What does this mean? The American people get it. They’re tired of an outdated two-party system that leaves our problems unsolved because it incentivizes dysfunction and division over pragmatism and progress.
At Forward, we’re with them.
That’s why we’re building a home for these independent thinkers. We’re on the forefront of advancing reforms that would give every voter full participation in the electoral system—and allow candidates outside the two major parties to compete and succeed on level ground.
The result of these efforts will be a thriving democracy in which independent candidates more interested in solving problems than playing political games could break our legislative stalemates and move the country forward.
Together, we are leading the way to a better future for all of us.
Our first national summit this June is a critical next step on this historic journey toward real bottom-up, democratic governance in the U.S. Forward leaders from around the country will gather to drive toward a shared vision for the party and develop a roadmap to national party status.
Numbers don’t lie. The future is independent, and only Forward is leading the way with a state-by-state plan to mobilize and empower independent voters. Your donation will help make it happen.
Thank you in advance for your continued support!
Best, Lindsey Williams Drath Chief Executive Officer
The Forward Party