It’s Super Bowl Sunday!
Today is Super Bowl LVII and it is in Glendale, Arizona. This part of Arizona is now in my district, and I could not be more proud for the city of Glendale to host this event.
Also, Phoenix is hosting the PGA Waste Management Open and to top it off we just finished Car Week. It is estimated that these three events will generate about $1 billion in economic activity with the Super Bowl contributing about $600 million. There are approximately 100,000 visiting fans in town and over 5,000 media representatives.
Whether rooting for the Kansas City Chiefs or the Philadelphia Eagles, pick your favorite and enjoy the game!
Joe Biden came to the House of Representatives this week to deliver his annual State of the Union address, but we didn’t hear much honesty in it and not many Americans tuned in to watch it. As I shared earlier in my special midweek newsletter, the state of our union is worse than ever. Crime is up almost everywhere, our southern border is being invaded, gas prices remain sky-high and are once again on the rise, inflation remains four times higher (6.5%) than it was the day Biden took office (1.4%), real wages have been negative for 21 straight months and our adversaries around the world are looking for opportunities to exploit our weaknesses. Biden lied to the American people on Tuesday. Sadly, Americans have come to expect lies coming out of this White House. That may help explain why Biden’s address to the nation was viewed by the fewest number of people in 30 years. People simply turned the channel rather than listen to the lies.
Gosar Sponsors Legislation Enhancing Social Security Benefits
This week I cosponsored H.R. 82, the Social Security Fairness Act,legislation repealing the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) and the Government Pension Offset (GPO).
Nearly 1.4 million Arizonans receive Social Security benefits, including over 106,000 individuals in my district. Sadly, many of my constituents, including fire fighters, police officers and teachers, have seen their benefits cut because of four-decade old federal laws eating into their Social Security entitlements they paid into. This legislation would finally repeal WEP and the GPO which have unfairly penalized thousands of Arizonans who worked tirelessly their entire lives. Click here to read my full statement and to learn more about the WEP and GPO.
Arizonan Citizen Rancher Forced to Defend Family from Illegal Alien ARRESTED
The Biden regime’s open border policy creates crime and chaos for the rest of us. In the case of one Arizonan in Santa Cruz County, an illegal alien with multiple convictions under our laws, entered the ranch property of George Kelly. Feeling threatened and wanting to protect his elderly wife, Mr. Kelly was forced to shoot the invader. Now, it is Mr. Kelly who is under arrest and being charged with a crime. If the government did its job, and kept illegal aliens out of the country, Mr. Kelly would not have felt threatened, and the illegal alien would still be alive. This death, and the actions of Mr. Kelly, were all precipitated by the Biden open borders policy. Click here to read more about this troubling story.
State Department Welcomes Political Prisoners from Nicaragua
News reports out of Washington, D.C. this week indicate that Nicaragua is sending over 220 political prisoners to the United States. They were arrested for protesting against their government and were harshly punished and locked away in awful prison conditions. Secretary of State Blinken issued a statement “welcoming their release as step towards addressing human rights abuses.” Another U.S. official noted those freed had “spent years in prison, many of them for exercising their fundamental freedoms, in awful conditions and with no access to due process.” Does any of this sound eerily familiar? It is exactly like our J6 political prisoners. Nearly one year has passed and the treatment of political prisoners held in detention facilities Washington, DC in relation to the event of January 6 is appalling. The physical conditions described by these inmates can only be described as inhumane. Perhaps our state department will work on releasing our own political prisoners?
The FBI Is Now Targeting Traditional Christians
We recently learned from an insider whistleblower that the FBI’s Richmond, VA field office released an internal memo last month warning against “radical traditionalist Catholic ideology,” and claiming it “almost certainly presents new mitigation opportunities,” according to the document.
This is yet the latest outrage committed by the FBI against its citizens. It is now undisputed that the FBI interfered with the 2016 and 2020 elections working to defeat Donald Trump and support Clinton and Biden. It has failed miserably at stopping domestic terrorist acts. Every year we learn of a crime where the criminal was “being watched by the FBI” but of course nothing was done. The FBI continues to engage in embarrassing sting operations where it creates the criminal enterprise, participates in the enterprise, organizes and leads the enterprise, staffs the enterprise with informants and agents, all to perhaps catch one guy dumb enough to follow their lead. In short, this agency is off the rails, untrustworthy and in need of great reform, if not elimination.
Now we learn the FBI is attacking traditional Christians. “With nearly 62 million people, it continues to constitute the largest religious body in 36 U.S. states, according to the latest religion-focused survey of America’s religious congregations.” Putting a target on 62 million Americans who work, pay their taxes and expect their government to go after criminals not Christians, is reckless and dangerous.
Illegal Aliens Voting in Our Elections
We all know that the Biden regime has invited over six million illegal aliens into our country, opened our borders, subjected our people to over 200,000 deaths from Mexican drug cartel fentanyl, and otherwise puts the needs of illegal alien over citizen taxpayers. It is the epitome of America Last and should be grounds for impeachment.
You may wonder, why would the democrats want open borders? What is the upside for the democrats when all the rest of see are millions of homeless, drug deaths, sex trafficking, and crime?
The answer: VOTES. Pure and simple.
The democrats want to register every illegal alien, you read that right, to have them vote. And seeing as the open border policy is largely bringing socialists, communists and other democrat leaning “immigrants” here, they are right to assume once registered they will vote communist, socialist-democrat. Every illegal alien voter cancels out a citizen vote.
I was able to do something about it in Washington, D.C. Voting is a foundational right of citizenship. It is a constitutional right that American citizens should only hold.
Bizarrely, on November 21, 2022, the D.C. City Council voted to shred the Constitution and passed a bill that allows illegal immigrants to vote in D.C. local elections. This blatantly unconstitutional leftist attempt to steal elections, they called the Local Resident Voting Rights Amendment Act, disenfranchises American citizens and could have a ripple effect across other large U.S. cities. To add insult to injury, this legislation makes no exception for foreign nationals or diplomats. This means that representatives from other countries, including agents of the Chinese Communist Party, can vote in D.C. elections. Of course, the democrats welcome communist votes, and this is intentional.
That is why this week, I voted for H.J. Res. 24, legislatioin that expresses disapproval of D.C.’s policy allowing non-citizens to vote.
Congress has the power to run D.C. Congress created D.C. It is not a state and can never be a state. It is a federal district because the Founders correctly concluded that if the nation’s capitol was in any one state, that state would have too much influence and power. In addition, prior to making a federal district, members of Congress were threatened and intimidated with the tacit support of local government officials. They created the federal enclave to protect themselves, make a neutral area, and run the nation’s government without any one state having too much influence.
History shows it was a grave mistake to give the residents of D.C. the power to govern themselves. It is time for Congress to fully take back its powers of governance here. The local D.C. government has a long history of corruption, ineptitude, incompetence and inability to run a safe and functioning city.
H.J.Res. 24 is a start, but Congress needs to do more.
Stopping the D.C. Council’s Horrific Soft-on-Crime Policies
Washington, D.C., as the nation’s capital, should be beautiful, safe and open to all Americans. In reality, it has often been overrun with crime, drugs, homelessness and every other problem that democrat governance brings. Over the last few years, we have seen the consequences of democrats’ embrace of the radical “Defund the Police” and “No Cash Bail” movements. In D.C., rape and sexual abuse is up 117 percent. Motor vehicle theft is up 86 percent. And homicides have increased by 20 percent. Keep in mind, D.C. started with a very high crime rate, so these year to year increases are staggering.
By slashing police budgets, ending cash bail, and allowing violent offenders back onto our streets, radical democrats have made our communities less safe. D.C. is no exception.
Recently, the D.C. City Council voted to revise the district’s criminal code and soften penalties for violent crimes. Car jacking, a serious felony, is endemic in D.C. No one is safe in their cars there. Rather than taking steps to stop car jackers and imprison them for a warranted 25 years, the D.C. City Council instead opted to decriminalize car jacking. The D.C. Revised Criminal Code Act of 2022 Act eliminated mandatory minimum sentences for all crimes except first-degree murder. It eliminated life sentences and reduced maximum penalties for violent crimes, such as burglary, carjackings, and robberies.
In short, it made serious crimes easier and more rewarding to commit since the criminals may not even get jail time – ever. The legislation was so bad, even far-left D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser vetoed it. However, on January 17, the D.C. Council voted 12-1 to override Mayor Bower’s veto.
Under the D.C. Home Rule Act, Congress can stop D.C. Council actions from taking effect. To do so, both the House and Senate must pass a joint resolution of disapproval within 60 days for criminal code reforms, and the President must also sign the resolution.
I therefore this week I also voted for H.J. Res. 26, legislation disapproving of this soft-on-crime law that will surely result in more innocent Americans getting killed and raped in D.C.
Woke D.C. Delegate Demands Removal of Andrew Jackson Statue
Speaking of Washington, D.C., Delegate Representative Norton, filed a bill to “require the Secretary of the Interior to remove the Andrew Jackson statue and marble base in Lafayette Square in the District of Columbia.” Keep in mind that taking down statues of presidents and generals who won glorious battles is normally done when a new regime takes over by force and revolution and the new revolutionaries want to erase all past history and glory.
Remember when we forced a regime change in Iraq and tore down statues of Saddam Hussein?
Has there been a revolution in D.C. and now the new regime wants to erase prior leaders and their accomplishments? Maybe, but let’s look at President Jackson. Andrew Jackson was the seventh President of the United States. He was similar to President Trump in that he fought for the common man against banking interests and bureaucrats. It is noted that he was protective of his honor, he engaged in brawls, and he killed a man who cast an unjustified slur on his wife Rachel.
He was a major general in the War of 1812 and became a national hero when he defeated the British at New Orleans. 210 years later, they want to tear down his statue and erase his accomplishments. Destroying a nation’s history, attempting to erase its former leaders, is the sign of a decaying nation or one under revolution. Or perhaps both. Either way it is a bad sign.
It’s Mail Time!
I receive a lot of mail from constituents on many topics. I’ve received well over 3,000 letters already this month! Here’s a sample of some of those letters I received this week:
Herman G. is a hater who frequently writes. Here’s the latest rant:
Gosar what a shame that you are such a shallow person (not sure about your “Christian” belief system). The people coming across the border have been through so many extreme situations, threats to their life and family, struggling to make ends meet to feed their families, and enduring incredible conditions to get here with the intent of providing for their families – just only needing a chance. We have so many basic needs met here in this country – most people are doing ok, they truly don’t fear the drama you have expressed in your diatribe about people seeking a better life. You need to open up your shriveled MAGA heart….
Herman, once again pretty much everything you listed is false. Central and South America are home to prosperous and functioning countries. The illegal aliens coming here want free benefits. They are not coming here to work. None of theseillegal aliens are fleeing political persecution. They are coming here for money and social benefits, and to do that you have to arrive here legally.
But even if we have a higher standard of living than say Brazil, that does not entitle them to crash our gates illegally. We have a legal immigration program. As do the countries they come from. No one is entitled to break in.
I doubt you leave your house open to anyone who wants to crash. Neither should our country.
Then there was this “thoughtful” letter sent by Bryon H. from Phoenix:
Hey dickhead
If any of you dolts touch my money I’ve paid into our Social Security system … I’ll organize a group of like-minded individuals and through this group we will find the most clever way to sue. Since your GQP party has walked all over laws, the constitution, and the concept of fact … Your immunity from prosecution is not as sure you and the rest of the 98 IQ team believe.
As always, I’m extending the invite to “own a liberal”. You’ve got my contact information… Here I sit. Bring it on.
Ok Bryon, let’s see who’s a “dolt” and a “dickhead” (why do leftists always call us names and get angry all the time?)
There is no effort to cut Social Security or Medicare. None. This is a democrat lie recently repeated by the most dishonest president in history—joe Biden.
First, Speaker McCarthy has stated repeatedly “that cuts to Medicare and social Security are off the table.”
More importantly, look at the work I’ve been doing for years.
Not only am I dead set against any cuts—not one red cent—I have multiple bills to increase benefits. As noted at the beginning of this newsletter, I sponsored HR 82, legislation that will restore full benefits to teachers, firefighters, police and anyone else with a pension from another source by eliminating the offsets now in place.
I have another bill, HR 4453, that would eliminate all federal taxes on Social Security. That will result in a 15% to 33% increase for millions.
I have a bill, HR 3564, to eliminate the OPT program which allows foreigners to work here but not pay into social security—but they can claim it. Very unfair to citizens.
I could go on Bryon. Let’s just say your party is lying about this. As for me and other Republicans in congress we will protect it and enhance it.
P.S. I brought it.
David T. shared his views on Social Security:
Thank you for addressing H.R. 82. In the 22 years since I retired, I
have lost tens of thousands of dollars because of this legislation,
while the “dead money” that was deducted from my paychecks was never returned to me. I greatly appreciate this effort!
Rhonda B. also wrote in about H.R. 82:
Please let the Representative know how much we appreciate the support by becoming a cosponsor for HR82. Forty years of this unfair law has hurt many senior citizens throughout the years by cutting their Social Security pay.
Pam Alexandroff from the National WEP & GPO Repeal Movement wrote in:
Thank you very much for supporting the repeal of the Government Pension Offset (GPO) and the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP). Nearly three million American citizens presently suffer from the GPO and the WEP; sadly, the offsets directly attack the financial security of public servants and disproportionately affect women, who often sustain the consequences of both penalties.
Dear David, Rhonda and Pam. Thank you and let’s get more committed than ever. This is your life. You worked hard and literally paid your dues. It’s your money and together we are going to get it back.
Tweet of the Week:
Photo of the Week:
Kimberly MacFarlane from Avondale, AZ shared beautiful photo of storm clouds over the Mogollon Rim outside of Payson, AZ. Great snap, Kimberly. Thanks for sharing.
Now, who is next!?
Do you have photography skills?
Do you want the chance for your photograph to be featured as our “Picture of the Week?” If so, send your best shots of our great state to Remember to include your name and where you live. We have a beautiful state, let’s show her off!