Washington, D.C.—I work for you. So, when you write to me, I listen. When we meet in person, I listen. I also take what I have heard and learned back to Washington, D.C. I will never take for granted what an honor it is to be your Congressman. Let’s get to the mail!
Don C. from Bullhead City writes:
I’m a Veteran of the Vietnam Era and live in Bullhead City, AZ. My wife and I are so ticked off at the lack of enforcement at our Southern Border that it makes us sick to our stomach. As I fill out my quarterly Federal income tax payment it makes me irate knowing that a huge chunk of it will be spent to house, feed, and transport illegal aliens across our country. We have a daughter who lives in Tucson, and she sees more and more illegals all over the place.
And I have two grand kids in Houston who see the same thing. Have you been to the border to show your support for the border patrol and have you stood up in congress and shouted out your concern over this? Looking forward to your response. Thank you.
Dear Don, since being elected in 2011 I have been the most outspoken member of Congress raising the alarm over our massive illegal alien problems, our open borders, and the crime, drugs and human trafficking that go with it.
I have an A+ career rating with the immigration group NUMBERS USA. I have a 100% rating from the Federation for Immigration Reform (FAIR) because of my work to defend our borders. In 2019, I wrote a column about why staying out of Syria was the right thing to do and instead we should “focus our efforts and energy to protect our own weak borders” instead of defending Syrian and Turkish borders. Just last week I issued the following statement: “I have voted against every single bill to fund the war in Ukraine and I will not support this latest request by Biden to continue the needless death and destruction on both sides in this war. Our nation is under attack at the southern border, inflation is at an historic high and our country is buried in $31 trillion national debt. It would be a huge error for Congress to use this lame duck session to fast-track Biden’s shameful request for pallets of taxpayer dollars to perpetuate a needless war.” In September, I submitted a bill allowing states full authority to deport illegal aliens. In 2018, Politico wrote “Gosar, an immigration hawk whose Twitter account bears a post reading “no amnesty—period” pinned at the top” because of my request to deport illegal aliens. Ami Magazine wrote this about me: “Considered a hawk on border security and illegal immigration and described as “one of the staunchest opponents in Congress to legalizing undocumented dreamers” (immigrants who were brought to the United States illegally as children), he and Mr. Trump share many of the same world views, as well as a penchant for in-your-face, provocative statements.”
In short, Don, stopping the invasion of criminals across our borders, and stopping the homelessness, crime, drugs, sex trafficking, strain on health services, schools and housing due to illegal aliens (over 5 million in the last two years) has probably been my number one focus for years. I hope with the new Congress we can get some security restored.
Greg R., also from Bullhead City, asks:
The once great State of Arizona has been turned into a tyrannical third world dictatorship. It’s a place where elections are rigged and those of us who cherish the U.S. Constitution are considered outliers, terrorists and Hobbits. All one had to do was watch the Maricopa Board of Supervisors give a lesson in sniveling arrogance as the ” Little People ” attempted in vain to argue for free and fair elections. Then we go to the ” imperial City ” where Republicans McConnel and McCarthy, after they remove the knives they have planted in Trump’s back, are doing their best to support Biden’s massive ” Omnibus Bill.” A perverse orgy of spending giving Billions to Ukraine and the Green agenda. I’m beginning to believe that a third Party is the only option. Otherwise, the odds of voting our way out of an imposed tyranny are slim and next to none. And Slim just left town.
Greg – that’s quite the black pill, but you are not necessarily wrong on some of this. What happened in Maricopa County was a travesty. We may never know how many voters saw lines that were two or three hours long and gave up and never voted. If even one percent of the voters were disenfranchised this way, it cost Kari Lake and Abe Hamadeh their election. The arrogance of the board was disturbing and with luck they will be recalled and true public servants installed. If people can’t have faith that their vote will count, then we are no better than a third world country. And the crazy waste of money and lives in Ukraine is astonishing. I have called for peace all year. I have sought to end our meddling there. I have opposed every dollar wasted in Ukraine. I invited Mr. Putin and Mr. Zelensky to Arizona for peace talks.
Christopher G. in Prescott writes:
Since it seems likely the “Defense of Marriage Act” bill will pass the house and be signed into law by President Biden, I have two questions about the impact of the bill: First, how will the bill impact Christians who have a religious objection to the bill and the DOJ’s ability to sue religious organizations and individuals who won’t support the provisions of the bill on religious grounds? Second, please help me to understand how a law established by Congress can override the 1st Amendment to the Constitution regarding Freedom of Religion.
Dear Christopher: As to your second question, it can’t. The Supreme Court has routinely struck down congressional laws that are unconstitutional. Congress cannot pass any law that contradicts the Constitution. We will see if this law gets struck. Marriage was historically a matter conducted by religious leaders. At some point, governments got involved, but usually at the state level setting age requirements and consanguinity requirements. Very little else other than it had always been defined as an institution between opposite sexes. I do not see a Constitutional basis for Congress to act, nor do I see a rational basis for this law. It is simply not a federal issue. Will the left attack Christians and their belief using this law? Based on the left’s history of religious persecution, I would guess yes. And we will have to be prepared to defy their unconstitutional and illicit actions.
Mrs. Dena L. from Gold Canyon asks:
Rep Gosar, do you know if the attorney General is going to get answers to his questions about the many problems with the election. We have to have fair elections and if this keeps up people will not vote. What is going on in the state that we have so many problems. I personally think cheating and people that have moved here from liberal states. I love Arizona and don’t want to see it ruined by liberals. Please try and do something to help us. Hobbs is going to be terrible for the state not counting Mark Kelly and other democrats now elected in the state. Thank you for all you have done and continue to do for us in Arizona.
Dena—The attorney for Maricopa County in fact responded to the Attorney General, and in a snide letter essentially told the AG they did nothing wrong and the election was perfect. The AG sent an excellent letter seeking information.
The response was snarky, indeed, the county attorney proudly claimed that the people were not entitled “to a flawless election process.” Of course, what happened on election day, with over 50% of the tabulation machines failing, and two-to-three-hour long lines to vote, was not a minor flaw. Based on her statements, it appears that Hobbs will be a complete disaster for Arizona.
Glenda F. from Cottonwood states:
Please vote No on the Same-sex marriage bill. It is harmful and does not respect marriage. Also, we were very happy to have had you as our representative. Glad you won re-election in your new district.
Thank you, Glenda! I love Cottonwood (and Clarkdale and Jerome are favorites too!) I will miss you guys but I am not far. You can always call on me. You will be in good hands with Eli Crane! As for the abhorrent marriage bill, I voted NO. The cultural depravity and decline of this once great nation continues, but I will continue to fight to get us back on track.
James E. from Queen Valley writes:
I am writing to you to affirm our household opinion on the recent passing of legislation supporting the gay marriage stance in the US Senate. I believe the stance that the US Senate has taken on Gay marriage is appalling. … Gay Marriage is an abomination to GOD who is the founder of Marriage and only created a woman for the sole purpose to join with a man. Our family stands against the Gay Marriage legislation and believe it is an overstep of Government to even enforce or manage such an act. We desire that you vote against such measures when brought up in legislation to the best of your ability.
Dear James, I voted NO and agree that the traditional view of marriage, sanctified by God and not the state, is best for our country.
Mr. William P. from Golden Valley offers the following observation:
In your last email communication you published a couple of emails you received criticizing you. I just wanted to say that your responses were intelligent and well said. To answer a fool with a foolish response avails nothing except to put one at the same level as him, however a wise answer to a fool may give him instruction. In these perilous times we need upright people in positions of influence. “When the righteous are in authority, the people rejoice, but when the wicked rule, the people groan.” (Proverbs 29:2)
Dear William, very well said, and thank you.
Mr. Peter B. from Prescott wrote:
I Enjoyed your newsletter and just HAD to comment on your letter from “Amanda.” Many years ago, I explained to my young son that to succeed in this world you need to learn the mental skill of logical thought. Logic is a skill that works like a food grinder…you feed in the facts pertinent to the matter and grind out the logically resultant answers to your questions about that matter. The kicker is that the answers this activity generates will only be as valid as the facts (or assumptions?) you feed into the grinder. I mentioned this to encourage my son to go to college and amass a huge store of worldly information that is valid and proven and ready for use in feeding the power of the logic grinder. Amanda demonstrates what happens when someone learns how logic works (sort of) and applies it to questionable ‘facts’ and assumptions. It’s a lot like a mathematical equation: erroneous input invariably translates to erroneous output and the ‘mathematician’ will SWEAR BY what he/she has concluded. To keep things up to date one needs to seek and continue learning about the world. For whatever reason, many people don’t bother, or the fake news misleads them and we will continually be amazed at the convoluted conclusions arrived at by people like Amanda.
PS – (Kudos! For standing by Andy Biggs.)
Pete—You sound like a great and wise father to your children. Your point is well taken. Sometimes I feel sorry for the leftists that get worked up about nonsense because I assume they are getting all their information from CNN, NPR or the AZ Republic and other sources that are questionable, biased, incomplete or outright propaganda. I also worry that our general population is suffering from a “dumbing down” to an unprecedented level. It is up to good fathers like you to help our next generation become critical thinkers and better citizens.
Mr. James G. in Prescott writes:
Bravo to you Sir! I don’t want to lose you. As a Vietnam veteran I appreciate you so much. I count it as a privilege to continue supporting you all these years. I am so proud of you. You are a rugged rocky mountain big horn sheep protecting your charge! I was being treated by the VA as a veteran but I am now so ashamed of the so called “veterans administration” because they STILL require healthy people to identify as bandits by having to “mask up” to enter the VA in Prescott. And, if this is true, the VA is the only federal entity to legally allowed to perform abortions! Please tell me this is false. If it is true I will never set foot in a VA facility again. Why would I go to a facility that condones state sanctioned murder and infanticide! I am so ashamed at what this nation is becoming. We are being steamrolled into a modern Sodom and Gomorrah before sane, God loving representatives can legally be back in control of our government. I so look forward to our LORD and Savior ruling and reigning the whole earth from Jerusalem! I know you can’t do it by yourself. Just want to say “I am proud of you brother” and keep up the good work.
Dear James—I am humbled by your kind words. You are not losing me, you are gaining Representative Eli Crane. I will always be available to you. You have my contact information and I will work with Eli. And yes, unfortunately, under this crazy Biden Regime, VA health centers are offering abortions. This is truly immoral and a shocking depravity for the VA. We will work to stop that coming in January. Thank you for your dedication to your country and we all look forward to the day when peace, love and justice are restored to earth by the one true God.
Mr. Tom S. from Prescott wrote:
Dr. Gosar, you are my congressman for another 33 days, then, Eli Crane will be my U S Congressman. I hope you will help Eli become the best he can be and support the Freedom Caucus. You and Eli MUST insist the majority leader hold a SOLID 100% count against the unworthy Democrats. Arizona is under the threat of another stolen election as Maricopa and vote “counting” equipment has not been replaced since the 2020 stolen election in Arizona. I hope you are feeling good; I know you have issues but your mind is clear and pure. Thank you for all you have done for constitutional government in America.
Dear Tom, you have been a friend and supporter of not just me, but the most important issues of our day. You have been a light in the dark, holding true to your values and beliefs. I thank you for your support and kind words, and you can bet the farm I will be working with Eli Crane!
Tony F. from Apache Junction writes:
I just want to thank you for everything you are standing for. I enjoy getting your newsletter. I have always voted for you. Since districts have changed that is no longer possible. I will always appreciate what you do for Arizona. God Bless you and thanks again for all you do.
Tony, thank you! It is an honor and privilege to represent you. I will miss Apache Junction, Gold Canyon and the beautiful view of the Superstition Mountains. Please stay in touch and know that Eli will be a great representative. God bless you.
Teena S. in Chloride asks:
Mr. Gosar, let me begin by saying how thankful I am to know you’re part of Arizona’s voice. The voting in Maricopa County is a disaster. I am a registered voter and still have no idea if my vote even counted! There needs to be a new Speaker, period. My trust and faith in Kevin McCarthy is nonexistent. I don’t trust the man. We in Arizona need a fighter!! We need a new election!! Tax cuts would help, but with the economy and prices, there needs to be more fight on the Republican side. This comes down to Freedom or Tyranny. Communism. Too much control in the hands of this Government. They are NOT looking out for the people! We The People voted you in to work for us, not the other way around. People are getting tired of a regime. Not a good outlook. I’m disabled, my check sure isn’t worth the control this Government has put on me. Thank you for listening, I hope.
Dear Teena—I am listening. At this point we have millions of Republicans and democrats who don’t trust the voting system. It is unnecessarily complicated and too easy to cheat. More and more people have lost faith in its integrity. We can hope that the state legislature will fix this in January. They came close to fixing it last year except one or two republican members decided to join the democrats and voted against true election improvements. I agree we need more fight, and more fighters on our side. I feel some days I am a lone voice, but in reality, I know I speak for millions of people, and I won’t give up my efforts to save this country.
Jerry G. from Chloride writes:
You seem to really care. I hope you know regular people in our state really appreciate the hard work you do for America First. The border is a problem. With all the news on gun violence I stand firm in belief of the constitution. The fake news goes out of their way to report mass shootings and if there isn’t one they report on past shootings. I’m sure it’s all part of Biden democrats far out left plan to disarm citizens instead of backing our police to enforce the laws we have. If they decide to make firearms illegal, the real criminals will still have guns and it will make law abiding citizens criminals because we will never give up our constitutional rights. Give me liberty or give me death. Sorry I got rambling. Thanks again. If there is something we can do for you just ask.
Dear Jerry, I do know how many of you appreciate my work. Every two years there is an election and even in a four-way primary, I got 66% of the vote. That tells me how much the people have my back. I agree with you, we cannot give up the right to self-defense. Not one inch. It is a constitutional right. It is a civil right. And self-defense is a human right inherent with all people. Many cities have essentially banned firearm ownership, like Chicago, D.C. and Baltimore, and the crime rate is astoundingly high. Indeed, in many of our cities, run by leftists, you have a better chance of getting killed than a soldier did in Iraq or Afghanistan. Stay strong. I am there with you.
Richard B. from Cordes Lakes has a simple message:
Ukraine. Enough already. Stop sending money there. Use it for our defense and infrastructure.
Richard: Perfectly said.
Mr. David M. from Cottonwood writes:
Hi Congressman Gosar. I am writing regarding the January 6th prisoners that have been locked up in a Washington D.C. jail. These people have not been treated like human beings. The living conditions in their cells are despicable. They have not had any legal representation and are treated like terrorists. I am calling on my representatives to open an investigation into this matter. Most of these prisoners never entered the Capitol that day. I would hope you would get involved and save these people from eventual starvation and death.
David: I went to the prison and was denied entry by a belligerent and angry warden—twice! My colleague Marjorie Taylor Greene was ultimately allowed in and submitted a horrifying report of the conditions there. Get this: “Representative Greene and her congressional colleagues, Reps. Gohmert, Matt Gaetz, and Paul Gosar, were denied entry to the jail on multiple occasions—July 29 and November 3. In July, the Deputy Warden of the facility—Ms. Kathleen Landerkin, charged a congressional delegation led by Rep. Greene with trespassing, avoided and evaded Representatives’ questions, and forcibly locked congressional Members out of the facility.” Read it here.I plan on investigating the crimes against humanity in the hell hole prison system and investigate the judges who are throwing mere trespassers in jail for years, while allowing violent criminals an easy pass. This will not go on.
Mr. Joe K. of Prescott writes:
Congressman Gosar, So now Mr. Biden wants us to pay reparations to third world countries that have suffered because of the economic growth of first world nations? When are the Republicans going to grow a spine and start challenging the actions of the leftist loons who are intent on a new world order that will most certainly not be utopian if such policies continue to gain favor with incompetent bureaucrats? Anyone with an interest in climate change can readily find plenty of information that disproves the ICCC original “hockey stick” graphs that were based on data that was unscientifically gathered and then manipulated via computer modeling to reach the hysterical conclusions now being put forth as gospel by idiots like John Kerry, Al Gore and the Biden loons. Carbon Dioxide is not a pollutant, but a critical part of the global support structure for the generation of oxygen—there are more trees now on the planet that ever before. Warming is a natural outgrowth of the fact that we are still emerging from the last ice age–ice melts when it gets warm, duh.
The Republicans haven’t got a chance in hell of taking back the White House in ’24 so long as weak kneed RINOs like Mitch and Kevin are still calling the shots. The party needs to adopt the election tactics of the Dems and get a message with solid action to resolve our many problems–not just continually complain about the “evil left.” Add Ronna to the list of ineffective holders of key positions in the party who should be removed. Our country is going to hell and everyone inside the beltway seems complicit in the move. You seem to be an advocate for mature and reasoned thinking/action.
Joe—you are spot on regarding the climate change hoax. First, we were told in the 1970’s the planet was cooling, and we were all doomed unless we paid more taxes. Then in the late 1980’s, after all predictions for cooling failed, they started to claim the Earth was warming dangerously and we would all be dead and under water in a mere 20 years. And they blamed people. And cars. Fast forward another 15 years, and not one of their goofy predictions came true, and they started calling it “climate change.” And these so-called experts confuse weather with climate. Weather happens today, this week, this year. Climate is measured over thousands of years. One thing is clear, all of their lunacy has proven false. I will oppose the climate hoax and spending one dollar on it. Warmer weather is good for agriculture, animals, and pretty much the entire earth. Nut jobs who fear natural weather changes should be ignored as dangerous fools.
Mr. Fred R. in Bullhead City writes:
Good Day, Representative Gosar. As we conservative Arizonans reflect on the results of our recent mid-term elections, our collective disappointment at the results of what we thought might be a “red tide” victory has left many wondering “what happened?” What could we have done differently that would have at least provided a balance to our state government, to our federal government?
What do we have to look forward to as we anticipate the next election cycle in 2024? We are already seeing potential candidates positioning themselves for a campaign at the national level. How can we as a party prevail when we fight amongst ourselves and begin the process of gathering ammunition against our opponents within our own party?
I look forward to receiving your weekly newsletter and am grateful to have you as a voice of reason and clarity in our government. I look forward to your thoughts and insights about how we might come together as a unified party in the next two years in hopes of bringing some veracity back into our governmental processes. Thank you for taking the time to read this message.”
Fred: you raise an excellent point. The reasons for the lack of the “red wave” are still being evaluated. It is likely there was a convergence of many issues that led to this result. As for Republicans tearing each other down, I saw this in my own primary, and the Blake Masters and Kari Lake races. I don’t know if there is an easy answer to this, but it is undeniable that the brutal primaries sometimes leave our chosen candidates broke and black-eyed, facing a well-funded democrat who had no primary. This is going to be evaluated closely.
Pamela P. in Litchfield Park sent this pleasant note:
You are an insurrectionist jerk who needs to defect to Russia hopefully we will see you gone soon.
Ok Pam, take a breath. Every American has the right to protest, to petition their government for redress of grievances and to speak freely. And others have the right to disagree. That one group asserts that an election was riddled with fraud does not make them “insurrectionists” or “jerks.” Was Al Gore a jerk when he claimed the 2000 election had fraud? Was Hillary Clinton an insurrectionist when she said the 2016 election was illegitimate? As for Russia, none other then Biden stated: “US Vice President Joe Biden announced Obama’s new policy at the February 2009 Munich Security Conference: ‘It’s time to press the reset button and to revisit the many areas where we can and should be working together with Russia.” Thus, your idols were in full support of Russia until February of this year. Russia had a right to defend its borders from the eight years of constant attacks on its citizens by Ukraine. Further, Ukraine embraces several regiments of Nazis. I would assume you, as an American, would not support Nazis. But your tax money, over $80 billion, has in fact been sent to help Nazis in Ukraine. This is a shameful policy for our country. I continue to maintain that we should spend our time and money protecting our border, not Ukraine’s borders.
P.S. I just got re-elected, so I ain’t going anywhere but D.C.