In the spirit of Thanksgiving, I am sending you a message of gratitude on behalf of our Foundation family. Every day, Soldiers, Army veterans, and their families enter the National Museum of the United States Army to see their stories told with honor and respect. Whether they served for one enlistment, or made a career of their time in uniform, they see how the Army’s 247-year legacy is not complete without their service.
By giving our Soldiers and Army families this permanent tribute, especially in such a magnificent Museum, you have presented them with an incredible gift. Thanks to your support, the Army community—past, present, and future—will feel the appreciation of their grateful nation. They will know that the country and our allies around the world will forever have a place to visit that preserves their contributions and remembers the sacrifices they made on behalf of us all.
Your commitment to our mission also gives our Foundation the daily gift of sharing this Museum and the extraordinary patriotism it represents with visitors from all walks of life. For that, we are extremely grateful.
From our family to yours, we wish you a happy Thanksgiving.
LTG Roger Schultz, (USA-Ret.)
The Army Historical Foundation