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Friends of the Earth

URGENT ACTION NEEDED: Trophy hunters have already wiped out an ENTIRE PACK of Yellowstone gray wolves this season!

Wolves in Yellowstone National Park are federally protected, but as soon as they step a single paw over the border, merciless trophy hunters are waiting to VIOLENTLY MASSACRE them.

An ENTIRE PACK of Yellowstone gray wolves has already been completely eliminated this year after trophy hunters MURDERED 25 wolves who innocently wandered just outside the park — including 2 female pups and 1 female yearling within the very first week of the hunting season. These vicious killings will not stop unless we take urgent action. Please, Friend, add your name now to stop trophy hunters from killing gray wolves! 

There are only 89 Yellowstone gray wolves remaining. This vulnerable species recently regained endangered species protections in some states, but the three states bordering Yellowstone have NO LAWS keeping these animals safe. In fact, these states are actually making it even easier tolegally slaughter these treasured canines using BARBARIC HUNTING METHODS.

In Idaho, hunters can murder an UNLIMITED amount of wolves. Montana has just permitted the use of violent methods like CHOKING wolves with neck snares and MAIMING them with leg traps. And Wyoming allows wolves to be RUN OVER by snowmobiles and even for nursing wolf mothers and pups to be INCINERATED in their dens. Gray wolves cannot survive much longer if these inhumane hunting practices continue. Will you add your name to help protect these beloved animals from extinction?

Thank you for protecting wolves,
Friends of the Earth

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