This is a carefully chosen selection of our most popular silver investments. It’s an affordable, easy way to get you started – and get you familiar with owning precious metals.
In fact, I’m offering this to you without charging even the normal modest premium, shipping fees, or other carrying costs! In truth, we’re not making a profit at all on your kit.
So why are we doing this?
First, because I passionately believe that everyone should own some precious metals. And second, we want to earn your trust – and be your provider for all your future precious metal purchases. Does that make sense?
So this communication is ONLY for beginners who’ve been wondering how to get safely started in precious metals.
Absolutely no traders or experienced buyers may take advantage of this offer. If we allowed them to, the inventory we have set aside to sell below our cost would be sold out in minutes.
Sorry, but I must enforce this single condition.
This offer comes with huge upsides for you as well. You can get started acquiring precious metals today without the hassle or guesswork of entering the market at the “right price.” Without getting stuck paying for metal so far above the melt value that you can’t easily recover your investment (much less make a buck), and with the opportunity to get all your questions answered by a knowledgeable, courteous, no-pressure specialist.
These are the exact same concerns that my Money Metals staff has already helped more than 400,000 Americans answer – so they could make their first gold and silver bullion purchases with completeconfidence.
And your investment is all liquid too. If you should decide to sell one day for any reason, we will buy your metals right back! No hassles or fooling around chasing your money. A very clean arrangement you can rely on.
Because here at Money Metals Exchange, we really strive to make everything easy for you.
Now here are the specifics of my offer.
In helping literally tens of thousands of individual investors, we’ve found that people’s biggest obstacle to making their first investment in physical precious metals is this: figuring out just how to get started.
Maybe you’ve been struggling with questions yourself. Like which forms of silver to choose.
That’s why for your very first purchase, I’ve made this decision for you, with a prepackaged mix of some of our very best sellers.
Our Silver Starter Kit includes three different types of silver coins, in three very popular sizes. |