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Gosar Statement on Raising the Federal Debt Ceiling and House Passage of Limit, Save, and Grow Act

Contact Me  |   Media Center  |   Our DistrictFor Immediate ReleaseContact: Anthony FotiDate: April 26,

Gosar Statement on Raising the Federal Debt Ceiling and House Passage of Limit, Save, and Grow Act

Washington, D.C. – U.S. Representative Paul Gosar, D.D.S. (AZ-09) issued the following statement after voting in favor of raising the debt ceiling with the conditions outlined in the Limit, Save, and Grow Act:

“Today’s vote addresses the debt ceiling in a fiscally responsible manner while tackling excessive federal spending that has driven inflation to historic highs and crippled our economy.  

I have repeatedly demanded that any increase in the debt ceiling be accompanied by spending cuts to get our fiscal house in order and the Limit, Save and Grow Act does just that.  Not one democrat in the House of Representatives voted to reduce spending.  This insane spending spree has got to be tempered.  

It is long past time for democrats and Joe Biden to recognize that American families are hurting from years of reckless deficit spending.  It is time for democrats and Joe Biden to take up this House-passed legislation and get our financial house in order,” stated Congressman Paul Gosar.


The Limit, Save, and Grow Act of 2023 will return spending levels to FY2022 levels, thereby saving taxpayers $4.5 trillion by cutting needless and wasteful programs, and it will allow for 1% annual growth over the next ten years.

Notable savings include slashing unobligated COVID pandemic funds, preventing Mr. Biden’s student loan bailout, and rescinding Mr. Biden’s 87,000 new IRS agents.  The rescission of the COVID funds and of the authority to use taxpayer money to pay for private loans and deadbeats stems from the passage of H. J. Res. 7, Congressman Gosar’s bill to end the National Pandemic Emergency.  

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