Learn How to Stand Out in the Fundraising Process!
For this special webinar, in partnership with the Nasdaq Entrepreneurial Center, we’ll present Demystifying Raising Capital from Angels with Alexander Muromcew, Board Member and Advisor to several startups; Yaniv Sneor, CEO at Native State Therapeutics and Founder at Mid Atlantic Bio Angels; and Brittni Abiolu, Managing Director at VentureHue, to share their experience and insights around the intricacies of angel investing. Attendees will walk away with a deeper understanding of the benefits and challenges involved with angel investing, how angels make decisions and what factors to consider when deciding if angel investing is right for your business!
The webinar will be moderated by Les Schmidt. Go online now to register!
42nd Annual Small Business Forum
The Forum is a unique event where members of the public and private sectors gather to provide feedback to improve capital raising policy for startups to smaller public companies and their investors.
The 2023 Forum will include four virtual sessions April 24-27 from 1:00-2:30pm ET. Each day will focus on a different topic and feature speakers with in-depth knowledge of the issues facing small businesses across the country, followed by an opportunity for participants to develop policy recommendations.
Event Details
April 24-27, 2023
1:00 pm – 2:30 pm ET
Go online to follow along for registration information.
On May 17, 2023, the Angel Investor Foundation will be hosting our first silent auction at the ACA Summit of Angel Investing, benefiting AIF programming, in addition to the Hold ‘Em or Fold ‘Em Celebration hosted by Rick Timmins. All funds raised at this special event will go to our Foundation, having a direct impact on tomorrow’s leading innovations, products, and services.
Please support our efforts in one of two ways:
- Contribute an item for our silent auction
- Sponsor a carefully curated gift basket for $50
Your generosity will be featured on event programming, on our event registration site, and on social media. Gifts are tax deductible to the full extent of the law. EIN 86-1212274. We sincerely appreciate your consideration and time. To participate, or to learn more, please email Development Director Katelynne Staehnke.
This week on The Angel Next Door, host Marcia Dawood, Chair of the ACA Board of Directors, talks with modern renaissance man Mark Herschberg. From MIT educator and cybersecurity professional to startup CTO (Chief Technology Officer) and author, Mark has worn many hats throughout his professional career. Despite his expansive resume, he and Marcia focus on his time spent in the world of startups, mostly as an executive, including 2 startups he is currently working on.
Listen to the episode online or subscribe wherever you get your podcast content.
Angel Investing Basics:
- Fundamentals of Angel Investing – March 28
- Risks in Angel Investing – April 4
- Angel Returns and Portfolio Strategy – April 11
- Due Diligence Course – April 18
- Term Sheet Basics – April 25
- Valuation Course – May 2
Angel Investing Deeper Dive:
- Startup Boards Course – May 4
- Advanced Course on Capitalization Tables – May 9
- Angel Exit Strategies – May 11
3 Ways to Strengthen Your Growth Potential in Economic Uncertainty
An uncertain economy doesn’t mean decision-making has to stall. Connecting with peers, building community trust, and nurturing employees are three steps your startup can take to nurture growth and weather potential storms.
Luis Villalobos Award and the Hans Severiens Award 2023
The Hans Severiens Award: recognizing an individual’s or team of individuals’ work in advancing the field of angel investing, named after the founder of the Band of Angels. The Hans Severiens Award is presented annually to recognize an individual or team of individuals’ work in advancing the field of angel investing.
The Luis Villalobos Award: recognizes the most ingenious and innovative ideas recently financed by members of the Angel Capital Association. Two category winners will be selected to attend the ACA Summit and honored live and throughout the event. The award is presented to the winning CEOs during the annual awards ceremony at the 2023 ACA Summit (May 16-18, 2023).
Go online to learn more about the incredible work of Luis Villalobos and Hans Severiens or for information and forms on how to nominate your portfolio company or angel leader. If you have further questions, please reach out to Membership Director, Sarah Dickey.
Only a few spots left – ACA’s Innovation Funders Showcase (IFS) is like no other. This is not your traditional pitch event. The ACA community represents the most comprehensive investment segment of the early stage asset class with 250 Angel Groups representing more than 15,000 accredited investors. In a typical ACA Summit, investor representation exceeds 50% of our total group population.
Seeking Mentors – the Innovation Funders Showcase is actively seeking mentors, or coaches, to help guide IFS portfolio companies to the best possible pitch and outcomes.
Please reach out to Partnerships Director Damien Delgado to get started!
Upcoming Member Events:
- Chemical Angel Network Presents Investing in the Hard Sciences, Tue, Mar 28, 2023, 2:00 PM ET – 3:00 PM, Indianapolis Convention Center 100 S Capitol Ave, Indianapolis, Indiana, US, 46225. Go online to learn more.
- Chemical Angels Network is hosting a lunch and learn on technology transfer. Use the promo “ACA” for a free registration. The Technology Transfer Office’s Role in the Entrepreneurial Ecosystem
- The Flywheel Angel Network is hosting the Flywheel Investment Conference April 19-21 in Wenatchee, Washington. Reach out to Jenny Rojanasthien for more information or a discount code.
Looking Ahead: Upcoming ACA Events
Thank You to ACA Business Partners
As we enter a new calendar year, ACA would like to take this opportunity to recognize and thank all our partners for their dedication and commitment to our growing community. These partners offer myriad products and services that can aid in the investor journey be it by group or individual. We hope you will take the opportunity to consider all the possibilities and engage directly with those partners who provide solutions that align with your needs.
If you’re interested in sponsoring ACA annually or for the Summit of Angel Investing, please reach out to Partnerships Director Damien Delgado.
Connect with ACA
Angel Capital Association10977 Granada Lane, Suite 103Overland Park, KS 66221Unsubscribe peter.hovis@gmail.comUpdate Profile | Constant Contact Data NoticeSent by aca@angelcapitalassociation.org