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Just Two Weeks Left Before Early Bird Pricing Ends, Get Your Portfolio Company in Front of Angels!

Summit of Angel Investing Agenda Highlights

Read the full agenda online:

Register by February 28, 2023, to take advantage of the early-bird discount and save $250! If you’re in an angel group, gather your friends and register five or more members to receive a group discount of $100 per registration!

Register Now

ACA’s Innovation Funders Showcase (IFS) is like no other. This is not your traditional pitch event. The ACA community represents the most comprehensive investment segment of the early stage asset class with 250 Angel Groups representing more than 15,000 accredited investors. In a typical ACA Summit, investor representation exceeds 50% of our total group population.

This means that investors are in attendance not only to make personal investment decisions, but also to bring the next hot commodity back to their home angel group for further investment consideration. We regularly see groups that received IFS exposure still getting screening invites from ACA member groups 12+ months after their initial pitch. ACA offers an incredibly efficient and economical path to capital that can pay dividends for months following the presentation.

Please reach out to Partnerships Director Damien Delgado to get started!

Attend both the full Summit and The Ann and Bill Payne ACA Angel University to save! 

Courses will precede the Summit on May 15-16. Get a deeper understanding of important investment topics. 

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Angel Capital Association10977 Granada Lane, Suite 103Overland Park, KS 66211Unsubscribe peter.hovis@gmail.comUpdate Profile | Constant Contact Data NoticeSent by

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