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Angel Capital Association

ACA Upcoming Events
Ann and Bill Payne’s ACA Angel University will continue to deliver its high quality angel investor curriculum in a convenient, virtual format. Take advantage of this unique opportunity to learn from experienced angels with decades of experience in navigating the ups and downs of private markets.
Participants who complete the first six courses will earn the Basics of Angel Investing Certificate. Participants who complete all nine courses will earn the Advanced Angel Investing certificate. Certificates of completion with professional angel investing training hours will be awarded upon program completion.
Angel Investing Basics:
Angel Investing Deeper Dive:
Welcome back to our highly efficient virtual New England syndication! we invite ACA members and all investors to join this group of peers for deals (free for ACA members). We are getting started at 3:30p ET but register today as there is homework before we start. Investor attendees receive advance information about presenting companies so that everyone is prepared for a great session.
Registration is REQUIRED!
• 3:30p: Welcome – ACA Updates: Quick News You Can Use
• 3:35: Meet and Greet
• 3:50p: Company Presentations – The Lightening Round
All attendees have access to video presentations for our companies and our time will be focused on investor / company connections during each of three breakout sessions.
• 4:00p: Breakout Round 1 (All Presenters)
• 4:20p: Breakout Round 2 (All Presenters)
• 4:40p: Breakout Round 3 (All Presenters)
Company Nominations due February 2 – Contact Sarah Dickey for details and the nomination information.
*This is a private meeting open to accredited investors and invited guests only. *
The ACA Summit in 2023 is moving west to Vegas! Join us for three days of quality content, interactive discussions and vibrant networking to elevate your angel investing experience. Whether you are a new or experienced investor, angel group leader or part of the broader community supporting entrepreneurs and early stage investments, you’ll learn the latest on trending topics and meet new people, all to help improve your outcomes.
Inspiring Speakers and All New Topics
Our all-star lineup of speakers will kick off informative and interactive discussions to help you reach new heights. The welcome reception, breakout sessions, and networking breaks are designed for maximum engagement to make more connections.
  • Hot Industries
  • Ecosystem Partnerships
  • New Perspectives
  • Better Basics
  • Networking, Pitches & Dealflow
Annual Partners and Supporters
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