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Forward Party



Peter —

As we wrap up 2022, we’ve been sharing just a couple of the inspiring stories we’ve heard this year that remind us of the importance of our mission. Today, I’d like to share with you the story of our New York Co-Lead, Erik Carter. If his story resonates with you, please consider making a year-end contribution right now. All grassroots gifts are being matched up to $25,000 by a generous donor.

Thanks, and here’s Erik’s story.

I spent most of my adult life as an activist in Republican politics, but I increasingly felt that the GOP had become too beholden to ideology and/or donor interests to effectively deal with serious issues facing our communities like fiscal responsibility, health care reform, and climate change. 

Feeling politically homeless, I moved back to New York to explore opportunities to change the two-party system and provide real options to people feeling politically abandoned like I did. That’s how I became involved with the Forward Party.

Why the Forward Party? It’s a party and a movement focused on tackling the shortcomings of our two-party system and finding solutions that work for our communities. 

No matter what issue you care about, our broken political system has made it very difficult to effectively address it. The incentive structure for candidates and voters is leading to dysfunction and disillusionment. There needs to be a viable, credible voice working to change the status quo and fight back against the ideological extremes our two-party system has created. 

The Forward Party is building a broad ideological coalition united on solving these problems. I like to think of the Forward Party’s mission as the three Rs: 

If you believe in a party committed to these three R’s, please join me and the hundreds of thousands of other Americans ready for a change and a voice in our political system. 

Thank you,
Erik Carter
New York Co-Lead

Forward Party



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Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 9172 Fredericksburg, VA 22403, United States

Paid for by Forward Party and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

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