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Thansgiving 2022

Thanksgiving 2022


As some of you may know, I read to Susan, in bed, before we call it a day. We just finished a book which compiled vignettes about a number of saints and among them was Saint Francis of Assisi. They were a distinctly diverse group.


We are now into G. K. Chesterton’s, Orthodoxy, The Romance of Faith, New York: Dodd, Mead & Co., 1908. Chesterton was an Englishman 1874 – 1936. He never finished college, but is remembered as a philosopher, Christian apologist and a lay theologian. Early on he wandered into magic, thence to Anglicanism and thence, at age 48, he was baptized a Roman Catholic. At his death it was claimed, “He was importantly and consistently on the side of the angels.”


The thought struck me, WOW, if you have to be somewhere, being ‘on the side of angels’ is probably a great place to be. I know there have been times when I did not occupy such a space. As I reflect on that phrase it seemed a wonderful starting point to wish you all a Blessed and Happy Thanksgiving. Susan joins me in that wish.


Over the past year three things seem important for which I must be personally thankful. A year ago, Susan and I were having challenges with Covid 19. Susan motored through the experience in three days feeling as if she had a mildish flu. I never felt very sick, but was extremely lethargic for seven to ten days. We both recovered and do not seem to be involved in long Covid. Neither of us are vaxxed, but that is for another day. We are thankful. Angel 1.


This summer grandson Alex and his bride Rebecca, spent three full days with us. New visitors to Southern Oregon must experience a rafting trip on the Rogue, so we dutifully responded. Far too many folks are too cavalier about wearing a life vest on these rides and I was among them. How-ever, not two weeks before our rafting trip, Fire Chief Winfrey, was giving a report to our City Council and he closed his remarks by emphatically telling everyone to be certain to wear a life vest on the river. He reminded us that folks drown while on the river. As we checked out the raft for the first time in many, many trips I double checked everyone‘s life vest for a proper fit.


We were a couple of miles from the pullout ramp when our raft hit a funnel. I rode out the first two lurches, but the third tossed me into the water. My Marine Corps water training kicked in and my head was quickly above water. The rapid had been short and we were quickly in what appeared to be slow water. I had not realized how fast the water moved even in wide spots. I was soon holding and being held against the side of the raft, but getting to shore was a challenge. Finally, a gardener spotted us and moving at a quick pace sped to the shore line and extending his rake pulled us ashore. We are thankful. Angel 2.


We have a diverse and scattered family. We also have a large family of friends, distinct and dispersed. They are all a blessing to us. We are thankful. There are angels among them.


As we all give thanks, be thankful for the hope you have, be thankful for your future and do not fret. And always be thankful for the light that God shines on your path.


Love, Hank and Susan

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