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How to Get Paid ROYALTIES on Valuable Battery Metals…

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ELECTRIC ROYALTIES doesn’t own the mines,
it owns something better…
Sponsored Message – A new generation of “metals moguls” may emerge as global energy production tilts from fossil fuels to electric cars, batteries, and other applications – and demand for nine key metals shoots through the roof.

In particular, you can cash in on the one mineral EV producers are clamoring for most right now: lithium.

ELECTRIC ROYALTIES (Ticker Symbol ELECF in the U.S. and ELEC in Canada) owns deeded rights to a portion of the proven Authier lithium deposit in Quebec with production set to come online within weeks, making it the ONLY producing lithium mine in Canada! Authier has the potential to be a steady and long-life cashflow generator for ELECF.

Buy ELECF today and you’ll own a share of this lithium income stream – and 21 other royalties on lithium and other battery metals – such as copper, nickel, tin, zinc, and graphite – too.

All this makes ELECF the ultimate “ground floor” opportunity to own the valuable minerals that are in the ground and set to be mined to meet the appetite of The New Electric Economy.

The cash flow spigot is expected to be flung wide open as royalties from Authier and other top projects come online.

9 Metals That Can Help You Become Wealthy in
“The New Electric Economy”
Investors who obtain ownership of these nine Electric Economy metals in their cheapest form – in the ground, while they are literally “dirt cheap” – could have the most to gain!

One company – Electric Royalties Ltd.(Ticker Symbol ELECF in the U.S. andELEC in Canada) – is building a diversified portfolio of mining royalties on the critical metals expected to benefit most from the drive to electrification and the new Electric Economy.

Here’s how this exciting royalty company works…

Electric Royalties’ 3-step system for cashing in on the Electric Economy couldn’t be any simpler –

1. Electric Royalties raises and invests capital to provide essential funding for well-managed mining projects in politically stable, mineral-rich regions.
9 Essential Metals For the New Electric Economy

2. In exchange for this funding, Electric Royalties secures deeded interests in perpetuity to a percentage of the metals in the ground.

Royalties are paid when metals are extracted and brought to market. These royalties are paid to Electric Royalties for the life of the mine, typically decades.

3. Electric Royalties does not assume the burdens and risks typically associated with traditional mining operations – environmental, political, labor, transportation, smelting, etc.

A royalty company’s only role – once royalty rights are secured and the operating mine digs up the metals – is to collect royalty checks on behalf of its shareholders.

Electric Royalties (Ticker Symbol ELECF) does not actually own stock in the mining companies it invests in…

…instead, it owns a deeded interest in the very metal deposit itself AND the right to cash flow the mine produces over time.

Electric Royalties does not own mines, lease mining equipment, or employ miners either. It does not bear the high burdens of inflation or energy costs involved with operating a mine.

Nor is Electric Royalties on the hook for additional capital to build or run any mine, and it doesn’t have to contend with sticky political or environmental challenges like the actual mine operators so often do. Instead:

  • Electric Royalties is building a portfolio of royalties on the suite of nine metals that will benefit from the drive to electrification;
  • Electric Royalties is creating significant shareholder value through long-term sustainable royalty investments with high cash-flow potential;
  • Electric Royalties offers a high-value growth opportunity in a significant global market.
“Growth Sector: Electric Vehicles Sales and the New Electric Economy Have Arrived” – FORBES, Sep 24, 2022
Royalty companies have generally outperformed investments made directly in the shares of operating mining companies – as well as the underlying commodities associated with them.

Plus, there tends to be less volatility and risk in holding royalty company shares.

The royalty model proved itself big time in the precious metals sector (gold, silver, etc.) starting back in the 1980s. But interestingly, royalties have barely been “a thing” with respect to these other metals… until now.

A first mover in its space, Electric Royalties (ELECF) is now applying this same time-tested royalty model in the mining of nine metals – lithium, cobalt, copper, nickel, tin, graphite, manganese, zinc, and vanadium – that are absolutely essential to the electrification of the global economy.

“The Electric Economy: Why Electric Vehicles Are the Future”
– Jay Uhm, TPC Mechatronics, Nov 16, 2022
ELECTRIC ROYALTIES has 22 royalty contracts in place, with two already producing and five more anticipated to begin generating revenue in 2023-2026.

Learn more about this exciting company at

Watch highly informative video interviews with CEO Brendan Yurik here.

Check out the investor slide deck here.

Recent Electric Royalties (ELECF) Stock Metrics in USD (live quote here):

Market Capitalization $26 Million
52-Week Price Range $0.11 – $0.32
One-Week Price Range $0.24 – $0.28
Discount to 52-Week High 20%
Cash & Cash Equivalents $1.2 Million
Debt $1 Million
Royalties Signed 21 in 6 nations; 1 pending completion
Number of Directors Four
Directors’ experience 95 years, in aggregate
“As governments set sustainability targets and net-zero policy goals… an incredible opportunity unfolds to create a comprehensive ecosystem strategy that builds the foundation of an electric economy.” – Guidehouse, March 23, 2022
Learn more at
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