Site icon Peter A. Hovis

Montanans for Tester

Hey folks,

When I was a young man, my first call to public service was playing Taps at military funerals throughout high school and into college. It was always humbling, and pretty emotional to play at these funerals, most of which were for World War II veterans who lived in and around Big Sandy.

Those experiences, along with my brother’s own time in the service, gave me an incredible respect for our military and sparked my passion for helping our veterans.

During my time in the Senate, hundreds of veterans across Montana have shared their stories with me, including their frustrations with the lack of qualified health care providers in their communities and issues with the VA.

Come hell or high water, I’ll always fight to keep the promises our nation made to each and every one of Montana’s service members, veterans, and their families.

I’ve always gone to bat for veterans’ health care, working across the aisle to bring folks in Washington together to pass legislation that holds the VA accountable and opened new veterans’ clinics in Bozeman and Missoula. I am proud of everything we’ve done to help our veterans in Montana and across the country.

Montana’s veterans showed me what true respect looks like. So on this Memorial Day, let’s remember those who have made the ultimate sacrifice for our country, and renew our commitment to doing right by our veterans.

May God Bless all who have served.


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