Site icon Peter A. Hovis

🔥🔥 New TV Ad destroys Democrat hopefuls

Developing: Weak-kneed Mitch McConnell is lacking optimism about Republican chances to take back the Senate…and he’s pulling millions of dollars in TV ads from Arizona because of it!

Peter, this betrayal was a long time coming.

But McConnell’s cowardice is OUR opportunity, because it also presents us with the chance to finally EXPOSE Mark Kelly and flip the most important Senate seat in the country with the #1 MOST EFFECTIVE political ad campaign in history.

It’s an ad campaign so effective one news site said it CRACKS THE CODE of beating Senate Democrats and suggested EVERY conservative candidate in the country needs to adopt it!

Even better, this ad has already helped America First Conservative Blake Masters rise from eight points down in the polls to a virtual TIE with Extremist Democrat Mark Kelly.

The Arizona Sun said it was responsible for REVIVING Master’s campaign! It’s that effective.

Now, victory or defeat in this battleground race WILL depend on whether this ad stays up through Election Day.

And that depends on the support of men and women like YOU.

Will you help us get this TV Ad to even MORE swing voters by making a $35, $50, $100 or more donation today?

Donate now to fund another round of ad buys for “the greatest ad in the history of campaign ads.”

My name is George Landrith, and as a law professor, former Congressional candidate, and the president of Frontiers of Freedom Action, I’ve made it my mission to discover the most effective rhetorical strategies for winning elections… and Saving America from the Left’s destructive agenda.

Now, I know you’re an active conservative and get many appeals, but what you should know about this one is that it’s made an IMMEDIATE IMPACT since the second it dropped on Phoenix TV stations.

As a conservative who knows what’s at stake, I hope you’ll join me in making sure it NEVER comes down – and that we can produce even more ads for battleground conservatives in tight races all across America!

If you’re convinced, then please let nothing stand in the way of making a $35, $50, $100 or more donation right now.

If you’re not, watch our ad using the link below so you know EXACTLYwhat your donation is funding.

WATCH the ad that CRACKS THE CODE of beating Extremist Democrats >>

You see, Frontiers of Freedom Action’s ads aren’t like normal political TV ads, which usually last for 30 seconds and only hit the buttons of dependable Republican voters.

Those ads presume, but our ads inform and motivate.

At two minutes long, and with a one minute “chaser”, it gets the REAL STORY to the voters who are the least likely to follow the news – but most impressionable with the truth.

How do we get them this narrative?

In primetime TV spots where even the media censors CAN’T COVER UP a messaging strategy that hits:

    • How this Election is all about the media bosses and progressive elite covering up and covering for their chosen candidates;
    • Mark Kelly and Chuck Schumer’s “CORRUPT BARGAIN” with far-left socialists like AOC and the “Squad” in exchange for not having to fight a primary battle;
    • Mark Kelly and Chuck Schumer’s EXTREMIST voting record on everything from inflation-worsening spending bills to wide-open borders to crime-plagued streets;
    • The Media’s blatant support for the Schumer-Biden agenda and their willingness to SAY WHATEVER and DO WHATEVER to push it;
  • Joe Biden’s DEEP and CONTINUING corruption – all made possible because of Democrats like Schumer and Kelly!

That’s not even saying anything for how this ad exposes Kelly’s SILENCE about the origins of the coronavirus or how he gave Biden the power to DEMONIZE conservatives and send the FBI and DOJ after Americans like you!

Let me be blunt.

Research shows NO AMERICAN wants to vote for an extremist. But this ad shows the TRUTH: That “moderate” Mark Kelly is bought and paid for by extremists on the left!

Will you help me keep it on the air so we win the Arizona Senate race?

If the answer is YES, please let nothing stand in the way of making a $35, $50, $100 or more donation today.

Donate now to fund another round of ad buys for the “the greatest ad in the history of campaign ads.”

Remember, this ad reaches the people we NEED to win this race, but it’s NOT going to come cheap.

In fact, because it’s longer (and remember, more effective) then normal political ads, it’s currently costing us $13,200 per 2-minute run with the 1-minute chaser.

And with Democrats group already reserving $39 million in ad buys for the remainder of this race, Blake Masters can’t win without your help today.

So, know that if you could make a large donation of $1,000, $2,500, $5,000, or even $10,000 – it will allow us to immediately deploy these ads during the most-watched Prime Time TV hours in the Phoenix area.

But keep in mind – time is running out, and we need to get this ad to more stations.

If you wait to make your donation until later in October, we might not have enough cash-on-hand to reserve the most effective time slots.

So, no matter how much you can give, please make sure you give today.

This race will decide whether America lives or dies.

And this ad – funded by you – will decide whether Blake Masters beats Mark Kelly in the #1 Senate race in the country.


George Landrith
President, Frontiers for Freedom

PS: There’s never been a more effective political ad than this one, and there’s never been a more important time to EXPOSE Biden-enabling Senators like Mark Kelly to voters than right now. This ad has already helped bring Black Masters within striking distance of Mark Kelly, and if we can keep it up through Election Day, Masters will win.

That all depends of you. So please, won’t you make an immediate $35, $50, $100 or more donation to Frontiers of Freedom Action’s Emergency Ad Buy Fund today?

Paid for by Frontiers of Freedom

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