Before I dive into this topic, it’s important know one thing: A woman must, above all, understand she is beautiful in the eyes of her Creator. Though she may look to her husband for validation, she must first “let the King be enthralled by [her] beauty” (Psalm 45:11).
Archaeologists in Israel have unearthed rare ivory plaques dating to the time of King Solomon that would have been used to decorate furniture and are apparently what is referenced in the biblical books of 1 Kings and Amos.
With recent events of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC) scandal, it has been noticeably more common to talk about leadership abuse in the church. Sadly, many churches are suffering from poor, manipulative leadership right now.
If you are beating yourself up for a mistake, this will help you feel so much better! Mistakes aren’t bad! If you’ve had a mess up or a failure too… this is how to reframe that experience into the best thing that ever happened to you.
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