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Take the ACA Investor Sentiment Survey

The Angel Capital Association is the professional society of investors. Our organization exists to support and promote the investment ecosystem for its members and affiliates.
In short, we’re here to serve you.
Understanding our ecosystem drives the Angel Capital Association and how we support our members as the steward of the angel investment community. We are relaunching the ACA Investor Sentiment Survey! In addition to landscape awareness, this annual survey which is a complement to ACA’s Angel Funders Report collection, serves as a benchmark for the growth and character of angel investing.
Please take just 10 minutes to complete the ACA Investor Sentiment survey and help ACA further our footprint while continuing to showcase the asset class and the angels within it.
Each survey participant will be entered in a drawing for a complimentary registration to one workshop as part of ACA Angel University’s brand curriculum. Thank you for your time and feedback!
Thank you,
Angel Capital Association
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