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Goathouse $20,000 Spring Matching Campaign

Spring is here early, it felt like March in January and February with changes of temperatures that drove us and the garden crazy…all the spring flowers are blooming, the fruit trees are blooming, camellias, the Lady Banks, they are all in bloom…gorgeous, but I am really afraid the next cold snap will kill all of the flowers and fruit! Now it is actually “Marzo Pazzerello” (crazy March). Hopefully it will be kind.

It has been crazy with financial challenges too. We received $20,000 less in the past 2 months than our normal income and it threw us in a pit. We know a lot of other non-profits are struggling too. Fortunately for the refuge, one of our great donors will give us $20,000 IF we can match it to pay some of our bills…And breathe!!

To start this coming…and ending…we ask to all our family, friends and donors to support us and help us reach the goal of $20,000 that will make it possible to keep working for the well-being of the kitties and keep finding great families for the many we still have at the refuge. We have about 100 cats that are difficult to adopt out due to health or age but we still have about 170 cats that we believe should be able to easily be adopted out. Why has it been so hard to adopt out more cats lately??

We don’t know the exact answer but we speculate that it could harken back to the pandemic when adoption rates were so extraordinarily high. What we do know is that surrender rates have been very high and that shelters and rescue organizations all over the south are still at maximum capacity in February!

Some rescue organizations that we work with in other areas will begin slowly to transition a few of our cats to helping hands in our network. Unfortunately, some rescues have had to close due to financial difficulties but the Goathouse Refuge is determined not to close! We deeply appreciate your support, as it is so often said, we won’t be here without you!!

Donate today using PayPal, a Debit or Credit Card, or Venmo using the Donate button:

Or to become a Monthly Sustainer, click on Subscribe button and follow instructions on our website:

Thank you for helping us help the cats at the Refuge!

We are their Refuge  • You are their Future

Include Goathouse in your estate planning

Goathouse Refuge:  680 Alton Alston Road, Pittsboro, NC 27312 • 919-542-6815 •

Have you read “Behind the Scene”? It has some great stories about kitties and other animals saved by our refuge! Check it out by clicking on the link above.

Plan on visiting the Refuge? Please consider making a donation of one or some of the items on the list of daily-needed items:

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