than Arizonans. On Thursday, she voted to end President Biden’s extremely popular student loan cancellation program, which an estimated 810K Arizonans would have been eligible for. Additionally, she also voted to restart payments with retroactive interest added, and to prevent the Department of Education from canceling loans in the future. Sinema has taken over $126,000 from the student loan and for-profit industry, and in the past, she blocked the plan to make community college free and to raise the cap on student loan interest rates.

The Supreme Court rolled back federal water regulations. Last week, in the Sackett v. EPA case, the Supreme Court voted to scale back clean water regulations. The ruling will leave almost all of Arizona’s springs, creeks, and washes vulnerable to water pollution, according to environmental advocates. Read more here.



Pride Month. Pride flags are hanging from the 9th floor at the Arizona Capitol (!), likely for the first time in our state’s history. Watch this TikTok from state Rep. Analise Ortiz, highlighting what it means for LGBTQ+ lawmakers and advocates to have a Governor who supports the community and is committed to vetoing anti-LGBTQ+ attacks pushed by extremists at the Arizona Legislature.

Join the Arizona Voting Rights Coalition on Tuesday, June 13 at 12pm for an event bringing awareness to the voting rights related bills from the 2023 Arizona State Legislative session and to stress the need for inclusive, equitable, and accessible democratic policies and practices. RSVP here. 



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Abigail with Progress Arizona




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