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Mark Kelly United States Senator

Dear Mr. Hovis,

Thank you for contacting me about the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022. As a former Navy pilot, combat veteran and retired NASA astronaut, it is an honor to continue my service to our country representing Arizona in the United States Senate. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts on the issues facing our state and our country. Hearing from Arizonans helps me better serve our state, and I hope you will continue to share your perspective and suggestions.

On July 27, 2022, after a year-long push, the United States Senate passed my microchip manufacturing plan as part of the CHIPS and Science Act of 2022, a bipartisan bill that will create tens of thousands of high-paying jobs in Arizona, fix supply chains, lower costs, strengthen our national security, and reinvigorate U.S. efforts to lead the world in research, development, and innovation. The House immediately considered the legislation and passed the bill with bipartisan support on July 28, 2022, and it was signed into law on August 9, 2022.

Microchips are in everything, including cars, washing machines, and the most advanced fighter jets. The microchip was invented in the United States, and we once produced 40 percent of the world’s supply. But in recent years that number has shrunk and today the United States makes just 12 percent of the worlds’ microchips, while a majority of microchips are produced in southeast Asia. And the United States produces none of the most advanced chips. Additionally, over the past two years, supply chain bottlenecks have created a microchip shortage, increasing costs for too many Arizonans.

For over a year, I negotiated and worked to pass this plan that provides incentives for chip makers to build or expand their operations here in the United States. With these investments, we’re also making sure that companies can’t use these incentives to buy back stocks and enrich shareholders. And if they work with us, they can’t build their most advanced manufacturing facilities in other countries, like China. This will position the United States to regain its leadership in microchip manufacturing and development. And Arizona will lead the way.

Arizona is an emerging microchip hub that is poised to rapidly expand because of our CHIPS and Science Act funding. This is going to create tens of thousands of jobs not just with companies like Intel and TSMC that are building new manufacturing facilities in Arizona as a result of our bill, but also with the network of companies that support them. And many of these jobs don’t require a four-year degree. At Estrella Mountain Community College’s West-MEC Campus, I saw their Semiconductor Technician Quick Start program, which through a partnership with TSMC and Intel is getting Arizonans the skills they need to join this industry in just a ten-day course. This will prepare Arizonans for great-paying careers without going into debt to get a degree.

By creating more microchips here at home, our bipartisan legislation will lower costs for everyday goods and strengthen Arizona’s position as a leader in the production and manufacturing of this technology that is critical to our economy and to our country’s national security. As Arizona’s senator, I’ll continue to work with my colleagues in the United States Senate, both Republicans and Democrats, to bring manufacturing back to the United States and get Arizonans the skills they need to work these new great-paying jobs.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on this issue, and I hope you will continue to contact my office with any future comments or questions. I’m committed to being transparent and accountable with all Arizonans, which is why I release my official Senate schedule at There you can also sign up for my newsletter, receive assistance with a federal agency, and learn more about my work as Arizona’s senator.


Mark Kelly
United States Senator

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