To quote my favorite President, Donald J. Trump, this is BIGLY because it terminates the extreme executive branch powers granted under the COVID-19 emergency declaration that are now unnecessary and were abused by the Biden administration.
How did we get here? On March 13, 2020, President Trump rightfully declared a national emergency concerning COVID-19. But by mid-2020, it was obviously no longer a national emergency, but a limited pandemic that largely impacted the elderly and the immuno-compromised.
Why did it take so long for Congress to act? By law, Congress must consider a resolution of termination of national emergencies after six months, and every six months after the emergency declaration continues.
In accordance with law, I set out to review termination of the declaration and introduced multiple resolutions, including H.J.Res.46, H.J.Res.52, S.J.Res.38, S.J.Res.63 and multiple letters to require Congress to debate the merits of the continued emergency declaration. However, Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi repeatedly blocked debate about the merits of the extended declaration. So worried about losing power, former Speaker Nancy Pelosi even changed the rules of the entire House to prevent members of Congress from considering the resolution.
Finally, on February 1, 2023, under the new Republican majority, the House of Representatives passed my bill, H.J.Res 7, and the legislation was sent to the Senate where it was required to be considered in an expeditious manner. And this week, the Senate voted.
Why is it such a big deal? This week’s actions by the Senate helps to end the more than 120 presidential authorities provided under the emergency declaration and safeguard our country from any further abuses by Mr. Biden. The National Emergencies Act is meant to provide a check against presidential exploitation by mandating congressional review. One such abuse was Mr. Biden’s use of the national emergency declaration as the justification for his failed student loan forgiveness “program.”
Ending the emergency powers will also open the door to allow Republicans in Congress the ability to claw back the billions of unspent dollars that Mr. Biden has moved around under the so-called guise of a pandemic and put towards strengthening Social Security.
Last September, Mr. Biden asserted “the pandemic is over,” ‘cases are down,’ and America has opened back up. Yet, Joe Biden nevertheless extended the COVID-19 national emergency declaration simply to force Americans to live under extreme measures that deprive us of our freedoms.
I am pleased that both the Senate and House of Representatives have now passed legislation requiring the Biden administration to finally end the outdated and abusive COVID-19 national emergency declaration. The pandemic has long been over, and there is no reason to keep emergency powers for an emergency that has ended. Our long national nightmare is over.
President Trump Indicted by George Soros-Funded Manhattan Attorney General
I will have more to say about the bogus charges leveled against President Trump in the days to come but it’s abundantly clear that the Biden regime occupying the White House and systematically killing America is most afraid of President Donald J. Trump. Period. This is third world politics from a George Soros-funded district attorney who must be investigated, beginning with Congress. Having nothing to do with the law, this is a clear and brazen political persecution. I proudly stand with President Trump.
Gosar Introduces Legislation to Assist Downwinders
This week, Ireintroduced H.R. 1751, the Downwinders Parity Act of 2023, legislation providing partial restitution to victims who now have cancer and other serious medical issues as a result of being exposed to nuclear fallout and radiation during government testing.
Military testing conducted during the Cold War came with a heavy cost to Americans living in the surrounding communities. The Radiation Exposure Compensation Trust Fund (RECA), a federally funded program established by Congress in 1990, provides partial restitution to those living in certain areas affected by the nuclear weapons testing from 1945 to 1962. Unfortunately, RECA failed to properly define the boundaries of impacted populations and many Americans that resided in counties near where the testing occurred were mistakenly excluded from the program for no logical scientific reason, including people that reside in Mohave County, Arizona and Clark County, Nevada.
Since first being elected to Congress, I have worked tirelessly to fix the error that excluded Downwinders from Mohave and Clark Counties from filing claims with the Department of Justice.
Gosar to Congress: No More Money or Weapons to Ukraine
Our country is quite literally falling apart. We have failing infrastructure, including rail lines, that need immediate attention. Rampant crime and homelessness are pervading our cities. The fentanyl crisis is crushing families and communities. Our southern border is being invaded by millions of lawbreakers, consuming resources to the tune of billions per year. The Social Security Trust Fund is not keeping pace with our senior population.
In short, Congress needs to focus our limited resources on Americans, not Ukraine. That is why this week I sent a letter to House Appropriations Chairwoman Granger asking that not one more dime be appropriated to fund weaponry or weapons systems in the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. A copy of the letter can be found by clicking here.
Gosar Announces Congressional Art Competition
Each spring, the Congressional Institute sponsors a nationwide high school visual art competition to recognize and encourage artistic talent in the nation and in each congressional district. Since the Artistic Discovery competition began in 1982, more than 650,000 high school students have participated.
The first-place winning work will be displayed for one year on the wall in the walkway from Cannon House Office Building to the U.S. Capitol. There is also an annual awards ceremony in Washington, D.C. for the first-place winner.
The Congressional Art Competition is a great opportunity to encourage artistic talent from Arizona and across the country. I cordially invite you participate. Here are the details:
Why Washington, D.C. Will Never, and Should Never, Become a State
Every year in Washington, D.C. the local government, surrounded by churlish democrats, claim that the District of Columbia should be a state. Let me tell you why this is silly, wrong and unconstitutional.
First, the Constitution, our governing document, says it cannot be a state. It is a federal enclave, literally a federal “District” much like a military base. Like all federal property, Congress has exclusive control over it. Our sacred Constitution, Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 reads: “The Congress shall have Power To …exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of the Government of the United States.” Thus, the District of Columbia was created as a federal enclave to be exclusively controlled by Congress.
A long time ago, with good intentions no doubt, Congress allowed locals to run their local affairs, like zoning, roads, and schools. However, the locals in Washington, D.C. have a proven track record of corruption, incompetence and maladministration. Residents of D.C. got some rights to vote in the electoral college in 1961 but otherwise Congress is still the overseer and, in my view, because of the incredibly poor job local D.C. government does, Congress should run Washington, D.C. and appoint the mayor and city council. Bryan Weaver, a Democrat activist, noted in 2010, “But when it comes to D.C., there’s a culture of corruption that really exists.”
Let’s look at crime. Crime in the capitol has always been a problem, but in recent years violent crimes have skyrocketed. Just a few weeks ago a congresswoman was assaulted in an elevator, and a few days ago a staffer for Sen. Paul was stabbed and is clinging to his life. His attacker had been released from prison just the day before instead of serving life in prison for the many other crimes he committed. During the 2020 Black Lives Matter riots and insurrection, the local government did nothing to stop the insurrectionists, arrest criminals or prosecute them. Over $2 billion in damage was done, and not one member of Antifa or Black Lives Matter was charged. One would think a competent local government would crack down on this, but instead, local police do not arrest many suspects, and those that are arrested, the Far-Left prosecutors refuse to prosecute two thirds of the arrestees. The prosecutor in D.C. decides which cases to charge and how the government presents its evidence. In recent years, the prosecutor has declined to prosecute so many crimes that now most arrests don’t result in charges. In 2022, D.C. prosecutors “declined” 67% of all arrests;i.e. they reviewed the arrest and declined to press charges. This included 52% of felony arrests and 72% of misdemeanor arrests. Washington, D.C. is a dangerous city, and if something happens to you here, you can be certain whoever harms you will get away with it.
Let’s look at homelessness. D.C. condones, coddles and rewards homeless transients. Tents are all over. A properly functioning local government would not allow rampant homelessness, drug use and crime. But they do.
Why do democrats want D.C. to be a state? This one is easy. Washington, D.C. has been controlled by democrats (as is obvious from the corruption, rampant crime and homelessness) for decades. D.C. has 75% if its voters registered as democrats. Only 6% are registered Republicans. Democrats want statehood to get two more democrat votes in the Senate. It is no more complicated than that.
Gosar Reintroduces Bill to Improve Congressional Oversight Over Washington, D.C.
I don’t just talk about the problems in our country, I do something to solve them! That includes the mess I just outlined in Washington, DC. This week, I reintroduced the D.C. Home Rule Improvement Act,legislation that would increase the timeframe for congressional review of D.C. statutes from 30 days to 60 days for all statutes. It would import the tried-and-true provisions of the Congressional Review Act’s expedited procedures into law. It would allow for individual “provisions” of any D.C. law to be overturned, important in the context of larger D.C. measures such as the yearly Budget Support Act, which typically includes dozens (at least) of different modifications to the code. Finally, it would provide for any member to move to discharge from the committees of jurisdiction any resolution that had not been the subject of action for 20 days.
The current procedure has been used sparingly in large part because of its weaknesses. Recent debates over particularly egregious D.C. actions, such as the Reproductive Health Non-Discrimination Act, which passed the House but did not receive a vote in the Senate, or the D.C. individual mandate provision of the 2018 Budget Support Act, show the need for expanded, robust procedures for the Congress to oversee D.C. activities. The enclave clause of the Constitution makes it clear that Congress has oversight over the District of Columbia. In light of that constitutional imperative, its toolkit should be robust, meaningful, and reasonably accessible for policymakers. The D.C. Home Rule Improvement Act helps achieve this aim.
Tax Season Help
We’re in the middle of tax-filing season, and with April 15th looming, you’ve no doubt already spent countless hours preparing your taxes. If you need help filing your taxes, the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) has made available some resources to assist processing your tax returns.
Many taxpayers will be eligible to use the IRS Free File software by clicking here. The program offers software packages that will find deductions, credits, and exemptions for users. If you are more comfortable with a tax professional handling your tax return, click hereto find someone to help prepare them.
Still have questions? Visit the Interactive Tax Assistant to find information about filing status, credits or deductions, dependent eligibility, and more. As always, if you need help with the IRS or any federal agency, please contact my District Director, Penny Pew, We will do our best to help!
The Rich Pay Their “Fair Share” of Taxes!
Speaking of taxes, I have been in Congress for a decade now. From the day I first got there, to this very moment, the democrats run around shrieking for higher taxes. Most commonly, they claim that the top 1%, or 5% or 10% of earners need to (the number changes, but in reality, they want everyone who is not on welfare to pay more) “pay their fair share.”
Most importantly, they never define what they mean by “fair share.” To me and you, reasonable and logical people, a “fair share” is an equal amount. If you earn $100 million and the tax rate is 10%, your “fair share” would be $10 million. And if you earn $1 million your “fair share” would be $100,000 and if you earn $100,000 your “fair share” would be $10,000.
That is a flat rate system that is truly fair and equitable. The very wealthy $100 million earner would in fact shell out $10 million dollars, for the same government goods and services the person earning $100,000 would get who pays $10,000.
Aww, but there is nothing logical or fair about communism and today’s Leftists in the democrat party. The IRS just released its report for the tax year ending in 2020, and guess what? Let’s see what the “rich” are actually paying in taxes.
The top 1% of taxpayers paid 48% of total income taxes. Yes, you are reading that right. The top 1% of American workers are paying close to half of all federal taxes collected.
In addition, the top 10% paid almost nearly 72% of all federal income taxes collected.
In other words, our tax system already imposes the communist ideal of redistributing wealth from “the rich” to “the poor”–except it doesn’t really go just to “the poor” it goes to government bureaucrats for salaries and benefits, and war spending, etc.
You might ask yourself, who is in that top 10% of earners? You might be surprised, but you don’t have to be Bill Gates or Elon Musk. If you earn more than $150,000 a year, you are in the top 10%. Congratulations on your success and thank you for working hard enough to support the entire country of Ukraine, as well as dozens of other countries. Thank you for paying for bureaucrats to shut down your businesses with draconian regulations, insane environmental delays, and for a TSA program at airports that is bloated and inefficient.
According to the IRS, and to Sovereign Man analysts, “the bottom 40% of U.S. income tax filers paid no net income tax at all. And the next group, those making between $30-$50,000 per year, paid an effective rate of just 1.9%.
The truth is this: the United States adopted an income tax code in 1913 that was based on “progressive” taxation (which is a Marxist ideal) that today effectively punishes hard working and talented people who make up our professional class, our business owners, and other folks who work hard with an obscenely high tax rate that forces them to pay for 75% of the government operations.
If we want everyone to “pay their fair share” then we need to adopt a flat tax system.
Cesar Chavez was a union labor leader and Latino civil rights activist from Yuma, Arizona who understood that preventing illegal immigration was an essential prerequisite to improving the circumstances of American workers. In the 1970s, Chavez combined a campaign of identifying and reporting illegal workers with a campaign to boycott non-unionized farms to protect American labor. Chavez directly addressed the issue of illegal immigration with nonviolent tactics to improve the conditions of persecuted and impoverished American workers. A few years ago, I introduced H.Res. 268, a resolution supporting the designation of Cesar Chavez’s birthday, March 31st, as National Border Control Day. Cesar Chavez’s lifelong work to protect American workers should be echoed and celebrated throughout America. As Biden and open border Democrats continue to advocate against securing our southern border, it is critical to remember the damage illegal immigration does to legal American workers.
It’s Mail Time!
The totals are in and I received more than 5,300 letters in March! Here’s a small sample of the letters I received just this week:
Ryan M. from Lake Havasu disagrees is a never-Trumper who disagrees with me that we should be taking care of Americans before pouring more money and weapons in Ukraine:
The fact that Gosar is not supporting Ukraine because Trump lost is childish. Trump was the one that did the quid pro quo to Zelenskyy. His impeachment was no one else’s fault but his own. There are children dying and being raped and you want to just let the entire country fall under this hell? It’s pretty sick. 2016 and before I voted for Gosar. Now I can’t. What the fuck happened to him? Why is he going down this white grievance/white nationalist rabbit hole? It’s getting real weird.
Ryan, Ryan, Ryan. What tales you spin. My support for America First—not Ukraine First—goes back to March 2022; long before President Trump mentioned his opposition to our funding this latest mistake. I was one of three members who voted against Ukraine funding last year. Now over 70 members oppose it and growing.
I have been consistent:
I believe in peace. Not war.
We are $31 trillion in debt.
We have Social Security on the brink of collapse. All our resources are needed to save this.
Ukraine is a dictatorship that has banned Christianity.
Ukraine is a dictatorship that has banned free press.
Ukraine is a dictatorship that has banned opposition political parties.
Ukraine endorses, supports, uses and promotes Nazi ideology and Nazi militias. I’ll be damned if one red American cent should go to help Nazis.
Ukraine is consistently ranked among the top two most corrupt European countries. Probably 50% of the money and weapons we send there are diverted to corrupt side sales.
We have no dog in this fight. We are not defending “democracy” but a third world country far away from any U.S. interests.
Russia is not our enemy. Since the Cold War ended, we should have developed a friendly mutual relationship. Neo-cons have a visceral hatred of Russia. They want war everywhere. Iraq. Afghanistan. Syria. Russia. They are blood thirsty. The rest of us don’t feel this way don’t need to.
Biden has screwed our nation with this war mongering. Our military is now weakened after $80 billion in equipment was given to the Taliban because of the gay General Milley’s humiliating defeat in Afghanistan. That clown is a traitor and incompetent. Now we are another $100 billion short of military equipment. China knows we are weak and is moving on Taiwan. Biden and Milley smell like defeat.
China, India, Brazil, Nigeria, Russia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and potentially dozens of other countries are now approaching an agreement to not use our dollar when trading. This could lead to a disastrous loss in value of our dollar and hyperinflation. The process of doing this is directly related to the Russian sanctions Biden imposed that have backfired and could destroy our economy. The Russian economy suffered a mere 2% decline after over 1,000 sanctions were imposed without congressional consent. If this unrolls against us Biden will have set our country back a generation.
Ryan, your desire for bloodshed is sickening. Over 250,000 Ukrainians are now dead. Over 50,000 Russians are dead. We should be blessed peacemakers. I don’t want any more of our taxes spent on pointless wars that kill people.
After 60 years of wars, from Vietnam to Ukraine, and embarrassing losses in Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Somalia, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, haven’t we killed enough people? Haven’t we suffered enough of our own people killed for no reason? For God’s sake Ryan, let’s stop the killing.
Ursala C. from Rio Rico writes:
Congratulations on ending the COVID state of emergency. This was long overdue, and I appreciate your work on behalf of all Arizonans.
Daniel O. from Kingman shares:
Thank for your stopping Bidens reckless spending on so called national emergency! Thank for your hard work protecting the people of this great nation.
Gerald M. from Globe jokes:
Thank you for your continued efforts to finally get your bill H. J. Res 7 passed by both the House and Senate. Now if Obama will just let Joe sign it! Your efforts are deeply appreciated.
Paul F. from Wittmann makes a good point:
We should have done away with the covid emergency mandates over two years ago. And the people responsible for deliberately releasing the virus should be prosecuted. They’re responsible for killing millions of people. I guess it’s just part of their new world order to kill off a majority of the world population so we can be controlled easier. Another part is trying to take away our 2nd amendment rights so we can no longer defend ourselves against the tyrannical federal government we now have.
Jeff and Mary P. shared:
Three cheers for Paul on getting his legislation to end the COVID national emergency through the House and the Senate!
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
This chilly but very cool picture was recently sent in by J LeFebvre from Chino Valley, AZ. Breathtaking! Thanks for sharing!
Now, who is next!? Do you have photography skills? Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!