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Memorial Day

Look guys,

It’s Memorial Day…

A national holiday to honor and remember those who served and died for our country.

One reason why Memorial Day means a lot to our family is because Sal and I’s dad, Big Jim, never got to meet his biological father.

See, his father was killed in WW2 before he ever got to meet him.

Fortunately, my dad was raised by a man who took him and his brothers in … loved them as his own … and taught them how to be truly great men.

But I understand that many people in our incredible community never got that chance … or have lost a loved one who was defending our great country, and have to live with that loss every day.

Which is why it’s so important that we take this time to remember WHY we get to live our lives the way we do…

Because the truth is … there have been hundreds of thousands of Americans whose names we will never know, who fought and paid the ultimate price for us to have the freedoms & opportunities we have every day.

…and instead of taking days like today for granted…

We should tackle every day with the intent to honor and remember the brave men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice for this great country…

Not just on Memorial Day … but EVERY DAY that we have the privilege to wake up and better ourselves.

Freedom certainly isn’t free … and those individuals gave everything so we can live the life we lead every day.

While we can never repay these men and women … and we can never personally thank them for their service and sacrifice…

We CAN take advantage of the endless opportunities we have because of them … and use our life to make the world a better place.

We CAN live a life they would be damn proud of.

…and most importantly, we must never forget their sacrifice.

So be sure to enjoy today with your family and friends … but take some time to think about this question:

How can YOU honor our fallen heroes every single day?

I know I can do more … I think we all can.

So let’s keep working to live every day in honor of the sacrifices made by these men & women.

– Andy

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