From the cats and all of us at the Goathouse, a BIG, BIG thank you to all of you who donated to reach our matching goal!!!!
Only a group of people with shared values can reach the goals they work for. Together, we belong to something much bigger than ourselves. Your support is helping build a sanctuary for the old and non-adoptable cats at the Goathouse. With love for these sweet creatures, we can give them a serene life with the love, dignity and care they deserve and that many have never known. Thank you with all my heart! All of us, kitties and people wish you a great, serene, and rewarding 2023!!!!
Most of our sustainers and donors do not see what we see every day, the intentional and unintentional cruelty of some humans toward animals. What unites us is the love for the creatures we are protecting and our mission.
Please use your voices and your power to teach people the reality of animal pain! YES: you have power! Collectively we have great power. Your words, time, and commitment can help change the uncaring and often cruel human behavior towards animals. Please join us! Volunteer to do what you know how to do: media, graphics, writing, make phone calls, be creative!
Share our posts and your views wherever you can. The force of all of us can make a profound impact. This is an invitation to work together to change the cruel mentality of this world!!!