Site icon Peter A. Hovis


Fellow Conservative,

Our nation needs to ditch the radicalism and get back to what made us great to begin with: hard work and the American Dream.

That’s why I’m running against Squad Member Ilhan Omarbecause I grew up in Minneapolis, and I remember how my city was thriving before Ilhan and her radical allies destroyed my community.

Democrats like Ilhan have done nothing to help our economy or stop the violence on our streets. If anything, they’ve encouraged it while exploiting racial division to gain power.

I think America deserves better, and it’s time we put that reign to an end.

Ilhan Omar has been allowed to spread hate and push radical politics across this nation. She pushed my city to defund the police, and now it’s a breeding ground for crime and murders.

Ilhan Omar praised Antifa and BLM when they burned communities across America, then bashed the very country that welcomed her and her family with open arms. She does this while enjoying more freedoms than anywhere else in the world.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. We cannot stand by and let Omar or the Washington Democrats tear our nation apart from the inside out! It’s time for change and I need your help to make it happen.

So what will it be Fellow Conservative, do you want more of Ilhan’s radicalism or can I count on your help to beat her?

If we want to restore our nation, then it starts by winning back one state, one city, or even one community at a time.

This is your chance to make a real difference, stand with me today and let’s beat the radical Ilhan Omar.

For America,

Cicely Davis


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